Saturday, July 31, 2010

New Redhead Transformers Face

In a video posted on YouTube by lowfatoreo over a week ago, it turns out the face of one of the Transformers was captured while Transformers 3 production was working around the Michigan Avenue Bridge. The head can be spotted around the 3:50 point in the video below. The color suggests this is the head of the Autobot Ferrari 458 Italia but the red Wrecker and Rollbar would also fit the bill. As usual time will tell. Thanks to Mike G. for the link.


  1. if that was going to be the head of someone it has to be hotrod. Look at the way the mouth is shaped.

  2. i think its hotrod too because of the shape also only difference would be the to spiky things on the sides but other than that i think its hotrod

  3. I think its HotRod also!

  4. I think it's Impactor because the Nascar vehicles are called Wreckers. And Impactor also had an orange helmet.

  5. What faction are the wreckers associated with?

  6. Autobots. ;)

    "The Wreckers are a sub-team of Autobots in the Transformers Universe, functioning essentially as a commando unit. They were created by Marvel UK writer, Simon Furman. The Wreckers are called upon whenever the odds of success are slim."

  7. I think that he is a Decepticon because the eyes are reds

  8. Thamks alot Oniraider. They are kinda like Autobot Navy

  9. reply to: Anonymous 7/31/2010 8:18 AM

    The colour of the eyes, are not always a good indication on which faction they are with

    ( Jetfire'e eyes did not change to blue, when he changed sides to the Autobots in ROTF...etc)

  10. it looks too tough to be hot rod(not that hot rod wasnt tough)so it has to be Rollbar, the red wrecker, or a decepticon, hot rod was meant to meant to be like half Orion Pax and Half Optimus Prime

  11. TristimusPrime7/31/2010 9:11 AM

    judging by the height of the pole he isnt too tall he looks smaller than bumblebee, i dont think hot rod, i think its too small to be rollbar, so it left to the red wrecker, but the little horn things do hint at cliffjumper

  12. why does red always mean evil, i like red, im not evil...........or am I?.....nah i dont think so

  13. I don't think it's the red wrecker. In fact I doubt if we'll see much or anything of the wreckers in robot form at all. We will probably first see them as regular nascar vehicles, that will eventually transform into their "wrecker"-mode when it's time to engage in battle. If we see them transform into robot mode, it will probably be some fast low-detailed blurry thing like with Sideways in ROTF. So my money is on the red Ferrari for now.

  14. i agree with the guy above, about the wreckers
    although depending on the height i think it's rollbar

  15. It's great to see all these new faces, but this is making me nervous as we haven't seen starscream yet...being my favorite decepticon I hope he shows up in the final battle. The worst possibility is him pulling a barricade, which I can't imagine could happen, nor would hasbro probably want to happen either.

  16. The face looks like Hotrod/Rodimus, and he had those spiky things on his back so maybe he has horns instead. I say whoever it is it's the Ferrari, it could be that the Ferrari is Cliffjumper. As for the Wreckers, my guess is that Einsteinbot fits regular nascars with Ironhide's parts after Ironhide kicks the bucket.

  17. I think it's a Decepticon given that it has red eyes and not blue.

  18. How can anyone tell that the head's eyes are red? The picture's so fuzzy and at a distance, the eyes could be green for all we know.

  19. heck it looks more like blaster than hot

  20. reply to anon 12:15

    Starscream will probably spend most of his time in the air or standing on top of buildings. I think he's going to be there.

    reply to Paul Des

    Interesting theory about the nascars. How do you think Ironhide dies? My guess is that Soundwave kills him.

  21. Overdrive
    Hot Rod

    Red means nothing, for all we know this could be sunstreaker or mirage, bay dosent follow the color rules

  22. who ever kills the twins will be my favorite from now on

  23. we may not know who it is but one thing is for sure, he looks pretty bad ass

  24. Counterpunch7/31/2010 3:05 PM

    Just goes to show the Autobots finally brings in the cavalry from outer space with the arrival of the Ferrari, 3 Nascars and the Benz.

    Spot the familiarity with their alt mode?

    Fast, flashy. Nice.

    And I agree with the above post. Whoever kills the twins will be the 'hero'.

  25. for some reason i think that only 1 of the twins will die in TF3, probably mudflap

  26. This move is going to be like Transformers/Independence Day

  27. dont forget Rollbar the other Benz, and Silverbolt

  28. Ok my first guess is that it's Hot Rod. But if it's not him then my second guess is Impactor, the red Wrecker.

  29. Transformers 3 looks really great so far!
    I Think Micheal bay should really do a 4th Transformers movie. And that is really good one as well they should be 5th one as well.

  30. Reply to Anon. 7/31/2010 4:00 PM

    5 Transformers movies? But then it would be like the four Shrek movies, and would really overstay its welcome. I think 3 movies are fine.

    Although I have to add, a reboot might happen, you never know.

  31. and besides
    bay said this was the last moviee

  32. no 4th & 5th movie and DEFINETLY no reboots!!!

  33. @ anon 2:49 PM

    We haven't seen much of him and the back bits on one of the Wreckers look like his cannons.

  34. I believe that it might be the Ferrari, but I don't think that the Ferrari is Hot Rod but Silverbolt.We haven't seen any Aerialbots so it might be him the Ferrari!

  35. What about the Dinobots,Unicron,and Galvatron.
    And should get deeper yet with the robots characters.
    Plus Bay said if the 3 gose really great and it needs better then 1st on and 2nd. He might do a 4th one. I think.

  36. And I still think it'll be the guy in my link.

  37. I think it's quite obviously Bludgeon:

    I don't see how anyone can confuse the evil countenance pictured in the article with the youthful energy (i.e. naivete) of a character like Hot Rod.

    Seeing in the past how Bludgeon's alt. mode was either a cybertronian tank or futuristic variation of samurai armor, I wouldn't expect to see his alt. mode (like many a Decepticon) on set.

  38. I don't think it's Bludgeon. If yout hink about it with the exception of a couple the decepticons have mainly been military and cybertronian vehicles.

    I think Hot Rod. reason being the ferrari is running with wreckers. if you wiki the wreckers you see the comic cover and on that front cover with them is Hot Rod

  39. Who says the face belongs to one of the vehicles on set?

  40. No one but I think we are all left to assume just being that the face is red and the ferrari is red.regardless of all the guesses we don't really know anything until the movie comes out. I mean for all we know Bay may just be placing random heads on sticks just to make us think we know what is going on. I remember in TF2 he said he was doing that.

  41. It is said that Ratchet is going to die, and be repased with a medic called Red Alert! So mabye just mabye The red bot head is Red Alert! Or My 2d guess woud be Hot Rod and my 3rd guess woud be Inferno, and my 4th guess would be RollBar!
