Wednesday, October 06, 2010

Transformers 3 Official Title Leaked (Updated)

It seems that someone TFW2005 might have discovered the official title of Transformers 3 thanks to a leak via Amazon.

The title - Transformers: The Dark of the Moon

The discovery started with three children books posted on Amazon with the same suffix title. The books are called Transformers: The Dark of the Moon: Autobots Betrayed!, Transformers: The Dark of the Moon: Secret of the Autobots, and Transformers: The Dark of the Moon: Invasion of the Decepticons. Keep in mind a children's series of books were released with the second movie. The theory is further supported by the discovery that the domain was registered about three weeks ago but the owner remains unknown.

While the title does seem a bit pulpish, it really isn't much different in style as "Revenge of the Fallen". It does fit rumors that the movie's plot ties directly into the 1960's missions to the moon as does the current filming at the Kennedy Space Center. No idea how long it will take for this to be confirmed or denied. If this title is accurate, maybe someone can talk Michael Bay and company into providing the "real" title of the first Transformers movie (like Star Wars: A New Hope). Thanks to Udana for the heads-up.

Update: Collider is reporting they were able to get official confirmation that this is the title of the movie, "We have now confirmed the title with sources close to the production." IGN believes the confirmation came from Lorenzo di Bonaventura who often provides content for the site. Thanks to Brian for the link.


  1. Its odd that a Phineas And Ferb episode coming out soon is called Doof Side Of The Moon. Yes, the Pink Floyd reference is there.


    a little info on the dark of the moon......

  3. That song from MULAN
    "The dark side of the mooooonnn"

  4. Superman's enemy Darkseid is on the Moon?

    Or is it that Transformers bunny Moon?

  5. These jokes are all fitting. What a ridiculous title. Considerably worse than ROTF. I pray that this is ONLY for the children's books. Ugh.

  6. Wasnt the first movie "Their War, Our World"?

  7. Let's not speculate anything until the first teaser trailer comes, then we'll know for sure

  8. It reminds me of the episode titles for the 80's cartoon...Maybe it will refer to a sinister Decepticon plot that ties into the 60's cold-war era space race.

  9. Is the trailer going to come with MEGAMIND?

  10. While it's silly speculation to accept this TF3 title, "Dark of the Moon" is not new. It's been used for a CSI episode, several books, plays and poems.

    I kind of like it. Although my traditional mind tells me it should be "Dark Side of the Moon", "Dark of the Moon" sounds a bit more poetic and has a sense of mystery about that specific choice of words. That it implores something deeper than what we see on the outside.

    Of course, it could be all bunk and what we're really waiting for is "Downtown Boogy on the Moon".

  11. thats a stupid name for any movie...especially transformers

    and if the books have any reference to the movie, "autobots betrayed"? thats interesting

  12. RIDER said...

    It sounds poor or at least if is real they should changed to TF3: Moon's Shadow

  13. "In the Dark of the Moon" or "Dark Moon" sound much better.

  14. "Transformers: New Moon"

    Optimus Prime, valiant leader of the Autobots, and Megatron, brooding king of the Decepticons, continue their quest for world peace or world domination. Except that unexpected character falls in the way...


    That's right, Optimus Prime and Megatron now focus their optics on her hot fleshling ass and the game is afoot like wild baboons thumping their chests to flaunt their male superiority. And when we say New Moon, we don't mean Moons Over My Hammy.

  15. obviously, a somewhat stupid title
    but also obviously a reference to some major part in the movie
    also "autobots betrayed" is probably about when dempsey reveals he is evil or working with the dicepticons or something, secret of the autobots is probably about them learning more of their creation and purpose, and invasion of the dicepticons is probably about the final battle

  16. "Their war, our world" was the tag line for the first movie, like "Revenge is Coming" from ROTF.

    Also, one of the two original writers said at some point, if they were to go back and give the first film a subtitle, it would be "More Than Meets the Eye".

  17. let's hope it's a typo

  18. It appears to me that a lot of you guys that find the title sad or silly probably never paid attention to Shakespeare or English poetry.

    I don't find it dumb at all.

    But I do admit the first time I saw it, I immediately did a double-take, "The Dork of the Moon". haha

  19. if you find the meaning of the dark of the moon it makes sense guys, the autobots are UNWANTED on Earth, Dark of The moon means(according to 'Also known as the "dead" Moon, this is the time when there is no solar reflection, leaving the lunar face in darkness. The dark lasts about three days before the new crescent appears. ' Hence this can imply it is a dark time on Earth right before the NEW CRESCENT (meaning light) comes about, so I think this title makes perfect sense.

