Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Tyrese Not Wrapped on Transformers 3

It seems my assumption that Tyrese Gibson might be wrapped on Transformers 3 and moved onto Fast and Furious 5 was incorrect. Based on last few days of tweets he is in fact now commuting between the two sets, the TF3 set in Detroit and the FF5 in Atlanta.

Late Monday night he tweeted "Back in Detroit.. More robots to chase in the AM.. #TF3". Minutes later this was followed up with "Wearing heavy gear while I save the world from these evil Decepticons!!" along with link to a picture of Josh Duhamel and him.

Finally Tuesday night he tweeted, "Just finished another day of shooting Transformers 3.. Headed BACK to the AtL tomorrow to get more action on Fast & Furious 5." I assume that means he was at the Packard Plant filming whatever all the smoke was for. Thanks to Charlotte for info.


  1. I forgot to mention in my last update from yesterday, that he was there; I talked with the driver of that large orange moving truck in the one pic in front of the plant; he said he was there to pick up the Chevelle when they were done with it, unless they ran really late, he'd have to come back. I did see the Chevelle on the back sidestreet about a half hour later, with alot of people around it, but couldn't get very close.

  2. Small thing i found out, the einstein robot is probably Dr Arkeville, who was human but has now been fully converted into a decepticon.

  3. Wow, love that cameo from stephen hawkings behind tyrese!
