Friday, January 21, 2011

Even More DOTM Toy Images

More Transformers: Dark of the Moon toy images has hit the web. Unlike most of the previous ones, we finally get a look at the robot mode of a Nascar Wrecker, Starscream, the Human Alliance Buggy and the Suburban Dread. Also another Human Alliance vehicle, a helicopter, so highly likely the line is back and going in a slightly new direction then its previous incarnation. Pics and links below.

Robot Modes | Deluxe Dread | Deluxe Starscream | Helicopter | Legends Bumblebee


  1. The Suburban Dread Decepticon's face reminds me a bit of the Aliens face. At least from a far distance. Probably looks completely different up close.

  2. Despite all the criticism of these toys, they actually look pretty good. I just wish people would wait until we have up-close reviews of the toys before they bash them. Nascar looks pretty darn good. Starscream isnt that bad, could use more paint. The Dread looks pretty good, dread-hair isnt necessary, but its alrite. It seems to me that these drones were made to look bug-like for a reason: possbily to make megatron seem weaker in a way. I think in a way there will be split within the decepticon camp: possibly soundwave and shockwave create their own army, megatron gathers an army of drones, and starscream will probably create a little army to win control himself. Factions within the decepticons would be a cool addition to the plot.

  3. i wish people would wait for up-close reviews before they say they are darn good or pretty good.

  4. "Despite all the criticism of these toys, they actually look pretty good."

    I don't know, for me they are all so... bland. :/ And the Wrecker dude really could use some more paint, and metal parts on the legs.

    As for your dron comment... I think you are expecting waaaaaaaay to much from this movie, especialy remembering, that it's the humans who get bigger role in them.

    "i wish people would wait for up-close reviews before they say they are darn good or pretty good."

    Excaly. Right now Megatron is the only toy that suprised me positivle, and that's mainly thanks to his alt mode being a truck. The rest of them is pretty weak.

  5. Counterpunch1/22/2011 6:36 AM

    The Autobots have finally called in the cavalry... The Nascar is armed to the teeth and there are now more military Autobots. Good good good!

  6. "The Autobots have finally called in the cavalry... The Nascar is armed to the teeth"

    Yeah, but when i look at the toys, I don't really see any heavy hitters... Especialy that nascar guy looks really weak (bot in terms of firepower and the overal look).


  8. I think theyre Autobots. These look interesting enough, but what I'm wondering about is Leader Class. Has there been any word on a Leader Class Megatron or Optimus for DOTM?

  9. "I think theyre Autobots. These look interesting enough, but what I'm wondering about is Leader Class. Has there been any word on a Leader Class Megatron or Optimus for DOTM?"

    No, because they had to make space for leader shockwave, sentinel and bumblebee :< i think they will just retool a little leader optimus from rotf and rerelase him.

  10. Shockwave toy pics!
