Sunday, July 11, 2010

Di Bonaventura Comments on Fox, Tyrese in Costume

In an interview with Superherohype, Transformers 3 producer Lorenzo di Bonaventura commented on the situation with Megan Fox and her leaving the project. He also mentioned he thinks this will be the last film for the current producing team and Michael Bay. In addition, Tyrese Gibson posted from the set the first look at his new NEST costume.
"It's one of those things that built to a pressure point," the producer told us. "I think she knew and we did, I think we all tried really hard to make it work together, it just wasn't working."

"Definitely some script chances for sure," he responded when asked about how that departure affected the production. "I wouldn't say a tremendous number, but yeah, absolutely there were some changes, and I think as we're going along, we're discovering new ones we have to make as a result of them."

Earlier in the day, di Bonaventura told a group of journalists that he thinks Transformers 3 will likely be the last installment at least for him and director Michael Bay, even if that doesn't mean Paramount won't reboot the series with new talent down the line. "It may not be the end of the line of Transformers for Hasbro and Paramount, but I would think so. (For) Michael, I'm sure it is. He's spent a lot of years working on one thing."
As a side note, this post is the last post that I will accept comments about Megan Fox leaving the movie is going to cause it to succeed or fail. Part of the reason is because it has been two months, time to let it go. Also, I think those that believe that Fox is the only reason the other two films did well are because of Fox is delusional and don't feel a need to support that. People watch these films for the robots that transform into real world objects with hopefully a good story. The fact that pretty much every film she has been in that wasn't Transformers has failed at the box office supports this notion.

This is the first and last warning. Any comment after this post that tries to bring up the Fox debate will be deleted whether for or against the argument. This will occur even if a majority of the post isn't about the Fox debate but even one sentence comment is made about it. For those that think the troll is wrong, just ignore the comment until I find time to delete it. You want to continue the debate; this is your last post to do it in. Anywhere else will be deleted.


  1. thank god i love you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. That chic is pretty hot. I'll take her over Megan Fox any day of the week.

  3. i know i just said that she was real pretty a few topics ago and it had to start a big damn argument with that annoying basterd, i was just saying my opinion but ahwell i learned my mistakes to just ignore.....anyways this is going to be the best one i just got this feeling primes trailer, maby some stunticons oh the nerdgasms

  4. Rebooting a franchise has become a big strategy in Holywood... Batman, 007, Star Trek, 80's horror flicks and now Spiderman. I defintely see Paramount/Hasbro rebooting Transformers down the road. How well the Spiderman (2012) does will determine how long the powers that be will wait.

  5. Also the above pic appears to be from the Chicago set...Rosie(very hot) is wearing the same outfit from the tilting office set in LA. I bet that footage will be intercut with Chicago footage. Just a thought.

  6. it makes me kinda said that this is the last one. the movie designs realy i mean REALY grew on me. if it does get rebooted i probibly wont like it. dont get me wrong i am still a HUGE G1 fan-i got all the seasons G1 movie etc. but i like what bay has done to the series. i dont wanna see a hole new thing and some new designs i know i wont like it.---ps please dont start a damn argument because of what i said it is my personal opinion NOT facts just my opinion

  7. Yeah I'm not sure how I feel about this being the last one, honestly.

  8. It won't be the last movie, only the last in the Bay and Shia series. The franchise will be rebooted within five years.

  9. Didn't Bay say, that he probably would do a TF 4, 5, 6?

  10. Why do you have to reboot? In movies directors come and go all the time. The big problem for studios are the stars who move on to other things or get to old for the franchise. But, are the stars of the transformers franchise not the robots them selves? Which are a special affect , meaning they could keep the current franchise going just so long as the money and fan base is out there to support it. The only different between transformers 3and 4 would be that the robots would be put more center stage and a slightly different look and tone. Is that not what the fans want for future films. There is No NEED TO REBOOT IF THE FRANCHISE IS NOT DEAD! I hate it when a studio builds something and rips it down before it has time to get old. They ran Bat man into the ground but then waited 5 years to reboot. Spiderman was still strong at the box office but now instead of going forward with that franchise it is a repeat of Spiderman 1 all over again BOOOOOORING!!! My point, If it is not broken DO NOT FIX IT! The transformers franchise is not broken yet.

