Monday, January 24, 2011

First Look at DOTM Shockwave Toys

With all the toy leaks it was just a matter of time. Thanks to members of ACToys (via Collecticon) we now have our first look at the robot and alt mode of Shockwave, the big bad of Transformers: Dark of the Moon. The character is designed as homage to his Generations One look with Cyclops head and horn along with a purple color scheme now with an alt mode of a Cybertronian tank rather than his G1 alt mode of a Cybertronian gun. The switch to a tank alt mode is expected as that has been his most common alt mode since Transformers: Energon cartoon series. As a bonus, hit the links below for more images of deluxe Barricade, various DOTM legends class figures, Crankcase (possible other name of Dread Suburban) and more.

Shockwave | Barricade | Crankcase, other Legends | Voyager Prime | Buggy, Starscream | Skids Comparison


  1. The robot mode is cool. The alt mode is so terrible, that it makes ROTF Megatron's alt mode look like a work of art.

  2. I'm not blown away but I do like the robot mode...I can imagine it looking badass in CGI. The tank is not good.

  3. What he said ^^^^

  4. yeah robot mode looks good ... but alt mode ... is so much like megatrons. not too interesting... probably same transformation too :(

  5. I like it. The robot mode is freakin' awesome.

  6. this figure suck big time wtf its wrong with hasbro first with voyager Optimus that looks like a FAB figure Ratchet still the same just a repaint Starscream have 2 big holes in his chest more like a legend class...really poor design lets hope for something better dont give me wrong ironhide its the best looking figure so far i just not happy with some of the figures.

  7. Counterpunch1/24/2011 12:55 PM

    The only robot I wanna see is Silverbolt and hopefully his fellow Aerialbots...

  8. Yep, definitely getting this one! Nice nice nice!

  9. Is that supposed to be a tank? Looks like a heap of junk to me.

  10. "Is that supposed to be a tank? Looks like a heap of junk to me."

    I guess any alien design will look like a junk pile to human, don't you think? Because it's, you know, alien to us.

  11. Ugly robot, ugly vehicle.

    Another nail to the coffin of pt3.

  12. "Another nail to the coffin of pt3."

    So were people saying about pt2, and look! It only gained 800 milions... That will show those stupid producer not to mess with fans and their wishes!

  13. Yeah I'm definetly gonna be getting this one. Hopefully more cool figures will pop up.

  14. @ Anonymous 4:56
    If you're complaining so much, why are you even on this site? Seriously, you're judging a movie that hasn't even come out yet. That's pretty unfair to Michael Bay and co. because you're not even giving them a chance to show you what TF3 has to offer.

  15. "1/24/2011 4:56 PM " - how is this a wonderful trilogy if the third movie is not yet made?

  16. It looks fucking awesome and immediately recognizable as Shockwave.

    A bunch of cynics I say.

  17. albite, this toy sucks
    but then again it is JUST A TOY!
    the toys don't compare to how the true design is
    shockwave is one of the most ausome characters within any TFU, and what's with all the complaints with his alt. mode
    it's a cybertronian tank from the looks of it. True Megs was also a cybertronian tank in TFROTF, but that's only because there was no need for him to go into hiding, and now Megs is a dirty old truck, a truck, TRUCK!
    Megs is a wuss, Shockwave can kick anyone's can
    so there, take that to the bank haters

  18. Why worry about Shockwave's alternate mode? His robot mode is awesome and I'm sure he'll be kicking butt in the movie. He can transform into a fire hydrant for all I care.

  19. This site is unfair. Site owner must be a Paramount employee. Those that dare to say anything against Michael Bay keep getting their posts censored.

  20. I made a huge point to a guy, and my posts gone... huge kick to my butt.

  21. 8 seconds of the new TF3 superbowl trailer!


    Shockwave is shown HURRY

  22. ^^^^^ I JUST GOT RICK ROLLED. Again.

    I hate to say it, but I actually liked (and still like) Rick Astley's song when I grew up. So it's not actually annoying to me at all. ^_^

    Sorry went off topic there. :P

    I like Shockwave and I'm liking this toy.

  23. Looks fine to me. Obviously it's all going to look much better in-movie then a toy does.

  24. I am surprised with just how many people complain about his alt mode..I think both forms look awesome!..once again too many picky fans I guess *shruggs* . Looking forward to seeing the actual movie shockwave!

  25. still looks better then The Fallen.

  26. odd thing about the robot mode, its such a clear design.

    most if not all other robot designs from the movie you need to squint at and use your imagination, this one you understand the design right away.

  27. Yep, deleted two posts. Both because they were going to start the whole Megan Fox nonsense. Bring up Fox being replaced (even if not directly) in posts that have nothing to do with her and they will get deleted, regardless if an attack or defense.

  28. pure shockwave goodness!!! cant wait to see if they will bring out primes trailer.

  29. Yep. TFLamb mentioned that a while back. Mention that certain person's name from that point on and he sticks Shockwave on your rear end. :D

  30. I bet on the Prime toy, the trailer wil ba a $30 accessory you have to buy separately. What would be awesome is if the Leader class Prime included the trailer without shrinking it or making it cost extra ;)

  31. @Joseph Cagle: And that proves that site owner works for Bay and Paramount.

  32. wit when you see the alt in the movie !!!

  33. The more I look at Shockwave's robot mode the more I like it. Maybe I'll like the alternate mode when I see it in all its CG IMAX 3-D glory LOL
    Arguing with or even trying to have an intelligent debate with people like Anonymous @ 1/25/2011 5:36am is pointless...either they insult you or claim you work for Bay or Paramount.

  34. Just did another pass eliminating the Fox comments. Out of more than 2000 posts on this blog, there are plenty of Fox related posts you can go back and forth on this to you heart’s content. I am just not interested in having every post become a shouting match.

    Sadly as a result, I am requiring a login to post. I didn't want to do that. I personally tend to enjoy reading an article and being able to quickly leave a comment without the trouble of having to create an account or remember yet another login but its times like this that it reminds me why it’s almost standard for websites nowadays. Abuse a privilege and the result is it often gets taken away.

  35. Hopefully those with accounts are mature enough to keep the content relevant to avoid further action.

    I'm guessing Shockwave's tank mode would be minimal in the movie. Otherwise, at least allow our brains to process it unlike Megatron's tank in ROTF. I'm looking forward to seeing Shockwave and Soundwave in the epic battle!

  36. The 2nd movie was rubbish aside of the action scenes and the awesome opening sequence.

    I indeed did not see this movie, but so far the negatives for me:

    1) Plot Hole: Find something on the moon in the '60's does not match with movie one.

    2) Ditching Mikaela Banes as a character

    3) Power gloves. uuurrgrgrh

    4) Megatron / Shockwave toys are not promising.

    The action will be good I reckon. :)

  37. I'm all for requiring a login. I've been saying that the whole time. :)

  38. This comment has been removed by the author.

  39. Who says there's power gloves in the movie. Yes, Sam had on what appeared to be a power glove but how do we know it's not something different? It may not be a power glove at all.

  40. Then it is just something else which looked daft. ;)

  41. "Who says there's power gloves in the movie. Yes, Sam had on what appeared to be a power glove but how do we know it's not something different? It may not be a power glove at all."

    It's just a fan nick name. Doesn't change the fact, that he has some kind of a freaky glove. Jeez.

  42. I hope the transformers 3 toys are good. I seen the new Transformers 3 Ultimate Optimus Prime and it looks like it will be popular for christmas this year.

  43. nostalgia critic
