Saturday, July 10, 2010

Day 1 of the Transformers 3 Chicago Invasion

If you are a huge Transfan, then Day 1 in Chicago for Transformers 3 production has already set your heart a flutter as Optimus Prime has his trailer again, complete with G1 shaped striped and Autobot logo. On top of that fans have already supplied pictures of Ironhide, Bumblebee, the red Ferrari 458 Italia, Ratchet three fully weaponized Nascar vehicles (Stunticons?), likely the Twins and more. In addition, thanks to Jeffrey, we have images of a Chicago street dressed for war, or at least its aftermath. Below are sample images, and a YouTube video. For more images and videos from the Transformers invasion in Chicago hit the links below. Thanks to Katie, Christopher, and cypherXR for the links.

Images: Seibertron | TFW2005 | Jeffrey | On Location
Videos: Distance Shot | Prime Trailer & Explosion | Vehicle March | Set Prep 1 | Set Prep 2

Prime's trailerFerrari 458, SideswipeIronhideNascar #48Ferrari 458Stunticon?, BumblebeeBumblebee, FerrariThe Twins?Sideswipe


  1. It's gonna be a TDK car chase, only with upgraded awesomeness because it's Michael Bay and it's TRANSFORMERS!

    THOR, GREEN LANTERN, CAPTAIN AMERICA, suck popsicles! Can't wait for this one!

  2. Thanks for posting my name in the credit. Here's another awesome little find on Youtube. This guy has videos of several takes of the chase scene. The cars are much easier to see in his videos.

  3. The trailer alone.

    THE TRAILER ALONE SAYS IT ALL!!! Holy crappanoodle this is gonna be AWESOME!!!

    And hmmm I believe those might be Stunticons too. Guess we'll wait and see.

  4. I have to join! Holy shit .. the trailer .. i never saw the G1 series but i can feel the hope of all fans.. Bay! Don't give us another RotF!

  5. This movie is going to be SEXY.

  6. Makes you wonder what the heck happened to that street...I will say this...Optimus with his trailer is badass! And who are the three nascars? It's rumored to be stunticons...guess we will have to see! I'm beginning to get excited. I'm not saying I was disappointed by RotF, but it could have been so much better:)


  8. optimus primes trailer yesssssssssss!!! for once in my life i WILL say it...i love you bay!!!!!!!!!

  9. Where is Jolt?

  10. Now see! This info was great! great pics and simple, self explanatory vids. keep it simple people with the info we don't need 5 mins of your useless commentary.

    the trailer is awesome and the NASCARS (stunticons) look frickin' sweet!

  11. F-YEAH!!!! AWESOME.....Optimus finally has his trailer!

    The tricked out Nascars also look really cool.

    As for the Nascars being Stunticons, that would be great. However, it looks like they're possibly with the Autobots on the set. This could just be chalked up to the cars needing to move around the streets to get into their respective positions for filming though.

    If they're not Stunticons, I'd guess that they're possibly humanity's Earth/Cybertron hybrid tech. answer to the Decepticon threat. If you're the U.S. and looking for a high performance vehicle to rival the ability of transformers, Nascars would seem to fit the bill. In addition, they're somewhat of a symbol of red blooded America, something that the people could really get behind and support as their champions in the war to save the planet.

    They also look a little too decked out with weaponry and would seem hint at human engineering, e.g. throwing in every possible weapon to account for every possible situation. Transformers weaponry on the other hand generally appears more refined and integral to the rest of the body, which it has to be.

    Just speculation. Thoughts????

  12. Jolt can be seen in the videos that guy posted on youtube. Now that I just geeked out hardcore, is it safe to say we can expect Roller in the movie? Ah hell, I don't even care if roller is in it. He has the trailer!!!

  13. If you watch the youtube videos posted by the top the three nascars are being chased by the autobots...they should be decepticons:)

  14. Is it a coincidence that nascar was in chicago this weekend?

  15. Anon @ 12:36

    From the videos it looks like they could all be together, not necessarily a chase. It seems like they're too close and evenly spaced to be a chase. i could be wrong though... hard to tell.

  16. ahhhh..those chevys again..and where's ratchet?..

  17. In case you didn't know that is Jimmie Johnson's Nascar and Dale Earnhardt Jr's car also. Frickin Sweet!

  18. You can see both Ratchet and Jolt in the video, Optimus' Trailer looks huge.

    You don't think the army uses the shard and builds the nascars to exterminate the Autobots but then they go mental (or get influenced by the Decepticons) and destroy everything, so the Autobots have to defeat them.

  19. I really hope the Trailer consists of the Jetfire-Parts, being still used by OptimusPrime.
    Either that, or a new set of Upgrades for Prime.

  20. There are not Jolt it's a Mercedes Class E for me...

    Sorry for my english I'm french ;)

  21. i dont think those nascars are decepticons, coss in this footage they are moving with the autobots in a convoy and i dont think that many autobots would chase 3 cars. Altho i could be wrong but if they were autobots id guess them to be prowl, rodimus and landmine, as they were 3 racecars from the energon series.

