Monday, February 28, 2011

DOTM Sentinel Prime and New Optimus Prime in Robot Mode

The April 2011 issue of Empire Magazine, now hitting newsstands has scored a heck of a coup. As the images from TFW2005's Shockwaved show, they provide a fantastic look at Sentinel Prime and Optimus Prime in their full CGI glory. A summary of the article (which is not available on Empire's website for turn of the century reasons) from TFW2005's knook:
Does and Don'ts for TF3:
1. No sand
2. No "dorky" humor ("we wanted to make the movie much more serious, more adult)
3. When robots die, they're really going to die and we're gonna show that
4. We're not bringing people back
5. Give the robots more 'weight' in the story ("They were missed in movie two. We've given them a strong back-story and pathos")
- Sentinel Prime is "A big brother and mentor to Optimus Prime"
- The Ferrari is a 'Con who (Michael) bay is dubbing as 'Dreadbox' [incorrect info, see below]
- New companions for Starscream, Shockwave and the rest
- "The scale on one of them is jawdropping" - "It will be 'what the Hell was that thing?"
- Apollo 11 'incident' show in the teaser is government secret
- No army for this, Chicago is left up to the 'Bots but some heroes sneak in through the back-door so to speak
- The human gliders are used because they slip under the 'Con radar - as do humans - so they'll be the people who can hammer it to the 'Cons and create an opening for the 'Bots
As pointed out in the comments by cypherXR, the information about "Dreadbox" is incorrect. As Bay posted on his forums back in March before production started saying "I also was at a Ferrari charity event this week raising money for a hospital being built by Ferrari in Haiti. I announced that night the newest Autobot to join Transformers: the Ferrari 458 Italia."

I have not read the article but it appears its the usual job where a reporter got hold of pictures but no interviews or additional information. Since just posting the pictures for a front page story isn't enough, they compiled the article from other online sources from the previous months of set leaks which we all know can lead to incorrect information. I guess they didn't check out my cheat sheet to verify what has and has not been officially confirmed. Thanks to Sahara, Chris, Katie, Ryan, Kris and others for the link.

Corrections made in regards to "Dreadbox" and relating it to the Ferrari.


  1. Sentinel Prime is a ripoff of many Gundam designs. Absolutely unoriginal and has nothing to do with Transformers franchise designs. ILM designers obviously like Gundam series..the problem is that they seem unable to create their own new models anymore and started copying from Gundam like hell. Why?

  2. I dont think I agree with this Ferrari stuff is a con. Didn't Michael bay make this huge announcement saying that he is the newest autobot? He is seen with the autobots several times (florida and chicago) so if he is a decepticon, he betrays them. One rumor I heard is that Soundwave is the ferrari. Yeah, I dont think so...

    Sentinel Prime looks way tight and this movie should be good.

  3. Yeah, it was March 2nd where he was at a Ferrari charity event and announced the ferrari as a new autobot.

  4. The part of the article in Empire about the Ferrari was taken from a misquoted statement from Basically when he was talking about The Dreadbox, he was referring to the black SUVs known now as the Dreads. They worded it differently from what Bay actually said. That site is known for misquoting, rewording and misspelling things. The Ferrari is an Autobot as stated by Michael Bay himself when it was unveiled.

  5. - "The scale on one of them is jawdropping" - "It will be 'what the Hell was that thing?"

    i remember before TF1 was released bay said he wanted an aircraft carrier transformer but it never fit in, and they also said he was going to put it in ROTF but it didnt fit. Its possible that it could be in DOTM as this ginormous thing? or unicron mabye, who knows.


  6. Isn't that the Tformer from the Ark in the teaser?

  7. Yes Mcat. That is the Transformers in the Ark at the end of the teaser trailer. :)

  8. The Transformer in the Ark, Not Transformers. lol Sorry.

  9. Martinus Prime2/28/2011 7:46 PM

    Like everbode above said: the Ferrari is an Autobot, NOT a Decepticon.
    Sentinel and Optimus look AWESOME!!

    @anon 7:12PM:
    That was going to be Tidalwave, but was cut out bc there wasn't enough budget.

    Yes, when Sentinel's toy came out last month, there was in a article here on tflamb a comparison photo. You can Look it up in the archive.

  10. They look like real fucking transformers, the way alien robots would look if someone took a photo of them, I didn´t think I would look at pictures like these in my lifetime, when I was a kid

  11. ok...So Sentinel Prime looks like an old warrior ready to kick the shit out of everyone, with Optimus backing him up...July is so far away...

