Sunday, July 11, 2010

More Transformers 3 in Chicago Videos, Pics (Updated)

More videos from Transformers 3 in Chicago have popped up on YouTube, this time showing off pretty much all the vehicle Autobots including a great look at Optimus Prime with his trailer (1st video below). A series of them from zztopeurope shows a birds-eye view of all the Autobots as they travel down a battle damaged road with Jolt the Chevy Volt (2nd video) or a Mercedes E class. It’s unclear if the Nascar vehicles are with the Autobots or being chased by the Autobots. The main reason I am not convinced the cars are Autobots is the prominent display of weapons which would be a Decepticon tendency. More links to videos below. Thanks to Katie and CypherXR for the links.

The image to the right is from Jonnyroobs (thanks!) that shows more battle damage. It was taken around 6pm central along Clark Street about a block from Daley Plaza. He reports that he heard a scene being filmed that involved about 30 seconds of explosions.

Update: CBS2 Chicago has a news report (or 3rd video below) from the set that shows some pyrotechnics going off along with a brief interview with Patrick Dempsey who is starting his first day on the production. Thanks to Ann for the link.

More zztopeurope videos: One | Two | Three | Four | Five
Seibertron - 7 videos, taken at night, shows Prime & Ironhide parked along with same set as pic above
Seibertron - 139 picture gallery


  1. I can't wait to see this movie!

  2. this movie is so cool..

  3. I think that maybe the nascars aren't transformers, but modified human vehicles made by either: 1. The government to assist the autobots in fighting the decepticons, or 2. Criminals that may or may not be working with the decepticons, or 3. Some kind of vigilante that are using these cars to attack transformers in general in a world with an increasingly hostile public view towards the autobots. As pointed out earlier, if they were transformers, shouldn't their weaponry look more advanced and sophisticated?

  4. the stunticons were mentioned by someone...they were made at the same time the aerialbots were and we know silverbolt is in this movie. we'll know for sure when a black/gray semi known as motormaster turns up! maybe the cars are leading the autobots to menasor?

  5. i can't seem to email it in, but here's a link to the parachute jump at Lakeshore East. you need to view in full screen because Youtube raped my resolution.

  6. I think I'm gonna throw up, so much awesomeness is like riding a roller coaster...

    But I must have MORE!

  7. if you guys watch that 2nd movie who's that blue car after Ratchet? I can't tell is that Jolt? and where's Ironhide?

  8. The Nascar cars are dodging during the filming. They are being chased by the autobots. I am sure they will CGI in some explosions and gunfire.

  9. Aw man missed the vehicles! I saw the fancy racing cars but we drove by too fast to get any good shots. Got a lot of debris photos and such though. Still pisses me off that I missed Optimus Prime.

  10. wheres ironhide?! i hope they didnt kill him off! someone said theres a rumor that ironhide & the twins are killed off early in the movie D:

  11. While it could very well be those human modified cars (hope not) to either help or engage against the Autobots, my money is on the possibility of Stunticons, the weapons on them look good enough to be convincing they don't necessarily have to look futuristic. They also did say that decepticon assasins would appear in the movie (though I can't remember if they said how many there would be) and it could very well be them.

    Of corse I could be wrong lol but I am hoping it's the Stunticons...baaah can't wait! I thought I'd mellow down after seeing the first two TF movies but this one has me even more psyched then ever!!!

  12. I hope this isn't the final battle because it reminds me of the final battle in the first movie
    and I was hoping for something really epic for the climax of this film :)

    Does anyone know if this is the climax of this movie write what you think
