Tuesday, October 12, 2010

TF3 DC: More Set Pics, Mad Max Truck, New Accident Video

The news yesterday was mostly about the car accident between Bumblebee and a Washington DC cop, but that was not all that occurred yesterday. Transformers 3 was filming in several locations around the National Mall. Part of the reason Michael Bay was not spotted at the accident is because he was in front of the American Red Cross Headquarters, filming a retro scene that may tie into a rumored 1960s flashback that is related to space race. Meanwhile Shia LaBeouf, Rosie Huntington-Whiteley, Kevin Dunn and Julia White drove around in the Datsun PL510 (from Chicago and Indiana) and other vehicles near the Lincoln Memorial. My understanding is today is when filming shifts into a night shoot starting around 6:30pm but not sure at what locations.

One other piece of information is the Mad Max truck from Chicago was spotted, not sure though if part of filming or just attached to the traveling filming caravan. The vehicle is rumored to be Megatron, something that "Astrotrain" reported to me as true:
Megatron is for a fact the Mad Max semi in TF3. I can send you more behind the scenes pictures from a storage facility where all the vehicles were kept while in Chicago. My father in law who works for a special effects company in Chicago was one of a group whose job it was as he said Michael Bay states "make this truck look more demented." Also not sure if it is known or not but Patrick Dempsey’s Character is a super Billionaire computer expert, who helps the transformers buy building additional ones to help. Those NASCAR transformers are not partially transformed those are ones he created, along with he "power glove" we have seen Sam wearing.
Below are links to multiple galleries of the cast, the Transformers vehicles, sets and more that are worth clicking to. Below the few sample pics is also the news report from Fox5 that includes their footage of the accident. Of note the driver of 'Bee is uninjured, they believe the cop is ok but not verified, the area was blocked off in various ways and yes production does have another 'Bee they can use. Thanks to Katie, bjoneill, YoBoY, Y2G, and Astrotrain for the links and info in this post.

Galleries: Shia & Rosie | Cast, Red Cross Pics | Various Set Pics | TF Vehicles


  1. I kinda hope that IS megatron, that would be a bad ass form for him. and it looks like JFK in that car doesn't it?

  2. awsome!! i was like hoppin for megs to have an earth form atleast its cool a mad max truck equiped with heavy weaponery thats cool

  3. Well Rosie looks hot. I guess I could get used to that being Megatron. But if that is Megatron he better look cool in robot mode! What does he by
    "Those NASCAR transformers are not partially transformed those are ones he created,"? So are the transformers or not, or are they human made transformers?

  4. I was just at the DC shoot and saw Megatron and Prime parked next to each other with the Datsun. I couldn't stand around all night waiting for them to shoot though. Massive crowd of people watching its insane.

    All I know is that the SRT Armored truck is involved in the shoot tonight, Oct 12.

  5. Hauntedone here: looks like my spoiler was right as was my source. My source was actually the one that worked on the truck for the movie. Looks like we had a close source.

  6. Of important note is that in that picture Rosie has on a white house badge and also a British flag lapel pin.

  7. According to the news, it looks like they are going to figure out away to include the crash into the movie....err I can see the FX people removing the DCPD truck and replacing it with something else.

    btw...those who are watching the shoot right now, do you know if they will be in that spot tomorrow as well and whats the nearest metro train station to it?

  8. NOOOO NOT BUMBLEBEE!!!!! >:o( Why was that cop on a different radio? Of course the area is blocked off, they don't want some joe-shmoe walzing on into the set. Cop decided he was going to bypass all that, or he wasn't paying attention (hello, expensive and awesome cars everywhere, Optimus Prime-lookout!.) Yeah, I'm glad they're okay, which is why I can focus on the accident, but that kills me to see that beautiful camaro eat it. Damn. I mean damn. I'm glad they have back up Bumbleebee's, but still. They planning a funeral for it? (lolz) At least he avoided Optimus. I'd have gone off the deep end then.

  9. if he had gone after optimus, optimus would have won and this cop would not be back on the job ANY time soon.

  10. It can't be Megatron...he already has two alt forms a tank and a plane-ish, he doesn't need another alt form and what would be the reason to have another!?! Maybe it's Ultra Magnus?

  11. I am hoping the combaticons would show up...perhaps this is Onslaught?

  12. Rosie isn't hot.

    The Nascar are seen in shooting driving among the Autobots.

    I call source flawed.

  13. after reading the spoiler...I'm feeling a wee bit sick to my stomach...so the three Nascars were built to help out the Autobots?...hmmm...does that remind of you three robots from G1?...surely MB isn't stupid enough to give us the movieverse versions of Grimlock, Slag and Sludge???...Oh please God no...

  14. WOW, the story fucking sucks, thanks for nothing as usuall to the crew

    the action scenes and designs had better be the best yet otherwise i am honestly going to murder michael bay and co

  15. "It can't be Megatron...he already has two alt forms a tank and a plane-ish, he doesn't need another alt form and what would be the reason to have another!?! Maybe it's Ultra Magnus?"

    Maybe its not megatron but that is the most retarded argument ever, are you 10 years old or somethings?. He might have changed it to blend in with other vehciles 'robots in disguise' its pretty hard to do that when your a giant alien jet. Plus he didnt really have time to change in the first two films.

  16. I don't think it means the mascara were built as humanmadde transformers, I think it means that they built the alt. modes. Could be wrong but that's how I interpreted it when I read it.

  17. Just a thought....could it be it was a Transformer who shot JFK?...like Frenzy...its al being shot in the 60's so.

  18. Anonymous at 10/13/2010, 3:46 PM

    Mascara is make-up used by women and confused men.

    Mascara is not transformable.