  12. Its a bit misleading on the part of the whole no army for this movie.
    then why was there NEST vehicles seen


  14. This is all wonderful news, if true.

  15. @ ANON 2/28/11 6:57 P.M.:

    You said, "Sentinel Prime is a ripoff of many Gundam designs. Absolutely unoriginal and has nothing to do with Transformers franchise designs."

    Though he may resemble Gundam designs, there is a Transformers precedent in Sentinel Prime's design that predates anything Gundam. That's of course the design of Alpha Trion.

    Don't get me wrong. I think the pics looks great, but I'm also disappointed that the character they represent is Sentinel Prime, rather than Alpha Trion. When you compare the two they simply call out to be one in the same.

    Alpha Trion was a mysterious figure that added intrigue to the mythos of the Transformers universe. It could be said that he sort of represented the Transformers analog to the mysterious, all knowing, wizard character in the hero's journey; mentoring and guiding the hero on his path.

    It would have been great to see Alpha Trion in the movie, especially since he's a firmly established G1 character and the character model looks nearly identical to how you would imagine him looking in the movie-verse.

    It just seems like calling the bot Sentinel Prime is just like in the first movie when the tank Decepticon was called Devastator, rather than Brawl. It just seems like a stupid mistake, as if the Hasbro folks didn't communicate to the movie production folks to ensure continuity. Oh well.

  16. optimus has his g1 inspired grill on his abdomen.

  17. ^^ Totally agree with you guy. The design for sentinel prime has NOT been ripped off from Gundam (lol) ...but rather the earlier G1 character Alpha Trion. Really too bad they did'nt keep with the Alpha Trion character, since he fits an identical form, and from what I gather from the movie so far, may also fit the character of Alpha Trion also. Oh well...have to look past this one as well I guess :/ He looks great though, no matter what they call the character!!...high hopes for this movie :D !!! Come on Summer !! 8D !!

  18. optimus has been slightly tweeked if you guys havent noticed

    i know one of the people above me has

  19. prime does look different, ive noticed since the daytona 500 spot, i just cant figure out what it is......

  20. Here's some wild speculation, but if you look at the cover pic of Optimus, his gun sort of looks like it came off Megatron.

    The reason I say this is that it's pretty rusted and beat up looking, unlike anything we've seen Optimus carry before. Wouldn't it be ironic that in the final film there's a subtle homage to Megatron as a gun in the hands of Optimus.

  21. The changes are subtles but great,his chest is armored now with i think is the leftover of jetfire`s body,power armor,and there`s and extra layer of auto body in the chest,just look at the daytona teaser when he`s unloading the empty shell from his big gun and you will notice,and in this pic from empire magazine his left arm has and extra shiel like armor extension,his reasonable to thin that his transformation has changed a little due to the more war-like body modifications that all bots have gotten,if bee is seen rolling and showing is arsenal,imagine optimus in his big truck mode opening plates and showing some nasty firepower? or unveiling his jet engines+wings,speed up and take off in flying truck mode? REALLY LOOKING FORWARD to see that! cos if megatron do that to in rotf why not op?

  22. I don`t think it come`s from any megatron related weaponry,more logical is that when SP come`s with the calvalry to eart, he brings some new toys to the bots,and this gun is a present to OP.

  23. *facepalm*

    Why are NEST STILL using assault rifles?

  24. George W. Bush3/01/2011 2:52 AM

    Here's an update for anybody interested. In the new Transformers comic prequel to DOTM, Astrotrain joins Shockwave on Earth while Salvage and Longarm, both Autobots are killed by Shockwave in China. Megatron is hiding in the jungles of Africa.

    A few Cons Seekers are destroyed but one of them is captured by the Autobots while Arcee and her 2 sisters survived ROTF apparently. No news on the twins though.

  25. Think guys, those weapons were made by Ironhide the weapon master.

    New companions for Starscream? Does this mean we will see Thundercracker?

    No army for this movie must mean no airforce, no tanks just the NEST team. But without the airforce how the hell are they going to fight back against the Decepticon ships?

    Sentinel and Optimus in that pic, thats what I call brothers in arms. Optimus looks like he's ready to kick some Decepticon ass and Sentinel looks like he's gonna slice them into pieces.

    This movie wont disappoint.

  26. All this is too good to be true... Please I hope my high expectations dont get the best of me..

  27. Quote from Anonymous - "No army for this movie must mean no airforce, no tanks just the NEST team. But without the airforce how the hell are they going to fight back against the Decepticon ships?"

    - Maybe you forgot Silverbolt will be in this movie. Look, the Ark will be in the movie. It's an Autobot ship. There should be many more unnamed Autobots that will appear. Silverbolt is the leader of the Aerialbots. Will we maybe see Superion? We'll see.

