Sunday, February 06, 2011

1st Look at TF3's CGI Optimus Prime?

A new commercial from NASA to promote a video contest aimed at elementary kids to promote interest in science might just show a brief look at the Transformers: Dark of the Moon version of Optimus Prime. The commercial is part of the partnership between Paramount and NASA when TF3 filmed there this summer and includes the as always excellent voice work of Peter Cullen. Prime's appearance begins at the 15 second mark. Hopefully tonight's Superbowl commercial will give us another look.


  1. that's an incomplete rendering...look at the face, eyes and the grey metal parts on the legs

  2. who the fuck post this who ever did it you are an asshole dude how the fuck you gonna believe this is Optimus from DOTM you're really need some serious help jerk...

  3. yeah, he looks like crap.

  4. Yeah, that can't be what we're actually going to see in the movie

    and on another note, what time is the trailer hitting the internet tonight?
    Bearing in mind I live in the uk, a time translation would be kinda nice too :)

  5. I hate to say it, but despite the good intentions of this commercial, the CGI animation was terrible. :(

  6. Yea it's too "Limited" in it's movement. Probably someone did it for cheap.

  7. Who did the CGI on this?
    If ILM,Digital Domain and Michael Bay are going to release the movie with this awful CGI quality in order to complete rendering on time for awful 3D gimmick post-conversion then the movie will look pathetic, so cartoonish like the bad Transformers Prime tv series with its low quality CGI.

  8. YES, where the hell is the new trailer??? Screw the super bowl... in today's internet age why the hell hasn't it leaked?

    I don't wanna watch that stupid football game just to see the preview...

    Plus, i wanna see it now!

  9. CALM DOWN PEOPLE! He's not gonna look like that in DOTM!

  10. fuck you Anon 2/06/2011 9:32 AM The Super Bowl is the biggest sporting event of the year. Because of that you should watch it.

  11. He wont look like that in DOTM. This is just a simplified version done to make the CGI easier in this video.

    Anyway, anyone know what time the trailer will hit the web, or will be available in the UK.

  12. I hope the chevy camaro/dotm commercial isnt the only thing we will see...

  13. And "anon" as you put it...2/06/2011 @12:08 ...your mother will be joining my super bowl party today you jack A$$

  14. @Scorpio: so a sloppy job is good for Transformers franchise and upcoming movie how exactly?
    Why Hasbro, Michael Bay, Spielberg and Paramount are allowing this bad CGI to show on commercials? Really.. having bad CGI is doing the opposite than help promoting the movie, this is bad advertisement. Are they just out of their own minds or they don't care anymore about this franchise?
    One has to wonder how this bad CGI can happen on commercials that should be promoting the upcoming movie.

  15. Has anyone got any idea when the trailer will be online?

    @Anonymous 1:06PM;
    Please try to read what i said. I dont know why the CGI isnt that good, this is probably a commercial that didnt have much planning involved. Also i doubt this commercial will be seen much, the Bumblebee commercial is probably the standard of the other TV spots and CGI.

  16. @Anonymous 1:06PM
    The reason this trailer has bad CGI is in the description "A new commercial from NASA to promote a video contest aimed at elementary kids" I doubt Bay or any of the team had any work involved in this, and the target audience will just recognise the voice and outline and wont care much about the look.




  18. @Scorpio: do you really believe that anyone even being NASA could use characters of Hasbro Transformers franchise and do its own CGI rendering of any character without paying the rights to Paramount,Hasbro and ILM,Digital Domain?
    Seriously? Do you really believe that is what happens in the real world and how business work?

  19. @Anonymous 2:23PM;
    Stop being a troll about this. How am i supposed to know why the CGI is bad. All i can say is they probably paid hasbro royalties for using the name and basic image. Hasbro probably rushed the CGI design.

    Now please stop moaning to me about it, whatever reason it is, this commercial is done. No going back.

  20. That cgi looks too cartoonish to me the kind that gets kids attention from elementary schools -MB-

  21. @Anonymous 2/06/2011 2:35 PM: the fact is that kids from elementary schools already watched the first two movies and know the original topnotch CGI and the can see the difference too.

  22. Are you fucking retarded? You think that's a full rendering of Optimus for DOTM? Fuckin ASSHOLE.

  23. Can everyone just shut up about the cgi, its crap. we noticed, just dont watch the commercial and stop bitching. paece dudz

  24. the trailer will be online at right after it appears on tv.

    That looks like NASA didnt' want to spend $40,000 just to have prime fully CG'd and just did a basic job. Plus its for kids you think they are going to care like all you butthurt fan boys?

  25. Yall complain more than females seriously that clearly isn't optimus prime from the movie

  26. Thanks Anonymous 2:43PM;
    London: 23:30
    So i guess thats the start of the superbowl, probably have the advert at about half time.

  27. Scorpio:

    Im not saying you're stupid or anything, I just think the title, "1st Look at TF3's CGI Optimus Prime?" is pretty dumb and misleading. If it was titled properly, i'm sure you wouldn't have had this much taunting coming at you, lol. Because this certainly/obviously isn't FIRST LOOK AT TF3 CGI, lollll. But keep up the good work on keeping the fans updated!

  28. To those asking about when the trailer will be online.

    If it's not up by 6PM Eastern Time (11PM UK i believe), then it may not be up until after the game and that could be between 10-12EST (3-5AM UK)

    it will either be up on youtube,, or

    apple also has a special site up for just the super bowl trailers and heres the link:

  29. Anonymous; -facepalm- It isnt my blog, i didnt choose the title.

    Thanks, it`ll probably take till tommorow at this rate anyway. Michael and the offical site always go down for some reason...

    Youtube will probably be the earliest

  30. @Scorpio: yup. best bets are apple, or a bootlegged one on youtube.

  31. the wreckers identfield revelead!blue-whirl,red-impactor,green-roadbuster

  32. Nathan;
    Only problem is everyone will try milking the fans by posting tons of fake vids claiming them to be the superbowl trailer/tv spot.
    They`ll probably do the trailer/tv spot at the end. Anyone know how long the trailer/tv spot is?

    @Anonymous 4:46PM; thanks, if this is credible :) Hope we have Ultra Magnus to lead them

  33. Don't forget that both 2 years ago and 4 years ago the Transformers commercial wasn't played until the break between the 3rd and 4th quarters. That means it probably won't debut until around 9pm EST.

  34. @Scorpio: very true. i doubt it'll be more than 30 seconds though that would be awesome. Hopefully if it is 30 seconds, it's 30 seconds of footage and not 20 seconds of fading in and out like ROTF.

    @Aaron: as far as the time it's assumed that the TF preview will be around halftime.

  35. @Nathan;
    Thanks, if its a Tv spot then we`ll probably see a cut down version of the original trailer, maybe with a robot.

    Now that we`ve all seen the shockwave toy i hope we have one teaser later based solely around him. 30 Seconds of him surrounded by fire and death and then hear him speak, his eye glows and fades as the title appears. That would be enough to get me slightly excited

  36. he looked terrible D:

  37. your mothers...