  22. optimus oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooomfg yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
    rox baby roxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  23. OH NO THERE IS NO MEGAN FOX = retard

  24. @"Anonymous 7/11/2010 11:11 AM": you and Michael Bay and Paramount should tell that yourselves. Without Megan Fox the trilogy is broken. This is a fact. Michael Bay himself is announcing that he is going to quit the franchise... he knows that he made a big mess himself. Transformers3 is doomed to look broken and just wrong.

  25. Even after all this fangasm you are still on the Fox issue? I knew Prime would have a trailer this time out.

  26. I would think that if those cars are made by the military they would have more of a military look to them instead of nascar

  27. 7/11/2010 11:50am dude for the last fucking time GET OUT let us fans injoy a awsome moment of optimus trailer goodness and would you cut the crap about how bay doomed himself that is so fucking stupid this megan fox thing is starting to get real old and its realy pissing me off

  28. @HammerZ: maybe you want a void James Cameron's Avatar to happen.. the fact is that Michael Bay is no James Cameron and the marketing machine is not going to save him from his own huge mistakes. Firing Megan Fox is the first huge mistake he did, he ruined his first own franchise for silly reasons whatever they could be, you don't fire your own precious assets that viewers=customers learnt to love thanks to your own marketing campaign, because Michael Bay created Megan Fox, if he didn't want to make this mess he should have avoided giving her the lead female role.
    His second huge mistake is a direct consequence of the first one, rushed script rewriting and hiring a topmodel Rosie as Megan Fox replacement to play a new love interest for nerd Sam Witwicky.. this is going to make zero sense and to ruin the franchise feeling and mood. Best way to kill your main characters.
    Then the third huge mistake is going 3D knowing that it's a scam and having stated it clearly with public posts on his own forum and on interviews... just because Paramount CEO obliged him to film in 3D.
    This is going to be the worst Michael Bay movie.. outstanding CGI and action scenes won't save him this time because Transformers2 had glitches but it still mantained its own core soul at characters level.. it's thanks to Sam and Mikaela romance that that movie worked and didn't fail.

  29. @"Anonymous 7/11/2010 12:50 PM": there is a fourth huge mistake to be added to your list... 4) Michael Bay announcing that he is going to quit the Transformers franchise and this is his own last movie but Hasbro and Paramount might decide to either continue or reboot with other directors.
    This is just pretty dumb business wise. Either Michael Bay wanted to give troubles to Hasbro and Paramount and he is quitting because the argued about money and so on.. otherwise.. why a director which is an active executive producer of the franchise and he is getting a percentage out of anything that is Transformers related would want to quit the franchise like this?
    So the real question would be.. did he fire Megan Fox just for what she said about him or he fired her to ensure that the first trilogy is broken and give more issues than ever to Hasbro and Paramount to find a director willing to get characters and plot back with the original actors so that they might be obliged to reboot the series?
    It really seems that Michael Bay is doing his best to ruin Transformers3 and the whole franchise. He is acting like a little kid. It's scary to see so rich business people ruining their own assets and products like this. They are no better than bankers thieves.

  30. dude i had it up to here with you, why dont you get of the blog, are stop ranting on and on AND ON ABOUT MEGAN FOX it is realy starting to annoy a lot of us dude every where i go in the forems you are there hateing. you are the one realy spaming NOT us damnment because in all the comments you are there saying the same shit over and over again...all i am asking is PLEASE stop...

  31. @the bad one: site/blog owner is allowing a civil discussion to take place, learn to respect others opinions.

  32. i was wondering if the trailer could merge with prime upon transformation, that will be a cool homage to Powermaster prime. expect super/ultra class Tf3 optimus prime toy this time if that happens.

    as for nascar stunticons, they are cool to have but i would expect to see Motormaster with them. what is stunticons without Motormaster?

  33. astrosurge, you beat me to it. I was going to say same thing about Motormaster. they should recreate the scene from G1 when he and Prime did the head-2-head battle

  34. and if they are stunticons, are the aerialbots in this?

  35. optimus prime has trailer!!!!!!!!!! i hope those cars are stunticons

  36. Megan Fox has been gone for 2 months. She is no longer relevant to this forum. To continue to bring her up under every topic is just sad. To compare the Sam/Mikeyla romance to other great sci-fi/action-adventure romances such as Han Solo/Princess Leia is pathetic. To compare her loss to LOTR losing Sam or Aragorn is truly ridiculous and a sign that you may have lost touch with reality. The loss of the Mikeyla charater is regrettable but likely didn't require much rewritting to insert a new love interest for Sam. The plot and story arc will have a much greater impacy on Transformers 3's success than Megan Fox/Mikeyla's loss. Did you expect Michael Bay to direct transformers movies for the rest of his life. By your logic i guess Peter Jackson initially resisted directing the Hobbit b/c he knew it would suck. As for the 3D, it was either allow a post production conversion or shoot it in 3D from the start. Which did you think Bay would choose given his reputation for being controlling. I personally will wait and see how the movie turns out as opposed to writing it off due to the loss Megan Fox/Mikeyla.