  28. No army and no airforce it's going to look unrealistic indeed. They did that to go cheap and lower actual army scenes having more actors and less real weapons.
    Silverbolt in the movie but no other Aerialbots means no Superion and so it's another way to go cheap and save on budget.
    The actual budget for this movie is way lower than they claim it to be, a lot less indeed. Probably half.

  29. There's no large-millitary involvement in DOTM b/c Bay wanted a different story. This time it's up to the autobots and a small number of nest soldiers to defeat the decepticons.
    The cost of extras fees, blank bullets and fuel is far less than the cost of designing and animating cgi autobots.

  30. @Winton Ray: CGI now costs a lot less than it did 4-5 years ago when the first Transformers movie was created. All movie productions inflate their claimed budget anyway so to get a real estimate you must always subtract at least 40% or more out of the claimed budget.
    No large military involvement is going to look pathetic and unrealistic. So Chicago gets attacked by alien forces and the military doesn't react in a massive scale,uh? How are they going to explain that? Are they going to tell that Decepticons killed all military forces already or what?
    It's going to look dumb.

  31. First off, I love this blog. I read it everyday. I remember when people would complain that there were too many humans involved in these movies, that the human aspect took away from the Transformers screen time. Now that Bay has decided to remove alot of the 'extra' human element by saying that there will not be any army or large military aspect, some of you people are still

    I guess some people are never pleased. I would hate to be friends with those types of people. Keep the great information coming. I can't wait.

  32. ^^^ I don't work in the vfx industry but I've read that these robots are very difficult to build and animate because they are photo-real and have large amounts of surface area to light/shadow...the cost has been a limiting factor.
    It has long been a practice of hollywood studios to publicly "understate" the production budgets of large tent-pole films...these films often run over budget and studios hope that shareholders wont look closely at their quarterly statements.
    Capone from AICN news learned that "alien ships shoot down any millitary aircraft that come close to the city"....we saw evidence of that in the super bowl ad.

  33. sentinel looks nothing like alpha trion, save the beard. alpha trion wouldnt make any sense anyhow, sentinel prime was the leader before optimus. makes sense that optimus became leader after sentinel went missing. movie looks awesome but some of u are still whining.

  34. @Winton Ray: Understate production budget? Do you really believe that? Are you really so naive? It's the other way around! Practically no movie production runs ever out of budget, there could be a few exceptions maybe. They claim an higher budget to pay less taxes (yeah it's a paradox but they use all sort of tricks given by laws in various states to pay less taxes, and in some an higher budget allows them to pay less..) and they claim an higher budget to steal on investors. Inflating invoices for all those involved into a movie production also allows to steal more money in the flowing and getting more money out of investors.
    People involved into these production get richer and richer, they don't run out of budget, they don't get poor even when a movie is claimed to flop which is always not because they then don't disclose merchandise revenues, tv rights revenues, any kind of marketing agreements revenue and so on and on..

  35. Martinus Prime3/01/2011 10:15 AM

    @anon above who is in discussion with Winton Ray:

    How ignorant are you? Do you really believe yourself? You´re way off! Half the budget of the second movie???? Really??
    If that´s the case, Tidal Wave would be in the first movie!!
    And no airforce means what Winton already stated. Didn´t you see the super bowl spot? And don´t you remember the pic wich said 'Autobots go home!' ? That clarifies that only NEST is helping the Autobots.

    I think Silverbolt is gonna do some serious ass kicking in the sky. I´m hoping for some awesome dogfights with Starscream, and hopefully more Aerialbots en 'Con planes.

  36. ^^^ They're busted now...I work for the IRS LOL

  37. Am I the only one who think Sentinel Primes face is way too humanized? I mean, why would a robotic being from another planet have a face that looks exactly like a human? That's just silly. Optimus looks great, though.

  38. This comment has been removed by the author.

  39. TFN have got high resolution versions of the images. Enjoy -

  40. i fucking hate that humans can use assault rifles against transformers its really fucking stupid

    the only things that should effect them are explosives like 40mm high heat grenades, and rocket launchers, and even then they shouldnt really be leathal to them

  41. @ihatefanboys

    dude, get your glasses out...sentinel prime looks just like alpha trion, not just the beard LOL, and he had a very significant role with optimus prime. As far as ppl complaining, and talking...thats what we with it :D !!

  42. Has anyone else noticed that Sentinel Prime's goatee has red beads at the tips?

  43. @Mandy said...

    " Has anyone else noticed that Sentinel Prime's goatee has red beads at the tips?"

    ...not sure I understand why you would post that?...its like saying " my cats name is mittens" ...Whats your point? :D !!

