Monday, June 21, 2010

Shia, Tyrese, Rosie On Tilting Office Set has posted a few images from the Transformers 3 set that apparently was taken while Tyrese Gibson, Shia LaBeouf and Rosie Huntington-Whiteley were filming a scene from the tilting office set at Playa Vista in LA. Thanks to Schellenbach and Craig for the link.

SPOILER: This specific scene had Shia, Rosie and military troops being chased by an evil Decepticon, who tips the building over. For this shot, one floor of an entire office building was built on a giant platform, which tilted at an angle while “tipped over."


  1. Anyone notice he doesn't have a magazine in that weapon?

  2. hmmmm i bealive thats a bazuka dude jejeje

  3. damn! decepticon demolishing a building? army dudes firing rockets at it?? im likin it

  4. "Anyone notice he doesn't have a magazine in that weapon?"

    hahahaha you fucking retard, its not a rifle you dumbass

  5. I don't think that they have rifle clips for a STINGER MISSILE LAUNCHER... just saying...

  6. the films gunna flop....without megan fox its over

  7. If you only ever watched Transformers for Megan Fox, than dont waste your time or money.

    I say lets give Rosie a chance, I am a fan of Megan Fox, but sometimes you need some fresh blood.

  8. Hmmmmmmmm.....which Decepticon could it be.

  9. Ugh why not get a real actress! Especially for this kind of movie. Micheal is the worst!

  10. "the films gunna flop....without megan fox its over"

    LOL Really?

    Like Jennifer's Body? or or or... Jonah Hex? Lol give me a break, bitch can't fucking act. The greatest thing to happen to TF3 was to get rid of that talentless ugly bitch..

    Good riddance Megan! Glad your career is over faster then it started

  11. What is it about Megans acting nobody liked? I thought she did great in ROTF. She came across very convincing and wasnt over the top or flat on her acting. I dont follow the haters....

  12. I like how every Transformers piece of news on here now seems to have a debate over Megan Fox or the human charecters -roll`s eyes-

    Anyway the Decepticon is probably a new unknown one as it is more violent and distructive than Megatron it is also larger so expect atleast a Demolisher sized robot chasing them. However it also must be slow moving as it seems they can outrun it with a motorbike, lol.

  13. I guess most of you already know this stuff but I thought I show you my youtube news reports

  14. dont you guys get it the films gunna flop without the love and romance with sam and mikaela

  15. seriously dude...sam/mikaela romance was BS.

  16. As usual,the movie is gonna have lots of unique and awesome action scenes again,which is what Bay is good at.:)

  17. Sam and Mikaela romance was the focus of the first two movies, Michael Bay and Steven Spielberg spent too much time and put so much effort on Sam and Mikaela that characters consistency and continuity is going to crack without Megan Fox playing Mikaela Banes on the third movie.
    This is just the best way to ensure the movie to flop. It is not going to feel right, it is going to look cheap and awful.
    It's a bad move to put a topmodel as a new Sam Witwicky love interest. It is not going to work. Sam Witwicky is a nerd, he has always been in love with Mikaela Banes since they were little kids... It is not going to make any damned sense.
    It is going to be awful bad writing.
    It could have been accepted if either there was Sam Witwicky and his family alone but with no new nonsense girlfriend thing, this is not a soap!, or if they fired Shia La Beouf along with Megan Fox to get rid of the Witwicky family and that's it.
    They are just going to disappoint a lot of people. Expect a 30-40% boxoffice gross loss compared the the first two movies.
    CGI and action scenes alone although being awesome are not enough to make a great movie, you need characters and plot consistency and continuity to complete the trilogy. It's the worst mistake any director and producer could do to replace the lead actress at the third movie like this.

  18. hey everyone just go to and you'll fine everything cause who ever run this page gets the news from TF2005 so see you there guys !

  19. "They are just going to disappoint a lot of people. Expect a 30-40% boxoffice gross loss compared the the first two movies"

    nice prediction however I completely disagree. If the heart of the story was with sam and mikaela then it was misplaced. the love story wasnt great at best and megans acting made it even less believable. I agree that without megan they should leave sams love interest alone and concentrate putting the heart somewhere else.
    If the movie does flop as you say I doubt that it would have anything to do with megans departure but more to do with how bad ROTF was. However it will be a huge success just like the first two.

  20. @"Anonymous 6/22/2010 8:22 AM": Transformers2 was a success despite its glitches mainly thanks to Sam and Mikaela romance that Michael Bay put so much focus on. Transformers2 was not bad nor a failure, it was a boxoffice success. If it didn't have the strong bond of Sam and Mikaela together the movie would have flopped for sure, it would have lost its heart.. BUT.. it was still possible for Michael Bay back then to replace Megan Fox .. NOW instead it's just too late. What they are doing it's going to be an awful mess that will look cheap and fake and just wrong.
    Michael Bay must get Megan Fox back NOW or the movie is doomed to fail.