  20. The Dark of the Moon? it's going to be hard to get use to that one

  21. THANK YOU SIDESWIPE. Goddam, it's good to see someone out there has a sense of the abstract.

  22. hahah no problem Lion, you just gotta be able to look past what it ACTUALLY says.

  23. hmmmmm,, can anyone say unicron? Who best to make the moon dark?

  24. has discovered that the URL redirects to The site appears to be registered in the name of Matthew Cohan, who served as an associate producer on Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen. Whether this means that the title will, indeed, include the the word "side" remains to be seen, but it certainly seems to have been the intention at one point.

  25. It's sad that a lot of fans, especially casual fans and non-fan movie-goers in general, will poke fun at what seems to be a genuinely well-thought-out and fitting title for the film, considering it's filming locations and rumored plot points.

    What I find ironic is that my local university is putting on a production of the play "Dark Of The Moon" this weekend. I find it funny that people are saying "Pink Floyd should sue", etc. etc., don't realize that the title of their album was already taken and they were gong to name it "Eclipse" instead of "The Dark Side Of The Moon". I guess people would've ragged on the Twilight saga more had Pink Floyd claimed and famed "Eclipse" as a title.

  26. Thanks RebelMan! Now I have to admit, though I liked the poetic version, if "Dark Side of the Moon" is for real then we can end this silly speculation. haha

    I hope they go with "Dark Side of the Moon" though! That sounds super cool.

  27. Moronic people. You guy act like this title is a typo or something the studio pulled out of their ass, but Dark of the Moon has been a title used for several books and plays dating back over half a century, not to mention a term used in ancient Greek mythos.

    I swear, it sickens me how we live in such a culture deprived society. Pick up a goddam book every once in a while.

  28. VERY VERY cool title.

  29. I dont think Geroge Lucas would like "Dark SIDE of the Moon" ...

  30. Moon=Unicron then? Otherwise the title doesn't make that much sense.

  31. Should be called Transformers Forever

  32. Anonymous at 7:41

    It actually does make a little sense because there have long been rumors among UFO researchers that there is an alien base on the dark side of the moon. So if this has to do with the space race in the 1960's then it would make perfect sense if that is the reasoning.

  33. @Mandy

    Agree 100% with you. Dark Moon sounds better. Btw, I'm just curious, is Michael Bay a fan of Pink Floyd?

  34. lol "can anyone say unicron? who best to make the moon dark" retard

    you realise one side of the moon is dark all the frigging time

  35. "Should be called Transformers Forever"

    And the reboot will be called Transformers Begins? :)

  36. Martinus Prime10/07/2010 2:48 PM

    @ The Chad:
    Calm down, will ya! I hate book reading, it's much more fun to watch a movie instead! I think book reading is a waste of time(for my eyes).

    On the title for TF3, I'm not so fond of it yet, and since humans turn their backs to the Autobots, "Autobots Betrayed" sounds much better!!

  37. How did anyone think that title was a good idea?
    Leaked movie poster here

  38. SERIOUSLY?? THE DARK OF THE MOON? thats the lamest title i have ever heard..

    it better not be the real title, but whatever, aslong as the movie dosent suck as much as the title i could care less tbh.

    But i was really hoping for "rise of galvatron" or something :D

  39. the Transformers
    Optimus Prime
    When worlds collide: Transformers
    Transformers 3

    much better titles

  40. HOLY S***!!! How do we know if this is the real title?! For all we know they could have pulled this out of their A** to keep us busy with debate while they glued their mouth SHUT!!!

  41. @ Anonymous 5:37 Every single one of those stupid ass titles that you came up with is 1000x worse than this one.

  42. If you do a little web searching. The domain was created by a group called "DNStination Inc."

    A little more searching will show they have ties with both Apple, as well as strong ties to Farmville and many facebook games.

  43. THANK YOU!!!!
    From Spark500

  44. "stupid ass titles"?

    the Transformers was the name of the original series
    Optimus Prime is stupid?
    Transformers 3 is stupid?

    go kill your self

  45. Uh... yes anonymous at 11:02 Stupid ASS. Hey genius the first movie was called Tranformers, I would say calling the movie Optimus Prime is one of the single most retarded titles ever except it would be an insult to retarded people. I called the suicide hotline and they told me not to kill myself so I'm not going to, thanks for the advice though :)

  46. Whenever I see this, I can't help but think "Bark at the Moon" by Ozzy Osbourne...

  47. It almost does seem like a fitting title. I mean haven't we not seen the dark side of the moon...? or something?
