Friday, July 30, 2010

One Name Theory Rejected, Two Confirmed (Updated)

In a new series of posts from Nelson, the webmaster for, more info on the Mercedes Benz E550 Autobot and another name for the Nascar vehicles has been rejected. One theory for the Benz is he is the replacement alt mode for Jolt. Not unreasonable considering the similar color scheme and shape.

Nelson posts the "Mercedes is not Jolt." He does indicate if Jolt is or is not in the movie so that remains unknown. He then later eleborates, "the blue Mercedes and the Einstein-looking bot are the same" confirming the suspicions of some. Sadly, "Einstein" remains nameless, with Nelson previously rejecting Kup and Perceptor as names. The current contender now seems to be Wheeljack. Thanks to Chris for the links.

While posting about the Benz, he also went ahead and quickly rejected another name about the Nascar vehicles. Previously guesses included Stunticons and Omnibots and now Nelson adds Rallybots to the rejection pile with a simple post of "No." to the idea.

The new theory, and maybe the best one yet, comes from an extra set report, who reportedly heard that TF3 production crew called them the "Wreckers" (now confirmed, see update below). Of all the names, I could see this one speaking to Bay the most simply due to his love of causing mass destruction. It also fits for their look with all the artillery. The Wreckers was created specifically for the comics by Simon Furman as an Autobot commando unit comprised of various and changing G1 characters. The IDW series, The Last Stand of the Wreckers is the most recent use of the team in comic continuity. Image and link from TFW2005.

Update: More from Nelson this time on the TFW2005 forums. He verified that the name of the Nascar cars with the post "They're Wreckers." He then followed that up with, "That's what they're referred to as on the set," confirming the set report on that regard. Last, he made a correction (with pic) on the model of the Mercedes Benz as an E550, not E350 as I had guess incorrectly as the number from pictures. Still not sure of the year but assume 2011. The cheat sheet has been updated accordingly.


  1. So much for any major secrets on what these new bots look like. I am almost a little depressed with how much data Bay is letting out this time around.

    Hell, the fallen's image was hidden and kept secret til +/- 6 months before it came out. Where's the good old Bay mystery?!?!? All of these set pics in downtown Chicago are driving me mad. There's no build up or anticipation! I think i may have to unsubscribe for fear of the entire movie getting released through this blog.

    Thanks for a great Fcuk up Bay!

  2. I bet youve seen all of Bays movies havent you

  3. i like all the info given cause then its like a puzzel for me to put together, and the best part is that ill probably get it all wrong like when i was predicting what would happen in ROTF so it doesnt matter to start with :D

  4. Bay should just go all out and have Fortress Maximus in it

  5. maybe the one you think is Cup is actually Alpha Trion....

  6. If that benz is wheeljack imma be pissed because he has hair and glasses instead of a visor and thoses things on the side of his head like the in G1 i mean wheel jack with hair come on man at least give the guy sum dignity and lose the hair or sumthin, but if it is wheeljack i just gotta say one thing....... dinobots, and WHERE IS BLASTER?

  7. At least let wheeljack be that saab aero x concept. i remember that being mentioned for the revenge of the fallen,but it never happend.

  8. Plus we need some more action from soundwave. I want 2 hear that original g1 monotone,computerized voice. "Laserbeak eject." and "As you command Megatron."

  9. I dont believe the E550 is wheeljack, or Alpha Trion, or Perceptor, I dont think Kup or wheeljack, perceptor or alpha trion are even in the movie, just like with ROTF a lot of people though sideswipe was bluestreak or wheeljack....heck most people think the helicopter from the first one is the same as the one in ROTF (Blackout & Grindor) so we never know...just think if this is whats getting out just imagine what secrets bay has

  10. I would love 2 see an aston martin,dodge challenger,dodge viper,an 02 pontiac trans am,and bmw 6-series as transformers. I wonder who that silver mercedes coupe would be. The big question is,Will it be a rebuilt Jazz?

  11. Guys, Serious, these 3 Nascars are cannon Fodder. They may have screen time but Not for vary long. Thier is death and destruction all around this time. Not just the City of Chicago is messed up. Its the WHOLE united states. Just wait until they get to DC and Detroit. You will see the same Mayhem.

