Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Road Home, DC Video and TF Trailer Call-back

Even though current, but limited knowledge, indicates that Transformers: The Dark of the Moon is no longer filming in the states, the image taken by Denise T. shows Ironhide and Ratchet as they were transported on Monday around noon through Phoenix, Arizona in Eastbound lane. More than likely the destination is wherever the TFs are stored when no longer being used for filming or promotional use but maybe more is being done in LA.

Speaking of production, below is another video from Washington, DC filming. This one is shows more of the filming at Lincoln Memorial and what else Shia and Josh were up to after they ran across the lawn and what the flashing lights might have been for. The last video is the teaser trailer for the upcoming movie Skyline. Mostly posting it because found it amusing the use of the Transformers 1 trailer music queues and font designs complete with glowing light in the background. Thanks to Mauricio and and Jakenbocker for the links.


  1. Bee, Sideswipe and the Ferrari are ALWAYS together...i'm definitely putting money on Sunstreaker, or maybe i'm just becoming a g1 fan lol

  2. just becoming a G1 fan ? WTF idiot you must be a kid to say Im just becoming a G1 fan if you ar... you have a long way to go body and the ferrari is not gonna be Sunstreaker you'll see.

  3. Odd, ever since the Ferrari has been known to be an autobot the people are either thinking Hot Rod or Sunstreaker.

    I hope it is not HotRod. I really do.

  4. It can't be Sunstreaker. Sunstreaker has always been yellow.

  5. And Sideswipe is silver instead of red. So why can't Sunstreaker be red???

  6. Yellow color is logically better for a transformer who has word 'sun' in his name. Starscream's brother in G1, SUnstorm, was also yellow.

  7. Just in:

    When it's all over, those cars are being taken to the SLAG HEAP! ALL of them! We gotta save them!

  8. ive thought that the ferrari was going to be sunstreaker since the beginging and i still do

  9. they already have a yellow car, bumblebee. i dont think they'll put in another yellow-car character.

  10. Excatly, and that's why I think Sunstreaker will never appear in this film.

  11. I want the Ferrari to be cliffjumper


  12. would the picture of ironhide an ratchet being taken away would this confirm they die in tf3 or am i just jumping to conclusions

  13. Conclusions. They're just transporting em'! Those were probably the 2 that fit the best on a carrier like that. Easier to fit on a flatbed type device then a hauler like the low profile cars, a'la bee, swipe and the Ferrari.

  14. A interresting article here --->http://www.comicbookmovie.com/fansites/Destroyer14/news/?a=24201

  15. thanks luke for that comment im a big fan of ironhide an ratchet an would prefer if they lived lol

  16. It has to be sunstreaker because sideswipe and sunstreaker are "bros" in G1 so it would make sense that the red ferrari is sunstreaker
