Friday, May 28, 2010

Heidi Montag Auditions for Transformers 3

For your entertainment, Heidi Montag's Audition Tape for Transformers 3 that has her saying “This is for you, Michael Bay!” before shooting at various still targets. I admire the attempt, can't hurt to try but this is her audition? Considering the names that were floated around for weeks, I don't think Michael Bay's concern was ability to fire a gun. Apparently she tweeted the tape, not knowing that Michael Bay once said, "I will never have a twitter account." The effort is likely wasted as Bay seems to have cast model Rosie Huntington-Whitely. Already the audition has a parody (which ironically is a better audition).


  1. the parody is really much, much better, I love it! ;)

  2. Martinus Prime5/28/2010 7:59 PM

    EPIC FAIL!!! WTF Transforthers 3??? That guy needs to learn how to speak.
    If you want to audition for TF3, Bay or Paramount or your agent will contact you, Bay will never watch this cheap kind of crap!

    Where is the important or some behind the scenes news, or a set photo?

  3. Michael Bay once said, "I will never have a Twitter account."

    He's gaining respect...

  4. Did that guy just say 'Transporter 3" instead of 'Transformers 3'??
    Epic Fail!

  5. WTF!!! Megan come back please! This is a disaster...

  6. omg...a poor heidi montag.... wth do michael omg stop that now

  7. this movie is going to be a freaking train wreck. And thats hard to believe after Transformers 2. Put Unicron in it! Add what about post 2011. What will Hasbro do then? TF: Prime will probably last, at most 2 years, if Hasbro's even interested in stretching it out that long.

    They still have Marvel's new Spider-Man, Iron Man 3, and possibly X-Men 4 to make $$ from after Avengers comes out in 2012. But if Spider-Man bombs then thats a brand new question onto itself.

  8. you really believe that?

  9. Leslie you are an idiot first for judging a movie you haven't seen and second for saying Unicron should be in the movie..He is too damn big idiots a planet transformer are you kidding me thats strictly for cartoons it won't work and it won't be believable in a live action movie...and if they do put unicron in it he is going to be regular size like the rest of them..then yall will just complain about that..some people will just never be happy but thats why yall shouldn't direct and thats why directors shouldn't listen to fans because they don't know whats best for the movie..

  10. Jeeeshhh that is just lame, please oh please don't hire her, that would totally ruin the movie for me can you imagine Spencer CRAP running around in the TF3 set??? what a freaking nightmare, i mean, if everyone complained about Megan Fox behaving like Queen B@#$H just imagine having those two lameos in there. really, there is a homeless guy that dances the Macarena in the valley that would act better than she does. Although she already kinda looks like a robot... but then again even the TFs from the first movie had better and more realistic facial expressions than she could ever have

  11. OH yeah!!!! and transporter 3 was filmed in 2008!!! you FOOL!!!. i apologize for the hate comments, but she just pisses me off

  12. oh and her target practice training is shooting targets at 2feet... LAAAMEEEEE

  13. Check out this parody!
