Friday, April 16, 2010

Bumblebee To Become a Convertible in TF3?

A new rumor has appeared on the Camaro5 Message Boards suggesting that Bumblebee might become a convertible for Transformers 3. tmurphycardesign writes:
as ive mentioned before im a designer in cadillac, and today i had to make a run downstairs to the shops, and what do i see..the transformers 3 bumblebee...and i gotta say it looks pretty badass! i think u guys are gonna be really excited when u see it! i guess were shipping it out real soon because they are goin to be shooting it within a week or so..either way it looks real good
The reason for the belief that a convertible is in the cards is due to GM's tease of the 2011 Chevy Camaro Convertible. It would not be much of a leap to provide Bumblebee with that mode considering they are already tweaking his design for the 2011 film. Bumblebee looking like the 2011 Chevy in time for it to hit car lots means a lot of potential sales to GM, something they still desperately need. The idea is also supported by the Transformers: ROTF Autobot scale guide that indicates a 2008 Chevy Camaro Convertible was considered as an alt mode. Hopefully once TF3 filming officially starts in a month or so we will get confirmation of this rumor. Thanks to Christopher for all the links.


  1. Martinus Prime4/16/2010 8:38 PM

    I don't ff-ing hope so! Come on, a convertible?? How awful looking is that, a convertible is NOT bad-ass looking, and the idea is supported by TF:ROTF Autobot scale guide? What the f? Nice for summer rides, but for a Transformers movie, NO!
    I really hope and cross my fingers that Bumblebee stays a hardtop!

    Btw, the image on the right is no where near correct, BB and Sideswipe aren't that small in the movie!

  2. ok this bumblebee is red...anyone else see a possible reference to cliffjumper????

  3. this comaro is red...isn't cliffjumper red? possibly the appearance of cliffjumper in tf3 maybe? that would be tight

  4. Nyuuuu T.T Bee cant be one that would warp how he as been so far its not okay. I like my hard top yellow Bee.
    Dont really like Cliffjumper but better him than Bee.

  5. Anonymous said...

    this comaro is red...isn't cliffjumper red? possibly the appearance of cliffjumper in tf3 maybe? that would be tight
    4/16/2010 9:19 PM


    Its just a PICTURE RELEASED by GM!! To showcase and PROMOTE the new Camero Convertible!

    Ever think that? The color of the picture has NOTHING to do with whats in the movie...

    Use your brain people! Why would cliffjumper be a camero? damn....

  6. That Camaro picture is just of the generic model GM uses for its promo shots. Just google Camaro convertible and you'll find other ones. So that image is just a regular Camaro convertible, and if it was painted red I'm pretty sure that tmurphy guy would've realized it probably isn't Bumblebee. Although if they did include Cliffjumper, I think the new Chevy Cruze would fit perfectly.

    I personally like the hardtop better too, but I won't be crushed if Bumblebee is a convertible now since it won't change anything too significantly.

  7. Hope this is not true and it's another autobot.

  8. The original post at the link says nothing about it being a 'vert. Another poster did toss that in. I think the question mark is on the title for a reason.

  9. Anyone else think that a designer for Cadillac would type like an 8 year old punk? You know. With lack of grammar and such?
    Seems fishy to me.

  10. "as ive mentioned before im a designer in cadillac, and today i had to make a run downstairs to the shops, and what do i see..the transformers 3 bumblebee...and i gotta say it looks pretty badass! i think u guys are gonna be really excited when u see it! i guess were shipping it out real soon because they are goin to be shooting it within a week or so..either way it looks real good"

    Yeah that's some pretty good spelling/grammar there from an educated Cadillac designer. Wow. Totally credible source. /end sarcasm

    Plus that thread is just really bad. Some of those pics come from people who don't even know their cars. I don't even believe half of the "spy shots" now that TF is a big big thing and everyone wants to put an Autobot or Decepticon logo on their cars/trucks.

  11. Any idea when Transformers 3 is due out? As far as the Camaro5 does look like a car that would blend very nicely into the movie.

  12. If Bumblebee becomes a Camaro convertible, I'm not sure I would go and see the movie. Yes, there is a huge GM tie-in to the movie, but using the convertible instead of the hardtop would be over the top. Hope it isn't true.

