Monday, October 04, 2010

"The Dreads" In Indiana has posted two videos from the video shoot in Hammond, Indiana from last month. The first video has Agent Simmons' Mayback, Autobots and the Decepticon SUVs (called "The Dreads" by crew) as they filmed on the I90 Skyway. The second video gives you a good look at the digi-truck (not Prime) that was "later destroyed in a stunt where the front of the truck was heavily damaged." The truck's color is so it can be replaced by post-production visual effects.


  1. I think it is better than the protoform fodder cons in ROTF. Those looked like reused Ironhide protoform models.

  2. i know you already answered this, but i forgot so... why is the truck blue?

  3. So it can be colored or replaced digitaly with something. At this point it isn't far to assume it to be a shuttle landing on the roadway, its speculation as that is anyones guess.

  4. is there a way to post pictures on here? i have a picture from KSC i'd like to post it looks like a NEST team member but i can't tell for sure. someone help? or webmaster please email me!

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. i think that the blue truck is a transformer transform makin bayhem bcus i dont think bay is going to waits time on just painting a truck if look at it the trucks tire are blue too that means they are going to be reaplaces for something robotic and not but a digital spiners .jaja

  7. what(omegaprime)??!
    They used the blue Optimus to bust thru cars. pyrotechnics were used. It's safe to assume CGI will be put over top thus keeping the real prime from getting damaged. Potentially a transforming scene for him as well. I was near where this footage was taken.

  8. yu dint understand wat i say ...i say that is a transformer ,transform just like in the first movie runing and cosing mayhem is not optimus ,is a decepticon ..bcus they are not going to paint the truck with cgi if that was the case they wudd have done it for real instead of cgi colors or watever ...he will be half transform me i knw wat am talking about ..

  9. Anonymous 10/04/2010 2:19 PM
    how do you know its optimus? optimus would never do that.

  10. iknw rigth and if it was optimus prime it wudd hav been the same model like optimus not diferent ..please ppl give a common senses opinion not child like ones unless yu are one...this is not ofend eneyone just makin sure things are currect

  11. omegaprime, you might want to try a different english translation program. Because whatever program you're using to translate the language you speak into english isn't doing a very good job.

    Or maybe type your responce into another program, use spell check then copy and paste it here.

  12. I can't understand what omegaprime is saying. :(

    Either my English is very poor or my eyes are going bad. :P

  13. sorry my english is not very good but yu have to an adiot not understanding of what am trying to say even a little kid wudd ..ok i was trying to say that is not fucking optimus prime morons !!!!! is a friggin decepticon that halv of its body is transform making mayhem yu are blind to say thats optimus prime ..retart ..............

  14. "my english is not very good" <- Yeah, I understand that part.

    "fucking" <- I understand that word.

    "friggin" <- I understand that word.

    "adiot" and "retart" are both spelled wrong. It's "idiot" and "retard". Look man, if you're going to insult our speculative intelligence on a forum that's dedicated to a movie about stupid little robot toys, at least do it with proper spelling and consistency that, yes, even a little kid would take the time to do.

  15. OK, Omega Prime... english isn't my first language, yet I don't have problems writting pretty comprehensible posts/responses... One advice, as Anonymus 6:22 said, write things and use a spell check before posting, or search any dubious word in an English dictionary, as it serves to purposes: to verify its spelling and its meaning (in case the context is wrong for the word).

  16. u guyz dont inderstand wut im's tryin too say...its knot optimus pryme iz a friggin deceptikon u moronz

  17. OmegaPrime, it's not that we DON'T understand what you are trying to say; it's that we CAN'T understand what you are trying to say.

    Your English is very very very bad.

  18. It's funny that omega prime says he doesn't know english very well, but much of what he writes looks more like someone who doesn't care how to write well his own language instead of someone trying to write in another language.

  19. so i read everything above and i find it kinda funny that we went from talking about transformers to insulting omegaprime's grammar (which is very very poor)

    but i personally think it is optimus prime and that its his stunt double truck much like @anonymous 2:19 said

  20. The Internet has bred new lifeforms hell-bent on turning the English language into slang-5p33k because their fertile holier-than-thou hyperactive quick-texting brains can't deal with a careful disciplined approach. They don't care about making friends. They just care about getting their point across however flawed it might be. It's obvious OmegaPrime is proof of our failure in American education. :)

    But I do at least agree that it's a stunt double truck. Created for the Smurfs.

  21. if you guys look at the make and model of the blue truck close you can see that it is made different than prime.

  22. I hate to admit it but omegaprime (grammar aside) and 10/04/2010 4:39 PM anonymous may be right. I was the one stating I was there when this footage was shot. This is a different model. It has that big shield thing over the cab. I didn't pick up on it at the time and assumed it was Optimus (in my excitement). It could be Motormaster. This was the footage of him busting through. - so it could be a Decepticon. Maybe Magnus. You decide.

  23. All of you a friggin' idiots! It's just BLUESCREEN TECHNOLOGY! THEY USED THE SAMES THING FOR STAR WARS! It's as simple as that! Optimus is covered in blue for special effects! Like transforming and battle, or stuff like that!
