Sunday, October 03, 2010

Transformers 3 Filming Discovery on Wednesday

The NASA Space Flight website is reporting that Transformers 3 production is scheduled to film Discovery on the Launchpad this Wednesday. Filming began at the Kennedy Space Center this weekend as the shuttle runs through the various steps necessary to be ready for the November 1st launch. The highly technical article gets into the specifics of prepping the craft but here is the Transformers 3 specific portion.
...flashes and bangs of a different nature can be expected at the pad over the coming days, as movie crews film scenes for the Hollywood blockbuster Transformers 3, with Saturday processing information noting work to support filming should proceed as planned over this weekend.

Scenes are expected to be shot at Pad 39A on Wednesday – understood to be timed with Discovery being on show with the RSS retracted, meaning the Shuttle may gain herself some credits in the movie.

Hundreds of extras have received security clearance to be in the grounds of KSC during the filming, while Cape Canaveral sources noted Atlas and Delta resources will also be involved in some scenes. Director Michael Bay had previously filmed at KSC during the making of Armageddon – which involved scenes with Atlantis and Endeavour.
"Sideswipe" posted some more details about Wednesday filming.
"...word has it they will be filming on the pad Whether it be 39A or B on Wed ...and delta and Atlas rockets are also suppose to be involved. They've also said that the RSS (which encloses the shuttle on the pad) will be at it's park position to load the payload canister for STS-133. There has also been discussion of rolling the crawler up and down the ramp, for those who don't know, the crawler itself detaches from the actual pad and can be rolled away or back by itself.
If you are interested in seeing more of the Discovery Launch prep there are video feeds and media galleries to look through. The reason for filming the craft, even without a launch, may have something to do with news that in some form or fashion part of the plot for Transformers 3 involves the 1960s space program. Of course shuttles were not used then so maybe it was changed to involve today's program. Thanks to Richard P. for the links.



  2. hahaha helll yes man!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! armaggeddon is my fav disaster movie and TF the movies are my fav movies ..all hail Bayformers and g1 .....<3

  3. Armageddon is one of my most favorite movies EVER! I'm almost gonna cry if I see a scene like this in the new TF3 movie! It's like going back and time and going OH MY GOD HOW EPIC. This is getting better and better! :)

  4. news from the KSC front, it looks as though Discovery will in fact be involved with a discussion with the Autobots. They're suppose to discuss advice and assistance. This is from someone working on the T3 set at KSC. They were also joking that someone should inform Bay that people at NASA refer to the shuttles as she's so they should make sure to put a female voice on it. But it does look like Discovery will infact be a Transformer. Which could also hint that the Delta & Atlas Rockets coudl ALSO be a transformer perhaps a space group of transformers (if they exist)

  5. The above i posted was confirmed information from a person who was working on the KSC set fyi.

  6. Omega Supreme, Sky-Lynx, or Cosmos as the shuttle.

    As a female persona.

    The weird thing is it kinda turns me on...

  7. "The weird thing is it kinda turns me on..." yes mate, I concur: that's weird ;)

  8. mroe news from KSC, they were filming aroudn the OPF around 3 EDT. according to a source who works there. OPF stands for orbiter processing facility, its' where the shuttles get prepped for launch after they come back. Currently, Endeavour and Atlantis are in their OPFs. ALso roll back of the RSS has been delayed a day, which means filming may also be delayed a day.

  9. Great post! Looking forward to the new movie extremely. It is sure to be another Michael Bay hit.

  10. Where are they filming tomorrow friday the 15?