  13. jeez #1 how the hell is hasbro gonna make a toy for that
    #2 red, not neccaasarily the color of the actual thing
    #3 cadillac designer spells in "text message language"
    #4 they did say bumblebee will get a "more matured look"
    #5 red-cliffjumper maybe( but than again michael bay isn't very fond of G1 stuff)
    #6size chart is wrong at the base scene sideswipe was almost as big as ratchet and bee was bigger than rampage sooo CHART=FAIL
    #7we can 60% confirm that there will be a convertable camaro quote-as ive mentioned before im a designer in cadillac, and today i had to make a run downstairs to the shops, and what do i see..the transformers 3 bumblebee...and i gotta say it looks pretty badass!" so he said that he "saw" it but maybe a phone picture would help.
    #8 so he works for cadillac (maybe a cadillac in the movie cause than why the hell would he be there?).

  14. Would it be that dramatic for some of you if Bee ended up a convertible? I say whatever, it's not like it would change much of the overall look of BB anyway.

  15. I dont see what the big deal is. Nothing wrong with Bumblebee being able to be a convertable. I'm pretty sure he wont be exactly like the factory convertable Camaro anyway. Arent they soft tops? I really doubt he'd be a soft top convertable. He'd probably be a hard top, normal Camaro most of the time, then by the magic of CG anamation, the top would pop up and back and become a convertable. Sort of like the last season of Knight Rider when KITT would become a convertable.

    And BTW, just because this person at Cadillac might be a designer doesnt mean he has to have perfect grammar. I know plenty of engineers, doctors ect and most have terrible grammar and spelling.

  16. I pray that Michael Bay has a brain and uses the Convertible for cliffjumper i know a lot of people would be pissed off including me if he changed Bumblebee again.This is going to be the third time changing him i mean just because Chevy comes out with a new type of Camaro doesn't mean that they should change Bumblebee. They need to stay original and keep the 2010 camaro for Bumblebee

  17. I don't know if i will like the 3 movie if they don't keep the original camaro i mean i just wouldn't seam right it would seem like it was a different robot and not Bumblebee

  18. Not sure why everyone is freaking out over the legitimacy of the cadillac designer's post, just because he doesn't use perfect grammar doesn't mean anything. No one in the forum seems to question him. Also the designer never actually says Bumblebee is a convertible, so it just seems like pure speculation at this point.

    @ sideswipe88 - Posting pictures of stuff like that can get you fired, same with almost any consumer based industry. Employees aren't generally allowed to reveal whatever they want about something that is in development. Also, Cadillac is a part of General Motors, which also owns Chevrolet. There is a lot of cross development so their design shops probably share the same area. Fun fact, that is why all the Autobots (with the exception of Optimus, Arcee, Jetfire, and the new Ferarri) have been GM vehicles. Chevy, Cadillac, Pontiac, Hummer, Buick, and GMC are all GM owned companies.

  19. Nothing is confirmed yet so stop complaining.

  20. ok...does this image look photoshopped to anyone else? i mean i'm pretty sure that GM's shop wouldn't have graffiti on the walls...

  21. The chances of a Chevy Camaro being tooled and manufactured in a Cadillac plant somewhere just to build 4 cars is ridiculous. The idea of there being 2 Camaros in a single film, ridiculous. They're not going to be using the same car for Bee and Cliffjumper. Doesn't matter the color or year. Bee becoming a convertable, completely understandable. 1st movie he was the prototype. Slick, sleek, yellow and black. Movie two, he was the shitty mass production model, with a terrible hood scoop present on all V8 models. Ruined the overall look of the car. So thinking he'll change yet again, not all that farfetched. Thinking he'll change into an even worse looking model, again, I believe it. But the idea that he'll be a RED camaro? Really people? Think for yourselves a bit more. Bumblebee. Bee's tend to be yellow and black. Hence the yellow and black paint scheme in the other movies. Doesn't take a huge movie knowledge to use a bit of common sense.

  22. It's not happening, I myself have seen pics of the new Bumblebee on a reliable site called Seibertron. It is NOT a convertable, and it looks like crap compared to "Old Bumblebee." Have yet to see new Optimus. Hope he dosn't look as bad as new BB, new twins, and new Ratchet.

  23. y love you the ironhide, blubebee, ratchet and optimus
