Thursday, October 07, 2010

TF3 at Kennedy Space Center Update

Transformers 3 production continues to film at the Kennedy Space Center. According to Sideswipe, they have spent the last two days at the launch pad filming scenes while NASA continues to prep Discovery for launch, most recently loading the Payload Canister. The camera feeds of the area have started to get cut when TF3 production starts. He also reports that helicopters have been filming around the pad, indicating that whatever the scenes are there is more to them than just a walk and talk. Below are links to various galleries, I recommend at least checking out the Orlando Sentinel where I got the awesome Prime in front of the VAB pic. A few of the images prove that the Twins and Ironhide are on site. However, being on site and being part of the various scenes are two different things. Thanks to Sideswipe for the links.

The Orlando Sentinel | TFW2005 | NASA Space Flight forums

Update: Brief update from Sideswip on today's filming:
...from someone who works at KSC "They were filming on the pad surface all day, so they were probably supporting that. We had to time our breaks around theirs so we could get in and out of the gate. Did get some cool pics but y'all are going to have to wait until later to see them, have strict orders not to post them for getting the opportunity to take them. Sorry. Did get some inside info, but, again, can't say anything. (I know, the suspense will suck!) But I can say, I think most of you will be pleasantly surprised! ;)" Also heard they were filming in the firing room yesterday. So launch sequence? I think so!


  1. Those Huey's are beautiful....

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. According to NASA's KSC twitter "To say thanks for filming all week @ Kennedy, Transformers 3 vehicles will be outside the KSC Visitor Complex Friday for employee photo ops" so umm if you're in florida you better go, bet we'll see some awesome pictures tomorrow. lol

  4. Only for employees?

  5. don't know you coudl try to go, the KSC visitor complex is open to the public (if you buy a tix to get in ) not sure where they'll be at KSC VC

  6. Great mini-report, Sideswipe! :)

  7. Thanks Lion! i do what i can! :-) i'm gonna be sad to be unable to provide help since they'll be done tomorrow :-(

  8. By Sideswipe saying that, "most of you will be pleasantly surprised," I hope he is alluding to the shuttle, or some part of the KSC complex, being a transformer!!!

    If so, please let it be Omega Supreme rather than Sky-Lynx. Though I have nothing against Sky-Lynx, Omega Supreme came first and deserves some screen time in the movie, especially if its the final one.

    I liked a theory I saw posted a couple of nights ago that maybe the KSC complex was built to conceal this transformer, as President Hoover built the Hoover Dam to conceal the cube.

    Also, please no Unicron. Would not come off as believable in the movie-verse.

  9. hey sideswipe any idea on when you may be able to post the information

  10. i think its astrotrain in the ksc complex.

  11. Maybe, after all Optimus has that burned effect and the Wreckers are still opened up showing weapons. Those are signs of conflict. I was hoping the Wreckers would have a more hidden form, like before they open up to fight.

  12. my guess is after the movies out anonymous it's not my information it's a guy who works at KSC. and Darth Prime Omega better be a girl cuz i'll be VERY disappointed in Bay if he makes the shuttle a transformer and it's not a girl.

  13. Great stuff Sideswipe...have you seen Shia LeBeouf, Josh Duhamel or Francis Mcdormand on set? I read somewhere they were spotted around Brevard county this week.

  14. I'm not personally in Florida, I"m getting this all from sources from KSC, according to what i've heard they are all there. Also Today they're in the SSPF (space station processing facility)Hoping to get some pictures but as of right now i've not seen any, one person on at did get 1 picture though;topic=21579.0;attach=247784;image

  15. What sort of equipment has been set up? Blue screens and props and stuff? Anything that could show that the shuttle or station is indeed a robot?

  16. Well, if that's the case then it's best that the shuttle not transform into a bot so people won't be disappointed in the shuttle not being female. Having a female transformer that large would just seem odd and would be totally out of sorts in terms of anything in G1, or anything else in the transformers universe for that matter.

  17. hey sideswipe what was that second post that was taken down by the author its cool if you cant say

  18. Worked as an escort on T3 filming - Shia Lebeouf, John Turturro and Josh Duhamel were all on the sets I covered. They shot scenes at the Pad, OPF, VAB, SLF and SSPF. We had LOTS of KSC extras that are actual engineers and lots of fun (long, LONG days). Lots of juicy stuff, but cannot disclose it per the movie folks request. It was supposed to be a closed set, but thats pretty hard to accomplish. We got to see all of their vehicles, and they got to see Discovery in all her glory with the RSS off the vehicle. Amazing sight!! The cast and crew were respectful and courteous, and in awe of the hardware (the payload AMS was a fav), the buildings, and the wonderful people at KSC. They were most appreciative of the exceptional logistics that we needed to coordinate in order to accomodate the entire cast and crew. We loved having them and look forward to the movie!!

  19. Who cares? TF3 was so better than TF1 Of TF2. All HAIL OPTIMUS PRIME!!!