  21. "Transformers2 was a success despite its glitches mainly thanks to Sam and Mikaela romance that Michael Bay put so much focus on"


    Its 'Transformers' not 'Gone With The Wind'

    Mate, whatever it was it certainly wasnt romance. Shia and megs are no Gere and Winger!

  22. @"Anonymous 6/22/2010 9:24 AM"--So to you and others claiming that the Sam and Mikaela romance would be worthless on Star Wars Padmé and Anakin Skywalker romance would be worthless as well because Star Wars is not about romance stuff,uh?

  23. dont get it! Lucas got panned for Anakin/Padme....what a load of drivel! Han/ that was romance and a great example of how you can have it in a scifi movie. Maybe its just my age and have had life experience cuz in my opinion there was nothing romantic in TF2 just a load hormones flying around. I guess if your a 15yr old kid its great but its not romance. Bay cannot DO romance so I say concentrate on what you can do and focus the heart somewhere else.

    I agree on one thing though, putting another female lead in wont help

  24. I don't know why, but I lol'd hard at Shia's face in the second picture. "Holy $#!%, he's not gonna shoot that thing with us so close is he?"

  25. @"Anonymous 6/22/2010 10:00 AM"--1) I am probably older than you; 2) Telling that Michael Bay can't do romance it's just a silly ignorant statement, if you don't like Michael Bay movies why are you posting here? Just to get an excuse to bash the movie and being happy that they fired Megan Fox which is the most stupid thing they could have done,uh?
    On Pearl Harbor there was a triangle romance delivered in a very good way, on Armageddon the couple romance was very good too, on The Island the couple romance was excellent and on Transformers1&2 the Sam and Mikaela romance have been perfectly written on the first two movies despite glitches on the second one due to missing scenes.

  26. I dont think anyone is bashing Bay movies here. They're big, loud and a whole lotta fun. they arent perfect but as big blockbusters go Bay's your man. I think we obviously have a different view on whats good criteria for romance. Having megan bending over every two seconds is hot...but I didnt feel any real chemistry between sam and mikaela in TF2. I agree that you need heart in Transformers movies but you dont need to have a love interest to be it. heart can come from anything whether its between robots,humans,animals etc Look at the film Braveheart where heart comes from a mans passion for an ideal or characters such as Frodo and Sam...even Buzz and Woody!
    For me you need good acting to pull it off because it has to be believable.
    Hey if you believed in megans performance than I'm jealous! I suppose I'm harder to convince.

  27. get the FUCK out megan fox fans

  28. I dunno about you but I really like the way Rosie's tight pants wraps around her luscious leggy legs.

    I'm just sayin' haha

  29. and thats all what Bay is counting on...nice looking legs.

    I just dont get it. Surely when you make a movie that you work on and put your heart and soul into wouldnt you want the very best? wouldnt you want actors that will bring the best out of your movie?

    Maybe i'm being harsh, maybe she can act. We'll see.

  30. Shia's face looks kind of funny...

  31. Where is Leo Spitz ?

  32. "hey everyone just go to and you'll fine everything cause who ever run this page gets the news from TF2005 so see you there guys!"

    The information on here is collected from more than one site and is normally more detailed as it covers the topic from a wider range of sources.

    @ LionBoogy,
    Your still on here? Cool, remember me from ages ago?

  33. @ Scorpio,
    I remember you! Yeah, still here. I check about 4-5 times every day because I'm hardcore like that. haha Glad to see you're still around! It's always nice to see familiar names posting and not the usual Anonymous.

  34. Who fucking cares if the film flops at the box office as long as its good. Star trek and District 9 didnt make much money compared to ROFT but they are much more enjoyable films. Your not going to get paid either way so what do you care. Seriously go to the avatar blog if you care so much about box office.

    If anything Sam and Mikela romance held the first film back, yes you need romance, yes you need human characters but sam and mikela are not the best characters ever and i dont know anyone thats not a fan boy that knows them by name or gives a damn about them. We could have cut thiers, sector sevens and the hackers scenes in half to add more time for the transformers. Cant you just accept that they could EASILY have made a better love story for this one. Look at Lord of the Rings and Jurassic Park, they dont have a teenage love story but they were successful because of amazing special effects and action scenes, yes they did have romance but not some slut that randomly bends over bikes and whos makeup never fades not even during giant battles in the desert.

    Seriously I couldnt care if this film makes less money than it cost to make as long as the quality of the film is good. I honestly feel bad for you that you think that sam and mikela are why these films are successful, i loved them in the first one but if the transformers weren't in it I would NEVER bother watching it. I watched it because I wanted to see army and airforce guys vs giant robots in the middle of LA. And dont say other people watched it for Sam and Mikela because whens the last time a romance (that wasnt mainly special effects) make any money?.

