Saturday, July 03, 2010

More Shia, Rosie On TF3 LA Set Pics

First there was Transformers 3 LA set pictures of Rosie Huntington-Whiteley in casual clothes and now new set pictures show off the model dressed for success. Or maybe a date with Shia's Sam Witwicky who half-dressed in a suit with jeans. No idea what is being filmed nor if that car is a Transformers (but doubt it). I do believe the pic below is the first of Bay doing his directing thing on set to boot.


  1. Oh God, please, please, please, please,please, please, please,please ,please, please, please,please, please, please, please, please...
    Let this Mercedes-Benz SLS AMG be a TRANSFORMER ! ! !
    Actually, no hope.

  2. I HOPE they don't waste a sleek car. I mean why put such a nice car in a Transformers movie if it aint gonna transform??

  3. They probably want to show that Sam has moved on from Bumblebee as his car and has one that he earned with his success in the working world.

  4. While I still have some skepticism, I gotta say that Mercedes looks pretty sweet!

    aka Sablebot,

  5. Martinus Prime7/03/2010 2:33 PM

    Hotdamn, that's the most expensive Merc there is! If it's not going to transform we're gonna have to smack Bay!

    @anon 5:30 AM: big chance they put in a nice car in the movie and not let transform, remember Sidewaysin ROTF? An Audi R8 is an awesome car, real big, big shame it didn't Transform in the movie.

  6. Uh, the Audi did transform.

  7. I hope that's just her casual clothes and not costume. The series does not need another slutty chick in it. I only see it for the ROBOTS

  8. I hope that's just her casual clothes and not costume. The series does not need another slutty chick in it. I only see it for the ROBOTS


  9. I wonder if RHW's doing a BLACK WIDOW thing. Being this homely girl one minute, and then this killer spy the next...

    But this should be TRANSFORMERS, not IRON MAN 2.

  10. the mercedes could be bluestreak (aka silversreak why is his name bluestreak if hes not even blue??)
    but i doubt that bay watches G1

  11. Does anyone know if Leo Spitz is going to be in T3

    Write back please

  12. Yes, Leo is told to be back.

  13. Leo Spitz and simmons are back

    Rosie is not replacing Megan as Mikaela, she doesnt have many lines but she plays an important role

    Energon is the new target for the Decepticons

    The Merc is not a transformer

    There will be scenes on Cybertron

  14. @"Anonymous 7/04/2010 3:47 AM"---How do you know and how can you state that Rosie doesn't have many lines if she is claimed to be the new lead actress? Are you just writing your own fantasy or are you and insider (Bay's red pill) ... ?

  15. Whats with all the anorexic girls these days. they arent sexy to me. I want to see some cleavage baby!!! some volumptuous cleavage!!!

  16. @anany@3.40 am:
    yeah, thats right but why do people stuck on the girl issue? i dont think that she'll have a better performance but she looks better than megan's last appearance on the set.
    sls is the thing here. come on hasbro, dont be a chicken and turn that sleek into a cool robot.

  17. I doubt that the SLS is a transformer. From the way Rosie is dressed it seems to me that her character is some kind of high society girl. So that is probably just her car. And if they were to have a Mercedes SLS as a transformer in this movie, then somehow I think we would already have heard some rumors about it. I mean, we heard about the Ferrari long before it appeared on the set, didn't we?

  18. does anyone know if rosie is playing the role of Mikaela Banes in T3 because it says she is on imdb

    respone to this comment please

  19. I don't know but I don't think that she will play Mikaela. (I) Don't trust imdb.

  20. Martinus Prime7/06/2010 4:58 PM

    @anon 7/03/2010 3:50 AM:
    Yeah, I know I'm wrong, Sideways transformed through the building chased by Arcee.

    @anon 7/05/2010 8:05 AM:
    That's a dumb thing to assume, comparing with the Ferrari news, the most new things in the movie, we know NOTHING about!! Bay only announced a new Autobot, not all new Transformers!! The SLS still could be a Transformer, Christ, look at the car man, if that's not a Transformer, I don't know what is?
    If Rosie's part is connected to Sam's, maybe the SLS found her, like Bumblebee found Sam! I'm hoping it's WHEELJACK!!!

  21. Anonymous said...
    I hope that's just her casual clothes and not costume. The series does not need another slutty chick in it. I only see it for the ROBOTS


    Honestly, The first guy has a point... The dress does make her look a little whorish. That was kinda Megan's thing so it kind of looks like they are trying too hard with the women.

    And yes, I hope the SLS is a transformer. Probably not wheeljack though.

  22. Martinus Prime:

    I see you're point. I've been thinking along the same way myself, or even that the SLS could be a decepticon that's using Rosie's character to get to Sam. I still think it's wishful thinking, though. Most of the robot characters that are not CARS will be purely digital and won't appear on the sets. However the cars will, and since they are already shooting scenes with the SLS, I find it unlikely that we would not have heard some rumors about a Mercedes TF by now. Of course I hope I am wrong, and Wheeljack would bee really cool. I only hope that if it IS a TF, it will bee a real character and not something like Sideways (who's robot form was just a two second blur with two red eyes in it).

  23. Martinus Prime7/07/2010 4:06 PM

    Yep anon 7/07/2010 8:57 AM, we'll have to wait and sit a year before we know what the Merc SLS is. Ik keep my fingers crossed it's a TF.

    A few months ago when pics of Fox on set were revealed, there was, I thought an Astin Martin behind some cord, along with BB and the black Twins. Never heard anything from that(again).
    Do you or anybody else knows something more on that?
    I also hope that Barricade will be back.