  37. Now I can get back on topic...It's hard to tell from the videos but I don't think the autobots are chasing the nascars and I don't think they're millitary either. Do you think this the movie's climactic battle sequence? If they're also shooting another "big" action sequence in Moscow I can't imagine it being on this scale given the logistical issues though they could be inter-cutting the Moscow footage with some other stuff as they did with the Egypt/Pyramid footage. If the story delves into the US/USSR space race you'd think maybe the climax would be in Russia. Still, the scale of the Chicago shoot is quite impressive and this is just the begining.

  38. @Ray: you are pathetic insulting others. And if you are a desperate Paramount employee paid to attack viewers complaining about what Michael Bay did to ruin the franchise when he fired Megan Fox then that is even more pathetic,indeed.

  39. but ray without megan fox the movie is destined to fail!sarcasm ha ha hahaha idiots

  40. @Ray: "The plot and story arc will have a much greater impacy on Transformers 3's success than Megan Fox/Mikeyla's loss."---That is enough to tell that all your arguments are flawed. Plot and story arc have been already affected and ruined when Michael Bay fired Megan Fox.
    All your babbling telling that to you Sam and Mikaela romance is not important DOESN'T MATTER. What matters is THAT THAT IS IMPORTANT. It's really important to the movies. They are key characters. Michael Bay himself created actors and characters to be like that. It's just unprofessional and spitting on face of viewers what he did when he fired Megan Fox.
    It's really bad business.
    If he wanted to ruin the franchise to leave Hasbro and Paramount with damaged goods he surely managed to achieve his goal. The fact is that viewers=customers that loved the first two movies won't be able to love this third movie the same, it will feel just wrong and missing its continuity and consistency characters and plot wise.
    A sudden script rewriting caused by Michael Bay himself by firing Megan Fox and replacing her with a topmodel... that is just bad business.

  41. @"Anonymous 7/11/2010 6:26 PM"---You insulting others are the idiot here. Whoever has to insult anyone else he/she doesn't agree with just to prove a point surely is an idiot.

  42. 7/11/2010 6:23 how do you know damnment please tell me HOW DO YOU KNOW. the films not even close to coming out yet and you are here hateing like you know everything. you have no fucking clue that it will flop at the box office, you dont know that it will fail! please tell me why are you here go to some other blog and piss some other fans off what your doing is fucking pointless

  43. dude do YOU seriously think the viewers went watch the film for mikaela and sam? dude HOW DO YOU KNOW THE fucking audience wont like it just because megan fox is not there please for the love of god tell me how do you know

  44. @"Anonymous 7/11/2010 6:46 PM"; "Anonymous 7/11/2010 6:36 PM"--Little kids might just be satisfied by CGI robots on screen but teenagers and adults will not like the lack of characters and plot consistency and continuity. The trilogy is ruined. Michael Bay should have fired Shia La Beouf too to avoid the mess he created when he fired Megan Fox.

  45. Man, when someone starts these "the movie will flop without Megan Fox"-rants, the best thing to do is to just ignore the subject. But these posts always seem to provoke and endless stream of responses. Without the attention, the person(s) writing about this will loose interest. This thing is almost strangling the forum now. Please, just ignore it.

  46. My friend, I will confess to working for Paramount when you confess to actually being Megan Fox or Brian Austin Green. I'm not insulting you at all, never directed any quotes at you personally. I'm just challenging your comments. Everyone is entitled to their opinion and blogs like this one allow us to voice our opionions and to challenge the opinions of others.If anyone is guilty of trying to influence others to believe as they do it's the person who posts the same comments regardless of the moderator posted topic. Still waiting for Chicago Day 2 videos!!!!!

  47. i know man it just realy pisses me off every time i go to comment i see ranting hateing. but all i realy want to know is how the fuck does he know every single teen and adult wont like it because megan fox is not there. it pisses me of because he DOESNT KNOW that it will flop and he still hasent answered my question why is he here if he's just gunna bash it over and over i learned from you guys to just ignore it because i know he wont shut up

  48. Just like Shia said in ROTF, Megan will leave once he told her he loved her. she has options and gets bored...CYA

  49. the stunticons are leading the autobots into a trap...that's my guess. if we see a black/gray semi soon (motormaster) we know for sure. silverbolt's in the movie and the stunticons were made at the same time! menasor vs. superion...then maybe have omega come in to save the day!

  50. This is just a shot in the dark but could the NASCARs be junkions? They have a look of just random bits and pieces attached to the cars that the junkions may have if they were on earth. As for them not being motorbikes like in the animated movie we all know how popular arcee was in Rotf as a bike. They also seem to be against the autobots in the videos here just like in the G1 movie. Just my thoughts.