  44. idk if this question was answered or not (im 2 lazy 2 read all of ur comments) So is Sentinel Prime REALLY Optimus Prime's big bro? Or r they close and like say they're brothers? Plz answer... and thanx! XD

  45. @anonymous at 1:00.... i watched the original series, sentinel looks NOTHING like ALPHA TRION. yes u whiners do whine, about stupidity and things that arent even close to looking like alpha trion. its probably cuz ur gay. this is what alpha trion looks like

    its not even close.

  46. Martinus Prime3/01/2011 7:29 PM

    No, Sentinel Prime is NOT Optimus's brother. In the comics he is Optimus's predecessor, he led the Autobots before Optimus did and passed the Matrix of Leadership on to Optimus when he was killed in battle on Cybertron.
    Sentinel Prime wasn't part of the 80's cartoon.

  47. @ ihatefanboys

    Shhhhh...adults are reading...

  48. @ihatefanboys

    Thanks "ihatefanboys" for showing us how alpha trion looks ALOT like dotm's sentinel prime :D ! So how bout showing us a link of how DOTM sentinel looks more like G1 sentinel prime... lol

    I hope you haz glasses ! Bahahaha!!!

  49. ^^ ohhh i get it, there is no G1 sentinel prime, and that ihatefanboys guy said he watched the original series hehe...good one! But ya, dotm sentiel looks a lot more like alpha trion then the cartoon sentinel prime, you are right Anon !

  50. i watched the orinal seires before! it kicked ass! (in my book) look... im 13 after awhile i got confused with the names... :( so plz sum1 ezplain it very simplely cuz im a little lost... P.S. thanx 4 answerin my question above the "big bro" part through me off! <3

  51. Sentinel Prime is mentor to Optimus, Megatron, Shockwave and others. Sentinel Prime was in G-1 just never named as Sentinel Prime till later on.

  52. ^^ I believe you are correct sir :) Thats how I understand sentinel prime as well.

  53. Aerialbots should make their last stand in Chicago as aerial cover for the Autobots. Starscream won't be pleased.

  54. I watched the teaser of the T3 dark side of the moon. I Love it. Well, I want to see new Optimus Prime.

  55. @Anonymous

    ...not sure I understand why you would post that?...its like saying " my cats name is mittens" ...Whats your point? :D !!

    A) Its a testament to detail in the movie
    B) Same reason one would "dreadlocks" on

  56. @Mandy

    Yup now I get what you are trying to say :)

    thanks for clarifying !

  57. thank u every1 who answered my questions! luv ya!!! <3

  58. ....CyberTRON Legacy? That is the worst pun ever.

  59. I think this is the first time Id have to say, I think the leader class toy looks better than the CGI movie model of Sentinel Prime. At least on the toy you can see he looks like a fire truck lol
    his CGI mode just looks like they recolored his gold look with red and forgot to add fire engine parts lol

  60. Ya know...I totally agree with you on that ^^
    - he also looks heavier built in the toy version if that makes any sense :)

  61. The big tranformers that bay is talking about could be omega supreme, possibly metroplex or trypticon (decepticon base). But i am glad the human element is taken down. I couldn't stand megan fox and well I just want to see transformers destroy each other. But here is my thing, why they never used the spark fragment to bring jazz back, I will never know and also WHY ARE THE INCLUDING SENTINEL PRIME. HE was killed by decepticons on cybertron. I Mean couldn't they have just used Ultra Magnus? Bay is going to really screw this up...

  62. whos the leader now is it sentinel prime or is it optimus

  63. Looks kick ass I can't wait for the next movie. I like the quote no dorky humor. It was really starting to bug me I mean the first movie was fine but the second. SHEESH it was really annoying that's what let me down mainly with that movie. So I don't see this put up yet but I'm really crossing my fingers and hoping for no sex jokes I can deal with water down humor but for petesake this is the Transformers there is no need for that junk.

    In other thoughts Sentinel Prime looks awesome I like his design. It's pretty tight. Yeah it does look kind of like Alpha Trion being G1 fan myself I kind of wish it was him. But the way I see it is TF Movie is a completely different universe from the others it has elements of the others but it is it's own story. So that's how I look at it from that perspective. I can't wait for this movie. The filming for the fight at Washington D.C. was the first thing to get me pumped and then it went on from there :D

    Also I must say one more thing I really hope they give the autobots and decepticons more screen time and make more sense of the plot some part in RotF were a little confusing or didn't really fit the anatomy of a Transformer.

  64. Gotta say, this installment seems to have all the elements of a "all-time best" blockbuster and award winner. Gotta admire M.Bay for his creative genius.
