Thursday, May 13, 2010

More Details on TF3 in Florida

The local Fox Orlando TV station recently ran a report (video below) on the news that Transformers 3 would be filming in the Florida Space Coast area in early September.

Space Coast Film commissioner Bonnie King revealed that other then filming at the Kennedy Space Center, locations scouts also looked at "swamps, woods, maybe an air boat place, we took them all over that type of thing." King also learned that one of the main characters is "retired and they call him back to do something. But he is retired in Florida doing something else." That something else might be a surf instructor, fishing guide, air boat operator or maybe another job. I get the feeling this character is John Turturro's Agent Simmons. There might be a local extras casting call but details have yet to be determined. (via IO9)


  1. A speedboat robot?

    Okay, an aquatic battle sounds good, as well as a battle in space! Can't wait to see how the fights go on!

  2. Martinus Prime5/14/2010 6:40 PM

    Definitly Simmons as an airboat tour oprator, Simmons is hilarious! I already see him screaming on top of that airboat :)
    An aquatic battle could indeed be cool, or at least a speedboat chase... and a big car chase!!

  3. I live near Patrick Air Force Base (they help out Cape C.) so I might get 2 see some jets fly over my house if I do, I'll try 2 send the pics. or videos!!!
