Monday, February 28, 2011

DOTM Pick-ups, Burglary

Nelson posted a brief update on about Transformers: Dark of the Moon.
Nelson here...

Just a couple of things I wanted to share with you guys.

* Michael was shooting today some of the last pickup scenes for Transformers Dark Of The Moon.
* Burglars broke into the production offices of the movie. Federal authorities have been called in due to the sensitive nature of the burglary.
Pick-ups generally mean minor shots to add or replace existing footage. This is usually done when part of the editing process it was determined that either certain shots were not working as originally filmed or to add clarification. For example, say a distance shot of an actor saying a line wasn't working right so might do a pick-up to get the close-up shot instead. As for the burglary, above are all the details available so no info on what was taken. Confused on why federal authorities are involved. My best guess is copyrighted material was taken such as script, film, etc. This isn't Michael Bay's first experience as his home in New Mexico was broken into when he was filming Transformers 2. Thanks to Chris for the link.


  1. Well damn. I hope this doesn't delay anything.


  3. This sounds all too familiar. Remember this..

  4. Them Feds were called cuz of the sensitive nature.... as in it can be construed (whew big word) as a felony ...

    Plus haha it would be funny to watch them fat ass G1 fanboys rot in prison for doing what they did.....


  6. Fuck, this is gonna hold us up. I pray for it's safe return or leaks!!!!!!

  7. The usual marketing trick of releasing "leaked pirated material" .. because thieves are going to earn a lot of money by making scripts and other production info available for free on P2P, Youtube and many websites,uh?
    Geez... markeeters really think no one could figure their silly tricks out.

  8. So they are going "to leak" the movie script, another early draft?

  9. someone owes me 100$ if the leak is something really awesome.

  10. It was the Twins. They were unhappy with being cut from the final film.

  11. I think they tried to steal the script and realized there was none, the feds were brought in as this is a massive case of M Bay torturing moviegoers

  12. You think wrong, no one stole the script neither now nor on the previous two movies. It's just a marketing trick that Bay and Paramount still think no one could figure it out.. well judging from you and a few others they may be right.

  13. what script?...dont tell me the first two movies had a script?

  14. ^^LMAO^^ !!

  15. Anonymous 8:16 if you didn't like the first 2 movies, then im gonna force you to watch the 3rd.

  16. Here you go watch it before it's taken down!!! http://

  17. ^did not match any document

  18. fagdumbshit, Wow. You're a real winner!

  19. Mike from Boston3/02/2011 2:55 PM

    I thinks its so funny how that Shadow guy over on shoot for the edit and Nelson go at each other. Every time Shadow calls Nelson out on something, Nelson tries to belittle him and says something stupid just like he says his pet peev is stupidity. Yet Nelson lets someone else bring out the stupidity in him as well. I really like Shadow and his views on things and that he speaks his mind. Most of those members over there kiss Nelson's ass and bow as soon as Bay is remotely seen on. I think most of the time that Bay is not even popping on over there and it's just Nelson with a fake Bay account playing into their stupidity that Bay would really come on and give a damn about anything anyone over there thinks or says. Nelson is a tool and probably lives in his parent's basement where he only wishes he was in the loop like he brings up all the time when someone else remotely has something of fact that he does not. On the other hand... is it me or is it that with as much as those two seem to always call each other out, am I the only one that thinks they are both in on just getting hype started over there to keep people coming back to that site? Anyway, I still think Nelson is a tool and Shadow is just as his name says, that guy that knows something but is not always telling you the full truth and is always there lurking in the shadows lol Hey here is something. What if Shadow is really Nelson and or Bay?

  20. So this is what everyone thinks? Listen guys. Nelson and Shadow know what the deal is. Both of these guys know their shit (at times). The movie is coming along. We have had some hiccups but things are still moving forward.

  21. What did Shadow say about all this?

  22. he said dont use orange juice with your orn flakes. Sounds to me he has NO IDEA what he is on about.

  23. Sounds to me that Nelson is blowing smoke up their asses over their. If it was such a sensitive matter and the FBI had to get involved, there is now way Paramount would give a guy whos only job if you want to call it that, is to babysit a bunch of fan boys the green light to go on the Net and put their business out there like that. I mean who does Nelson really think he's fooling. He is a nobody and a fan boy just like everyone else over there.

  24. I have never had " orn flakes" before ^^ lol

  25. @Anonymous 3/03/2011 10:31 AM: Nelson is either a end-of-the-chain Michael Bay's employee or he might be a relative or a friend of relatives of him. That's highly likely. So although he might know a lot of stuff it's highly unlikely that he could decide to do anything that Bay doesn't order him to do.
    So yes, he is writing what the marketing guys want him to write. It's just that obvious. But many can't figure it out anyway.

  26. Nelson does not know what is what guys. His little site, just like himself is just a tool for Bay WHEN Bay wants to use that tool. Otherwise, Nelson is a fan boy like the rest.

  27. @Anonymous 3/03/2011 9:02 PM: he is an employee and not an unpaid fan boy. He gets money for what he does.

  28. So Nelson is just a paid fan boy lol. He's still a tool.
