Tuesday, October 05, 2010

TF3 Florida: Autobots at the VAB (Updated)

Transformers 3 production continues in at the Kennedy Space Center. A source provided a report including identifying the person in the wheelchair and a video they found of most of the Transformer car as they drove away from NASA's Vehicle Assembly Building (VAB). The TF vehicles on site include Optimus Prime with trailer, Bumblebee, Ratchet, the Ferrari, and Mercedes, the 3 Wreckers, and Sideswipe.
I was pretty close to the filming in the VAB yesterday as were about 150 extras. The guy in the wheelchair was John Turturro. I didn't snap any photos while they were filming because they are pretty strict about photos and I didn't want to get in trouble.

Many KSC employees and all the extras were able to witness some street filming last evening at KSC about an hour before sunset. A long convoy that included OP, bumblebee, a silver topless stingray (sideswipe), a red Ferrari, and three or four NASCAR based autobots, and I think Ratchet all sped down the street in front of the VAB and into the front gate of the VAB for numerous shots that were shot from different directions using the Camera chase car.
As for images, Florida Today reported about yesterday's filming along with a gallery of images here of the Wreckers. The article describes a little bit of the casting and costume process for extras cast for the shoot. It was noted that filming at Cape Canaveral Air Force Station, "where the Atlas and Delta unmanned rocket programs are housed -- to the filming schedule apparently was a last-minute decision by Bay." Thanks to Sideswipe, Ray, and Richard for the links.

Update: Thanks again to Sideswipe, below are three additional videos that show off the Autobots as they drive in front of the VAB.


  1. Well that pretty much confirms that the NASCAR vehicles are allies of the Autobots or possibly Autobots themselves. We'll see.

  2. just as a little bit of side info. They were turning onto Saturn Causeway, which follows the crawler path to Launch Pad 39A. Hence an interesting thought, could the Autobots be leaving Earth?

  3. everyone who thought the nascars were decepticons are pretty much retarded

  4. no ironhide again :(

  5. lol i came to terms with ironhide and the twins death a long time ago...

  6. I want to believe that the shuttle is Sky-Lynx. THAT would be awesome.

    However, it would be impossible to actually have them on board because the Autobots themselves would exceed maximum shuttle bay payload volume/weight allowed. Maybe only a few will go onboard?

    I suspect they are primarily to communicate some critical information to the shuttle or simply just head toward the shuttle for no reason other than establishing a shot of them being at NASA.

    I highly doubt the shuttle would be Astrotrain. That just makes no sense because the space program is always shown in a positive light and I doubt Bay would upset that tradition considering how much he loves NASA (Armageddon).

    So either Sky-Lynx or just a plain shuttle or maybe a modified shuttle (CGI).

  7. that makes sense lion but they said they were using Delta and Atlas rockets as well, and you could maybe fit the smaller ones on there. I mean lets be honest bay did movie magic in Armageddon, 39A and B are NOT as close as they made it seem in that movie. So for them to "all get onboard a Shuttle" isn't THAT farfetched although in real life yes it is way over weight. I mean they had Arcee & the rest, Ironhide & Sideswipe all on a c-17....

  8. Sideswipe: Good point. Possible something with the shuttles we are not aware of as of yet.

    Sky-Lynx is indeed a dude according to the TF wiki: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sky_Lynx

    But recasting Sky-Lynx as a dudette, hey not bad. I'd go for that.

  9. haha could kinda a sexy name right? Sky-Lynx..i think i could buy it lol

  10. prime always had to go find omega for assistance...he always kept to himself unless needed. he's the only one big enough to transport them all...just my 2 cents...been saying all along i've got a mancrush on omega!

  11. omega = lame character

  12. omega's just a guardian of cybertron and a badass...hoist or trax more your speed i'm guessing

  13. http://www.tfw2005.com/transformers-news/transformers-movie-just-movie-31/transformers-3-title-revealed-170697/ Is this Transformers 3 title? What do you think?

  14. Someone should ask about it from Nelson or Bay at Shoot For The Edit forum.

  15. But, but but...

    Where's Ironhide?! Surely Bay didn't really kill him off... I can live without the silly twins, but Ironhide???

  16. i agree with PsychoticSunny! but if he does go which he probably will i just hope its not in the begining of the movie

  17. I also wanted to know where the firetruck has gone that was in the earlier filming scenes??

  18. ummm did anyone else see skids/mudflap at 0.23

  19. in the second video

  20. yeah he's in there i noted it but it didn't make the edit. oh well.

  21. @ anonymous at 1:48

    the fire truck can let us assume 3 things.

    Either this is BEFORE Chicago in which case Ironhide is NOT dead and is just some where else.
    This is after they've already been to Chicago where IRonhide is dead and the firetruck is still there
    This is after chicago and Ironhide is dead and so is the firetruck

    of course those are my guesses. The fact that JOhn is in a wheel chair with someone who's in a neck brace makes me feel like it could be the end of the movie or getting near it.

  22. ^ yeah, that does make sense. i can now totally see this being at the VERY end of the movie after chicago

  23. Ironhide has been spotted at KSC, sent webmaster the link hoping it'll be posted tonight.

  24. Martinus Prime10/06/2010 7:36 PM

    Yeah, correct Sideswipe, I saw on Superherohype.com multiple pics of Ironhide at KSC!!

  25. Hey sideswipe, how are you getting this info? Wish I could see it in person.

  26. Chilly said....
    That's a good theory, but my question is, if this is a dark side of the moonshot, then could this be a team of AutoBots heading to the moon for a secondary mission, while the Chicago fighting is going on? We still have the "Jet Engine" piece to incorporate-possibly a part from the Autobot FireTruck transformed?

  27. Anonymous I was a NASA intern, i know people ;-) Not to mention i just find it on websites. And chilly that is a good idea as well if you think of the title as a literal thing if you look at the most recent post though i think my post tehre about the title makes the most sense.

  28. @Sideswipe - thanks for the info on the pics of Ironhide at KSC :) I feel a little better already. though am curious... has Ironhide's death been at the Chicago fight been "confirmed" or something? I try to keep up with the site here, but maybe I missed something...

  29. no you just have to put one and one together, Ironhide & the twins have been taken to all sets but we haven't seen them filmed much (for ironhide) or at all (for the twins) so either they're always in robot mode or they're dead, i made the assumption they're dead. it makes sense to kill off a main good guy if a lot of bad guys are going to die too. that's just my opinion

  30. also with bay saying "in this movie when you die you die for good" makes me think besides the fact of "a lot" will die, that you have to kill off majority of them. Personally again this is MY opinion, IRonhide, twins and either Sideswipe(which would make me terribly sad),The Wreckers(or some of them)and either the blue mercedes or the Red Ferrari are going to die at some point along with Soundwave, Shockwave, Starscream(tears!), and most if not all of the rest of the Decepticons, and if this TRULY is the end of the Transformers for Bay then Megatron too. Which i'd hate to see cuz then someone's gonna come by and "remake" the movie franchise. When if Megatron is still alive then you can just keep it going.

  31. from recent trailer we can see optimus and rachet on moon , inside the sibertronian ship, so they seek NASA aid to get them on moon to bring back Sentinel Prime
