Saturday, July 03, 2010

Shia, Rosie On TF3 LA Set Pics

While Transformers 3 is prepping Chicago for upcoming move of production filming, the actors were in LA filming scenes. On Location News has posted images of Shia LaBeouf and Rosie Huntington-Whiteley as they head to the Transformers 3 set for a scene together on July 1st. Shia is wearing a suit while Rosie is wearing a casual outfit with a kitchen apron that depicts what looks like a caricature of President Obama. Could this be a scene were they first meet? Below are two of the pictures. You can find the rest, without watermarks, at French site Premiere. Thanks to Michael and Ann for the links.


  1. damn she is hot!!.....and cute

  2. She is not hot and surely not cute.
    She is going to kill the franchise thanks to Michael Bay that fired Megan Fox.
    This topmodel is nothing special and can't compare. She looks quite old too.

  3. To the previous two; personal opinions! We all have them!

    I'm in the middle; I'm extremely happy that Fugly Fox is gone, but I'm bemused and baffled at Bay's new choice!

  4. @ Anon 7/03/2010 3:22 AM

    From what i read it is apparently going to the last movie anyway ...

    so if it is and TF3 dose flop as you claim, i don't think Paramount will care much as they got a profit from the first two.

    and although, Megan Fox will be missed i have only ever watched "Transformer Movies" for the Transformers and if i have to follow the humans, i think there are more important Characters than Megan fox's "Mikaela"

    which leads me to think..
    I'm hoping they have not just done a actress swap as, i just hate that "especially, if there is no reason why" >:(

  5. Shia looks like Michael Jackson.


  6. Martinus Prime7/03/2010 2:38 PM

    @anon 1:10: Yeah Shia is moonwalking, LOL!!!

    And finally a pic of Rosie where she looks really good and beautiful, way better than those modeling pics.

  7. @ Anon 7/03/2010 3:22 AM

    Dude, you seriously need to get over the whole Megan Fox thing. She's gone and she isn't coming back.... no matter how much complaining you do. Besides, have you seen what Megan looks like lately? I thought she was drop dead gorgeous in TF1 too, but she looks terrible now. Seriously man, the girl's about one more surgery away from looking like a 40 year old Brazilian Tranny. If I was a director and my lead actress showed up on set looking like Megan did at the Jonah Hex premiere, I would have fired her too.

    You don't like Rosie... we've got it, OK? Isn't only fair to give her a chance and see what she can do before you start saying things like that about her though? For all we know, she may turn out to be a great actress... or she might be terrible. The deal is, we just don't know yet.

    And if you really think Rosie is ugly or that she looks old... man... let's just say that you have some pretty unrealistic standards that no woman who hasn't gone under the knife is ever going to be able to live up to.

  8. Rosie is is pretty and sweet looking the kind of girl you can just have around you all day, Megan is just hot and sexy the kind of girl that will probably get on your nerves until its time to do it...but i dont think she replaced Megan as Mikaela most likely there going to write something in the script to explain why we dont see her

  9. 7/03/2010 3:22am its my personal opinion you dumbass. would you and all those other idiots get over the fact that megan fox is gone. get the fuck over it. if you love megan fox so much go to her websites. im going see the film no matter what, because im a fan.

  10. You people are just silly and pathetic.. you seriously think that this Rosie topmodel didn't go under any surgery,uh? The fact is that the surgery she got surely was worse than that of Megan Fox.

  11. @Anon 7/05/2010 2:59 AM

    Sure buddy... that's why Rosie looks exactly the same as she did before she even started modeling.

    Dude, really... I mean, your frightening obsession with Megan Fox and the hostility you show to everyone here who disagrees with you are getting a little old.

  12. She is absolutely gorgeous, who actually even remembers Megan Fox. Did she actually think she could make it big because of her looks.

  13. 7/05/2010 2:59am dont you talk to me like that you basterd. its MY opinion i think shes just pretty, i really did not think i was gunna start a fight just because of what i said. you need some help with that obsession you fucking dick

  14. @DarthMuppet; bingo reviews; Anonymous 7/05/2010 1:10 PM: Are you Rosie topmodel agents or what? You are the one insulting me and you claim that's me insulting you,uh? That is enough to prove that you either are childish or have an agenda to follow.. but still insulting me it's not going to make Rosie look better than she is. No, she is nothing special, she is not a real beauty. She is a topmodel but there are many anonymous topmodels out there in the showbiz and she is one of them. She can't replace Megan Fox and Transformers3 is going to suck thanks to Michael Bay gone crazy.

  15. @Anon 7/05/2010 3:16 PM

    Due to your childishness and because you are thickheaded and wasting my time, I'm not going to respond to you anymore. I will give you one piece of advice though... when you want to insult someone or want to try and show someone why they are wrong, always double check your grammar. Poor grammar usage only makes you look unintelligent.

  16. what the fuck you think im insulting you then why did you respond to my opinion i JUST wanted to say that shes pretty. did i insult you that much to respond bashing my opinion. what the fuck are you trying to say that im a topmodel agent!? what the hell!? im not concerned about transformers. i just thought she was pretty.damn you nedd help you are realy obsessed about megan fox man

  17. the person that wrote the first and third comment on this page are retarded, what are you guys two year old babies on crack. and for the love of god,if megan fox leaves the franchise then they might as well kill off everyone in the franchise, and all you guys that think megan fox is ugly must be homosexual nerds!! be real everyone!! and if i ever see rosie huntington whitley or gemma artertard or whatever her name is then i will LIGHT MYSELF ON FIRE THEN MAYBE SOMEONE IN THIS WORLD WILL REALIZE THAT GEMMA AND ROSIE ARE FUGGLY!! and you above me chill out man, megan fox is hot!!

  18. Yeah, just a reminder... proper grammar goes a long way towards making you not look like an idiot. Any questions?

  19. i just said she was pretty whats the big fucking deal!!

  20. Martinus Prime7/06/2010 4:45 PM

    Holy hell you guys, you are ruining the blog with the stupid Megan/Rosie fight!!!!
    Stop with that immediatly!!!

    And when you're commenting, at least use a name instead of being anonymous! So we know to whom we're talking to.
