Sunday, July 11, 2010

Transformers 3 Skydiving Stunt Videos and More

While many Transfans were distracted by all the cool Transformers vehicles including Prime with his trailer hitting the Chicago streets for Transformers 3, a few were in position to film the skydiving stunt that used Lake Shore East Park as a landing zone. The three videos (below) show five guys jumping from a helicopter and using their "squirrel suits" to guide them to landing zones around the park. Congrats to the stuntmen for a smooth and safe landings. The fourth video, from ScreenRant, shows off new NEST costumes, a look at the three Nascar vehicles, and another look at the skydiving stunt. Thanks to Katie, Rob, and Mauricio for the links.

One last news are these images, thanks to Bill and Angie T., that show off what appears to be a new Decepticon vehicle, described by the photographer Cameron W. as "the frame of the Tahoe, made of rubber ...for a jump scene". Maybe the same one tested in LA last month? They also show off some of the set vehicles including a beat up yellow cars and Chicago police cars.

More links: ScreenRant Gallery | Hitman620AP video | Chicago Sun-Times report



    Shows rosie as Mikaela banes for the new movie? I hope they're not serious...

  2. I don't recommending trusting for movies in production. Once the movie is finished, they post accurate information but until then, its a community edited page so the information is usually full of guesses, rumors and wishful thinking. While its possible that Whiteley is continuing the character, I seriousily doubt it. It would take a minor re-write to introduce a new female character with a new name and I see no reason why Bay and company would not just go that route.

  3. Yeah, until recently IMDB listed Gemma Arterton as being in Transformers 3. I'm glad the skydiving/base jumping went well. Those guys definitely "brought their balls" with them. I've been up in some of Chicago's skyskrapers and I can't imagine jumping off any of them...the winds near the tops of of those buildings are incredible. I haven't been able to locate any (autobot/decepticon) insignias on those crazy nascar cars. Has anyone else got anything beyond a guess?

  4. those vids are sick!! those guys in the squirrel suits are moving incredibly fast and it looks awesome when they swing around that building.

  5. side note...yellow cars are sweet ass Datsun 510s aka Bluebirds!! love those babies!

  6. is the tahoe possibly soundwave's rumored vehicle alt mode? i mean they have stuck with the concept of soundwave being an SUV and this is a decepticon vehicle so could this be soundwave?

  7. The black SUV on the car hauler and the one with the Decepticon logo on the fender are both Suburbans. Not Tahoes.

  8. Yea, little long to be a Tahoe. I just hope that it isn't Motomaster. Think if the Nascars are the Stunticons with rig with trailer Motomaster as the main body, they would just be hands and feet. Could be Soundwaves earth form? And too large to be a reformatted Baricade, my guess with the light bars on the roof? That Decepticon Suburban is an enigma for sure. And what is the deal with the rubber frame? Is it made of rubber or coated in a bedliner material? The shocks say its made to bang around off road and take jumps.

  9. the suburban looks like a secret service vehicle possibly could be soundwave's alt mode for earth if he is still meant for gathering intel on earth

  10. Martinus Prime7/14/2010 6:47 PM

    Yeah, the Suburban has to be Soundwave's alt mode on earth. TF3 is definitly going (out) with a bang, all these new robots, awesome!

  11. i'm not pretty sure abt soundwave being a vehicle mode.. if all you can recall, soundwave being the satellite is pretty big, (think when he shot ravage out in space and compare the size of ravage when it was fighting bee). i'm sure soundwave could easily have been the size of megs.

  12. Two of the suburbans jumped on Cline Ave. yesterday. There are three that they are filming chasing Bumble Bee, Corvette, Ferrari, and the pearl colored car (Benz w/drop top)

  13. the new bumble bee is awesome