  11. I don't doubt that in a few years, Paramount will start thinking about a reboot. If they think there is money to be made, well... you know how it goes. The almighty dollar is their bottom line.

    Having said that, I don't think there even needs to be a reboot. I'm all for rebooting something that was drastically mishandled if the the reboot can do it right. But the Transformers films haven't been a massive failure, either artistically or financially. Some may disagree, and even with some of the problems that plagues the second film, it was still wildly entertaining and about as close as you could get to making a faithful big screen live action version of the cartoon. The Batman reboot that Christopher Nolan did was the right kind. The reason that the previous Batman series became such a joke was due to the two subpar Joel Schumacher films.

    I'm also glad that Bay is finishing out the series with the new film. All good stories, be they in novels or films, need and end that brings closure.

    Also, Rosie looks amazing in that picture!

  12. I don't want to hear any crap about a reboot, thats all Hollywood wants to do now, reboots 90% of the time don't work, so here is an idea if you got a good thing going stick with it!! I think they rushed into Transformers 3 because they knew they dropped the ball with ROTF, finish this movie and take 4 or five years off and come back for another, thats if they do a better job on this one than they did with ROTF.

  13. Revenge Of The Fallen is a very good movie despite its flaws. Transformers3 is flawed already down to the core. Michael Bay himself knows it, he is announcing to quit the franchise for a reason. He is selling damaged goods to Paramount and Hasbro now. He ruined Transformers3 to force Hasbro to reboot.

  14. Speaking of reboots I just hard they just recast the hulk AGAIN! for the Avengers.I wish poeple would tell hollywood how much we hat recasting leads in movies. It only harts the the flim and alienates viewers. Which means....LOSS OF MONEY!! DO you hear me Hollywood You shoot your self in the foot when you do it! and it does not work for the flim in the long run.

  15. @Anon 7/12/2010 2:04 PM

    While I am disappointed that they have decided to recast Bruce Banner for The Avengers, I understand why they did it. As much as I like Norton as an actor, he is notorious for being somewhat hard to work with. When he was filming Red Dragon, Harvey Keitel actually walked off set at one point do to Norton constantly starting arguments with the Director. Also, there was a lot of tension between Norton and the film's director(and Marvel) due to the demands Norton made before and during filming.

  16. I am all for closure and a trilogy is the best way to go. But to be fair,Michael Bay has only touched a small part of what transformers could be . Heck after two movies they still have not rely explored the transformers as actual characters. I simply don’t want to see this movie sires come to a end or be revamped until all story possibilities have bean explored . But unlike many other frachises I don’t think you need Sam or Mikaela or even Michael Bay to do it the stars are cars that change into kick as robots .

  17. @DarthMuppet: the general public doesn't care which actor is better or worse on set, who is arguing with who and so on. Actors are precious financial assets, if directors and studios can only fire them thinking that replacement is the way to go they will find out sooner than later that a large percentage of viewers just doesn't like it. Replacing Edward Norton and so doing a recast for Bruce Banner/The Hulk after just 2 years since the reboot got released it's simply plain dumb. This is going to be disliked by people and if the replacement is not top-notch he won't be accepted for sure.

  18. Martinus Prime7/12/2010 6:53 PM

    @anon 2:37 PM: Notion, The Incredible Hulk is NOT a reboot of HULK, it's just a new movie on it's own. Why are we talking about Norton/Avengers on this blog? I say, bring back Eric Bana.
    I think TF3 is gonna blow us away and I hope that when Bay finishes Bad Boys 3, he's up for TF4. It's unlikely he'll do it, but you never know.
