Tuesday, August 03, 2010

Van Buren St. Footage, More from Nelson

Transformers 3 has moved to the Old Post Office Building in Chicago and already getting great footage. Yesterday introduced a new Autobot in the form of Rosenbaurer Panther airline fire truck. That is likely Ultra Magnus, who had a similar look for Transformers: Animated. Here is more footage from the Post Office set, this time at Van Buren Street as an explosion sends passing cars tumbling while NEST troops close in shooting up in the air suggesting the target is a Decepticon. The image and video is thanks to Adam and Tatjana.

In Nelson news, it turns out the "Einstein" that became "Q" is once again "Einstein" as the news of his "official" name was incorrect. Nelson took to his forums with message of "BTW, I don't know where they got that confirmation. I mean, my Bumblebee poster has "G" on the title, are they going to assume Bumblebee is now "G?"" I knew I should have kept the "?" in the post title. The confirmation refers to unattributed quote to Nelson along with me and others reading too much into the photo titles. Probably good news overall as it seemed most Transfans did not like the name . This means that Wheeljack once again becomes the prime suspect for that character. Thanks to FFN for the link.

The other piece of news is confirmation "No Jolt" for Transformers 3. Thanks to Chris for the link.


  1. No Jolt but we get the twins back? Disappointing

  2. I don't understand whyso many people hate the Twins. I thought they were awesome and funny as hell. I'm glad they are in the 3rd movie! I would like to see Jolt but there wasn't enough about him in the 2nd to really make me care if he's in the 3rd or not.

  3. all i hope is that bay explains his dissapearance in the movie, rather than leaving it and getting us to assume things like what happened with barricade. and then leaving it till a few months later to actually say in an interview that barricade was killed by optimus after he killed bonecrusher. as long as his dissapearance is explained some how, im happy.

  4. Put it this way. I think that einstein/benz robot would had been an aged jolt. Maybe once again it's misinformation. Jolt was real cool. I would love 2 see 2 blue autobots working as a team in tf3.

  5. This movie is going to rock.................

  6. i was a little dissapointed that jolt was barely in ROTF. not only that, but i dont htink he even talked....shame he isnt even in this movie

  7. I have a theory (feel free to shoot it down): I can't stop thinking that Dempsey's racecar driver career has something to do with "the wreckers" that are driving around. I know that they are notoriously bad guys, but what if he is only using that name to throw us off. Dempsey's character is a racecar driver(self admited), we have seen that he is bad (fight with/pulling a gun on Sam), and we have seen racecars on the set (The Wreckers). I find this to be way to much of a coincidence. Most of the shots of The Wreckers and the Autobots have shown The Wreckers in front of the Autobot, AKA being chased by the Autobots. I would love for them to be good guys, but I'm seen way too much to the contrary.

    Any thoughts?

  8. Sorry meant to say notoriously "good" guys.

  9. yes, i agree. i was sort of thinking the same thing

  10. nice idea, i hope not though. i dont really like the way the autobots seem to always be against large odds and outnumbered.they need kick ass nascar bots!

  11. anyone know where they will be filming this weekend???????

  12. No Jolt in TF3? Please Nooooooooooooooooooooo.

  13. when are they leaving chicago to go film somewhere else?

  14. I have heard some people talk about the red head (possibly one of Wreckers) being a decepticon because of the red eyes i thought this might be a potential initial storyline to the Wreckers

    taken from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wreckers_%28Transformers%29

    The team next appeared in UK #98-100, when Decepticon misinformation led to them pursuing and attempting to execute Optimus Prime. They were eventually shown their error, and co-operated with Prime in a series of raids on the Decepticons.

    I posted before that the red head is probably Hot Rod being that Hot Rod is shown on the cover of the comic on that website
    Any ideas?

  15. @ anon, (2nd above)

    They are supposed to be filming in Chicago until August 19th. But I'm not sure where exactly. They have packed up and moved from their previous base camp behind the Tides building at 360 E South Water Street.

  16. Why is the video just someone pointing a camera at the monitor showing another video?

  17. I don't get the Jolt love, he had the worst alt mode ever, a crappy sedan hybrid. Since he didn't even talk in the last movie and was barely even seen, there is no need to explain his absence. The Barricade screwup he disappeared during the movie not between movies, totally different situation, that was a big boner.

  18. to TigerClaw- The video was taken from building security camera so seeing as i cant actually get the hard copy of it i had to make do with recording the video like that. they wont let people about a block away from all sides so that is the closest shot besides someone getting it from the 2nd floor of the building.

  19. Martinus Prime8/04/2010 3:28 PM

    The alt-mode of Jolt sucked, the hybrid, I agree, it was purely a GM advertisement, but now the car is in production, like the Chevy Spark, I don't understand why he's not in TF3.
    It sucked that Jolt didn't speak in the movie, I imagined Jolt having a Soundwave-like voice, but it was AWESOME to see Jolt electrifying Prime and Jetfire together with his blue lightning wires, like Whiplash in Iron Man 2, and his robotform was also awesome!!

  20. maybe he's killed off early in the movie. thats the only explanation for his disapearence
