Tuesday, February 15, 2011

DOTM Super Bowl Trailer Rewind Theatre

IGN has posted an interesting video that breaks down the 30 second Transformers: Dark of the Moon Super Bowl TV Spot. About the only mistake I noticed was Ratchet being identified as Mudflap but the twin has a mostly black color scheme for the third film. Most of it fans have already figured out from screenshots but it doesn't hurt to have it spelled out more clearly. Thanks to DJ.Bigtyme Beats for the link.


  1. Well they failed to spot a lot of things, didn't they? I think most of the people that have dissected this trailer on the internet by now have identified at least these additional robots: Shockwave, a brown Brawl clone, a Long Haul clone and a Sideways clone. And of course that is Ratchet, and not Mudflap.

    A funny side note is the fact that in this trailer, we have for the first time in a movie seen a clear image of Sideways in his robot form. In ROTF he did transform, but you couldn't really see his robot form. It was all just a fast blur. We tend to forget that, because we have seen digital images of him in robot form on the internet.

  2. To anonymous above where did you spot Shockwave?

  3. In the part of the Rewind where they they are pointing out "Mudflap" (actually Ratchet) and Bumblebee, if you look almost dead center of the screen you can just barely make out Shockwave. Here’s a better image of him, again almost dead center but up to the left a little bit. http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_G96gxvrHqrE/TU9kV574gdI/AAAAAAAAKfY/zqNTT2_eaN4/s1600/TF3SuperbowlScreenshot7.jpg

  4. Frame by frame it, that's shockwave at the all the way at the end of the road. Plus, when Prime is spinning around and stabbing robots, I'm almost positive the first one he impales and then throws to the ground is Shockwave again. DL the large size from Apple trailers and then watch that scene frame by frame.

  5. Follow up to my last post. The frames I'm talking about are at 24 seconds in from the 1080p version on the apple site. You can make out Shockwave's red eye, and the robot that's getting stabbed is clearly purple.

  6. the robot that gets stabbed is a Sideways clone, it's quite clear, but the guy in the long shot is Shockwave for sure

  7. thats not shockwave buddy. shockwave is a main villian therefore he's not going to be disposed of without the audience clearly seeing him. He's not in the trailer at all

  8. The image linked to by Rob kinda makes it look ratchet is firing a flame thrower. is this the case or just the way the pic came out?

  9. thats not shockwave, i know it kind of looks like, him but there are many slight differences, also the in the trailer frame by frame, its brawl on the floor first not shockwave, then long haul gets shot, and you can see a protoform, then optimus kills sideways, then optimus destroyes some really big robot

  10. does anyone else think its kinda retarded that Bay is using Long Haul and Sideways again? Dont get me wrong, I think both of them are awesome decepticons but I am not digging the whole "let's use dead robots" thing. One thing that made me mad was that in ROTF, there were like 20 constructicons.

  11. Ok, I do not see the resemblance between Mudflap and Ratchet, mostly because Mudflap is orange. I think most of you guys are referring to SKIDS, the green one.
    Between Skids and Ratchet, Ratchet is about the same size as Bumblebee, if not taller. Skids is way shorter. In the preview, the green character is closer to the camera than Bumblebee, and they look the same size. If they were standing right next to each other, the green one would be a bit taller than Bumblebee, making the green character Ratchet.
    Skids is going to be black, for the most part, in this movie, so it adds more to the conclusion that the green character is Ratchet and not Skids.

  12. Am I the only one noticing Ironhide and Sideswipe in the bottom of the fight scene with B and Ratchet?

  13. Martinus Prime2/15/2011 6:26 PM

    Jezus, those guys from IGN are retards! Just like the last time with ROTF, they AGAIN have a name incorrect. Don't those guys do any research??? It's obvious the green bot is Ratchet and the Twins are mostly black, they obviously don't bother to watch setphoto's that got put on the internet a long time ago. And to overlook Long Haul and Brawl.

    I'm agreeing with some of the others, Bay won't put the main villian in 30 sec. spot AND Shockwave won't be killed that easily.

    @anon 2/15/2011 3:21 PM:
    Yes I agree with you, I also think it's lame to use old/killed-off bots again. Like Brawl(Devastator), why is he back?
    If one character has to come back, it's BARRICADE!!
    But hey, if Long Haul is back, maybe a combiner deathmatch between Devastator and Superion? Probably not, but one can dream.

  14. No killed bots came back. Are "drones", just as regular stormtroopers in Star Wars and orcs in LOTR.

  15. True! They are just Decepticon troops. The real Long Haul, Sideways and Brawl are actually dead. Those troops just LOOK like the dead bots but they are NOT the dead bots.

  16. Yea, I guess you're right about that probably not being Shockwave getting stabbed, but that's him in at the end of the road when Prime is flying in.

  17. Why do many transformers look the same? They are called repaints. Like in G1, Starscream thundercraker and skywarp look the same but with different colors. As for the "dead" bots, Most likely they are drones, soldiers that can be easily massed produced. And In the bottom of the image, it is not Ironhide and Sideswipe, its the twins.

  18. Anon 5:16 PM said:
    "Am I the only one noticing Ironhide and Sideswipe in the bottom of the fight scene with B and Ratchet?"

    That was well spotted. I for one didn't see those two until you pointed it out.
    And I agree, the wright one looks very much like Sideswipe. The left one is a little more difficult to be sure about, but from what you can see I think Ironhide is a good guess.

  19. Is it just me or is this guy saying "deceptiGon" and not "decepticon"? Is he even a fan?

  20. The one hiding behind/back against the firetruck is sideswipe the one next to him on the left on the ground (DEAD because hes not moving in the trailer) looks like Ironhide because it has his color tone or it could be a random dead bot.

    And the one at the end of the road I don't think is Shockwave. The guy on the road looks like he has two blades on his arms but who knows what weapons they gave him.

  21. Yeah I'm 98% positive that is Ironhide dead on the ground. The one on the ground has that same green tone Ironhide has at the beginning of the trailer.

  22. lol green tone?

    your computer screen is FUCKED!
    i paused it many times and he is almost perfect black apart from being very shiny,

    and well done to the guy that spotted sideswipe

    I dont think its ironhide dead on the floor because the formation is abit wierd that ironhide would be dead, and those 3 who are much weaker (ratchet maybe about the same) are not dead,

    also when i was watching them film, only bumblebee, sideswipe, ratchet, and the ferrari were at that scene, ironhide was not there so i think he died earlier,

    but i wouldnt be that suprised if it did turn out to be him

  23. its not a dead bots@drone@recyle robots for long haul,brawl or sideways or whatever dead bots...its just a new protoform arrive on earth and luckily landed near vehicles type as brawl,long haul or sideways...scan and transform into that brawl,long haul or sideways