    "Transformers2 was a success despite its glitches mainly thanks to Sam and Mikaela romance that Michael Bay put so much focus on. Transformers2 was not bad nor a failure, it was a boxoffice success. If it didn't have the strong bond of Sam and Mikaela together the movie would have flopped for sure, it would have lost its heart.. BUT.. it was still possible for Michael Bay back then to replace Megan Fox .. NOW instead it's just too late"

    1)Transformers 2, made money despite its glitches because of how good the best film ever was (Transformers). The Phantom Menace was terrible yet it made bucket loads of money because of the deception of the trailers and the quality of the previous instalments.
    2) The heart? the heart of megan fox bent over some bike?, or getting humped by a perverted robot, or because she made fun of sams puberty?, or because megan stripped of in the garden?. Yeah the heart of the film was amazing (sarcasm). One of the main glitches was Mikelas character.
    3) If you judge success only by money in the box office i feel sorry for you.
    4) Besides Transformers 2 would have been a much bigger box office success if it had more than just 3 fight scenes.
    5) You clearly dont give a shit about the transformers if you think that sam and mikelas relationship made up for the lack of decent action scenes, lack of well designed robots, lack of meaningful robots, lack of decency, lack of drama, lack of continuity, lack on any sense what so ever.
    6) Transformers 3 being a box office flop (extreamly unlikely) will not mean that the film is bad, the content of the film will decide whether its good or bad.
    7) ROTF while not being the worst film ever is pretty pathetic unless you watch it as a cartoon.

  35. shut the FUCK UP DAMNMENT 6/22/2010 8:41PM...TRANSFORMERS WILL flop megan fox made transformers! SUCCESSFUL..........the films gunna suck cock balls without the love and chemistry.........dumbass you KNOW she made G1 famous.

  36. @"Anonymous 6/22/2010 8:41 PM": if a movie it's a boxoffice flop the franchise gets shut down and in this case Hasbro will not renew rights to Michael Bay and Steven Spielberg.

  37. Dude this movie is going to be way better megan fox was a horrible actress she was just there so people could look at her. This new girl rosie might be better then her and still be hot

  38. @"Anonymous 6/23/2010 11:14 AM"--Do you work for Paramount, perhaps, or what? This Rosie topmodel it's not hot despite being a topmodel, whatever explanation to have her as Sam Witwicky girlfriend is not going to work, even worse if she played Mikaela Banes it would be twice as awful.
    Megan Fox was perfect as Mikaela Banes. Otherwise Michael Bay wouldn't have promoted her so much. Michael Bay himself made her the sex symbol she is now.
    It's too late to change that.
    Michael Bay is killing his own good work since he fired Megan Fox.
    If Michael Bay doesn't change his mind NOW and gets Megan Fox back Transformers3 is going to suck. It's pretty simple. Characters continuity and consistency is going to suck and feel wrong. Tons of people are going to dislike that. A few nerds and little kids might be watching just for the robots fighting, teenagers and adults which are the majority of the general public that made the first two movies a huge success simply loved Megan Fox as Mikaela Banes and the Sam and Mikaela romance as Michael Bay directed it on the first two movies.

  39. "A few nerds and little kids might be watching just for the robots fighting, teenagers and adults which are the majority of the general public that made the first two movies a huge success simply loved Megan Fox as Mikaela Banes and the Sam and Mikaela romance as Michael Bay directed it on the first two movies."

    who fucking cares if the general audience wont like it its not about money its about good scenes

  40. "if a movie it's a boxoffice flop the franchise gets shut down and in this case Hasbro will not renew rights to Michael Bay and Steven Spielberg."

    I would much rather have 1 amazing movie and the franchise get shut down then 50 shit movies that never stop

  41. @"Anonymous 6/23/2010 3:01 PM"; @"Anonymous 6/23/2010 3:03 PM"---It's pretty obvious that you and others bashing the franchise on forums and blogs have no clue about anything, you can only keep whining and you live in your own little kids world with your childish fantasy and bad habits.

  42. Anyone know where TF3 is Filming in LA
    Time and place?

  43. And Date????????

  44. Martinus Prime6/24/2010 3:37 PM

    Is that still you, you dumb-ass anon 6/23/2010 2:45 PM??
    Not only a few nerds en little kids, but THE ENTIRE WORLD is watching Transformers, only for giant robots fighting, not fot the love story!!!
    I believe you still don't get it!!! Get it through your thick skull, it's about Transformers, not about a love story!!! Yes, we need human interaction, but it evolves around Transformers, not humans!!!

    I don't know where the hell you come from, but they already started filming weeks ago, so they can't bring Fox back, ever, you're an idiot if you think they will shoot everything allover just for the female role!!!
    Why are so goddamn negative?? I can't wait to see another live-action Transformers movie!!!

  45. where r they filming TF3 city street address.... time date ?????? anyone know?????

  46. TF3 where r they filming it in LA ...
    Address Time and Date????? i wanna take my son.

  47. martinus prime you are a dumbass! the films gunna folp and suck monky balls....rosie is a hore shes ugly as hell....bay is dumb for replacing megan fox. without her beauty, the love and chemistry of sexy sam...the films gunna flop flop flop ...........

  48. FYI

    I don't mind a passionate "debate" about the value that Megan Fox brings to the Transformers franchise but if you can't keep it civil, or at least the comments in the range of PG-13, then I am going to continue to reject your comments no matter how relevent it is to the topic.
