Thursday, May 13, 2010

Firefly's Alan Tudky Cast in Transformers 3

The Wrap is reporting that Firefly star Alan Tudyk has been cast in Transformers 3. This will make the fourth major addition to the cast that other than the regulars now has John Malkovich, Frances McDormand and Patrick Dempsey. The last roles I saw Alan in was as Alpha in Joss Whedon's Dollhouse and in the pilot episode of V. His movie roles include Serenity, Conception, Ice Age films, I, Robot (the robot voice) and more. The actor does comedy and drama with equal skill so no telling what role he will have in the film. As a sci-fi geek, this is probably the best casting news I have heard yet for Transformers 3. Thanks to Slushie_Man for the link.


  1. Yay! He's my favorite actor other than NPH

  2. how could you not put dodgeball in there.... STEVE THE PIRATE!!!

  3. As Steve the Pirate would say, "AAARRRRR!"

  4. Is it Alan Tudky or Alan Tudyk? Just curious.

  5. isn´t that the guy from death at a funeral??? awesome, this movie will be the greatest flick ever made!!!!!!!!!

  6. Don't forget him as Heath Ledger's hot-headed Irish sidekick in A Knight's Tale.

  7. yeah, or the slimey guy (i think president of E!) in knocked up.

  8. He was the actor that was physically the robot on set in iRobot, he wore a grey body suit like the actor in District 9