    The "Wreckers" is cool, but I think the writer could have used better judgment in Characters. As much as we are In love of the G-1 Cast. You think they would give us that respet. Somethings he does is right, somethings he does is off target and not just off target, but off the planet, in terms of the movie. But its his Vision.

    Problem is, make new characters, upset people. Use characters that we have grown to love. Not only will you get the die hard fans, but its helps the die hard fans, explain the characters to people who are new to the whole transformers story. People are good with the lore, not with what is made up. You have 25 years of history here. I am not bashing Bay for his story or the movies, I just wish his Character choices, removal of stupid side jokes of Robot humping, and Make them look like a robot. Even Wheeljack is not Einstein. Yes hes a scientist, but make him his own face.

    NO one complained how Sideswipe looks. To me he is the most bad ass one of them all. Instead of the twins could have had 2 of those Corvettes. THEY MAKE the Cars theselves ( other then the Farari), They could have kept one Silver and made the other Gold. And called them the twins. ( FYI I blame writers for that) they are Star Treck Geeks not transformers.

    Anyway My 2 cents, but You guys know, that if he would just keep G1, I bet you NO one would complain come showtime. Sorry to sound like a complaint, Its just that they should do things right and keep to the Lore.

    Oh and another? Rollbar? how hard is it to get a Militry Green Jeep/ or truck and not make it Hound? its thats simple.

    I bet if all the comunity of people we have, we could make a better script.

    Just let bay blow things up. Let us handle the story.

  12. Why hasn't anyone thought that the Mercedes could be Mirage? I just read his description on tfwiki, and I think that would be a good fit for him. He likes expensive/classy things (Mercedes), he's more refined than most of the autobots (E550), and he's more likely to not fight if he doesn't have to (still around as an old TF). I think It would be a good fit, plus his G1 character had a blueish tint. Wheeljack was way to sporty to be a mercedes.

    Just my $.02

    I'll set up a camera again on my balcony to see whats going to be filmed this weekend.

  13. I think I hit upon the Mirage idea before. Make sense in alot of ways. Like the movie version of Ironhide, People thought Trailbreaker or Brawn. Mirage can have some WheelJack and Perceptor mixed into him as well. This way he may imitate famous people like Einstein.

  14. Now along with the Nascars,there's another thought i have with Mirage. Maybe Bay could use an Indy 500 race car with the original g1 colors,blue and white.Hound would be a Military humvee. Brawn could be used as a Hummer hx concept,trailbreaker can be a chevy tahoe just like the fan made concept art,and Wheeljack can be an Aston Martin race car. I also hope the rest of the Seekers will join starscream. Thrust,Dirge,Ramjet,Skywarp,Thundercracker and,sandstorm. HOPE YOU ALL AGREE!!!

  15. It was Sunstorm, not Sandstorm.

    I'm good with the Wheeljack theory. The head from before did seem to have the side flap thingys. I just don't like the hair. Hair on robots is just stupid in my opinion.

  16. the hair is very stupid

  17. I knew it!!! The Wreckers!!

  18. Its cool the Wreckers are Autobots.

  19. the mercedez its not wheeljack dude its maybe mirage since the car its a very cool size for him wheeljack must be another car remenber that its been just couple weeks of filming and a lot of transformers to look for it...

  20. Ahhhhh...Why wouldn't jolt be in the third movie!?!

  21. Hi administrator,

    Theres been a new transformer's head spotted on set in the following video. Its at 3:50

    Not really sure who it is. Its red but I don't think its the Ferari, it looks more like a decepticon. Maybe its a new transformer we don't know about yet?

  22. OMG they killed Ironhide! Those *******s!

    But the Wreckers are a nice appearance.

  23. where is jolt!?!?!

  24. Mercedes Benz E550 real name is Q just heard it at and on don Murphy message The mad scientist of the autobots........

  25. Got it Q Really is..........Wheeljack........................................................

  26. I am going to throw this out a theory, it may have already been brought up I don't know. I think the wreckers are the new alt form for Arcee.
