Tuesday, October 12, 2010

TF3 Heading to Johnson Space Center for 1960s Look

It turns out that Washington, DC will not be the last stop in Stateside filming for Transformers 3. An email was sent out to Johnson Space Center employees looking for 130 extras for filming to occur on Saturday, October 16th. In addition, the announcement verifies that there is a definite late-1960s Apollo space mission angle to the plot as extra's will be costumed to fit the era's style.
This is an official email from Building 30 Facility Management

WANTED: Male extras for Paramount’s “Transformers 3” movie

Paramount is seeking to cast approximately 130 non-speaking parts for the role of Apollo Mission Control Flight Controllers and NASA officials.

Filming is on Saturday, Oct. 16th.

Casting is for Johnson Space Center team members only within the Mission Operations Directorate (MOD) – must have current CAA access into Building 30 Mission Control.

Those cast will be compensated by Paramount at $64 per 8 hours, with lunch provided.

For this scene depicting an Apollo moon landing, Paramount is looking for males over 25 years of age who are willing to be outfitted in a period costume and have haircuts from the late 1960s.
Just a guess on my part but sounds like TF3 will be making use of The Apollo Mission Control Center National Landmark (pic above) located there. Thanks to Sideswipe and Richard P. for the info.


  1. goosebumps thinking about it.

  2. No need to guess. They are filming in the Apollo Control Room at day. They are also rumored to be bringing a bunch of weapons on site, which suggests some kind of national security incident.

  3. This is either gonna be REALLY good, or REALLY bad... Personally, I'm hoping for "good".

  4. anythign with NASA in it can't be bad. just saying. :-)

  5. Hey, the 1960s. I hope Beachcomber appears surfing a board. What's wrong with a hippie, when we have a scientist in the film?

  6. Johnson Space Center is in Texas. That means that Texas is finally confirmed filming location.

  7. Early reports listed filming locations as LA, Chicago, Detroit, Washington D.C., Texas, Africa, China and Moscow. I'm anxious to see if they indeed hit those three international locations...I know they promoted ROPTF in Moscow and Bay himself said he would be shooting "big action sequences" in Chicago and Moscow. Moscow has made a push in recent years to have hollywood movies film there and has hosted scenes for movies such as Iron Man 2 and the Bourne Ultimatum. The Darkest Hour is filming there now with Emile Hirsch and Rachel Taylor(Transformers) among the cast.

  8. does anyone know whether that firetruck in chicago next to optimus turned out to be sentinel prime or was that just a rumor by the security guard

  9. I work right next door to the Apollo Flight Control Room. For the past two days, they've been bringing TONS of equipment into Building 30, and setting it up in the Apollo FCR. I can't wait to see this movie!

  10. I work in the building right next to Mission Control too, and the guy above me is a thug. Will you be watching the movie in Hawaii?

  11. It's gonna be related to Apollo 13, I betcha! Quick, hire Tom Hanks!

  12. Houston, we have a problem. :)
