Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Peter Cullen Interview Reveals DOTM Spoiler

I am not sure how I missed this but around the time that MTV spoke with Roberto Orci and Frank Welker about Transformers: Prime, they also spoke with Peter Cullen. The interview covered the usual questions about playing Prime, how does the voice, how has the character lasted so long, etc that we have read before many times over the years. However, MTV did manage to uncover a new spoiler (so warning and junk) about Transformers: Dark of the Moon. That segment of the interview is below, the whole thing can be found here.
Geek: Do you have any other projects you are working on at the moment, or are looking forward to?
PC: I’ve been involved with NASA, and it started a few years back, during their 40th anniversary. They came up with an Optimus Prime award to be given to a student who participated in the NASA program for young people, and I’m going back to Colorado Springs in April to be part of that award ceremony. I talked with NASA about doing things with the Hub network, about a NASA-based Optimus Prime collaboration for younger kids and teenagers. Whether it goes through or not I don’t know, but I think it’s a natural fit. And if it happens there will be another show on the Hub network with me voicing Optimus Prime. So that’s pretty exciting.

In the feature film coming out this Summer, they have Neil Armstrong, a former astronaut, and Buzz Aldrin -- Optimus has a scene with Buzz Aldrin, and this is where it all started to come together in my mind. I thought, wow I really got to get these guys and Optimus together after the movie. Maybe we can do a series of some kind.

Geek: How is it like working on the movies?
PC: I get to work with Michael Bay a lot, and I have a tremendous respect for him. He is a born leader, a born general. I akin him to Schwarzkopf and great generals of the past who can put together some huge thing and pull it off. I’ve had a chance to work with him on set, and with some of the actors and actresses. And for me that was a real change, because normally I work in a little room, in front of a screen with a microphone, with somebody with a camera focused on my lips -- which is a little disconcerting. Working on the movie was really very exciting!
There you go, while the teaser trailer showed a young Buzz Aldrin finding The Ark, it seems the details of the mystery will be revealed by the present day hero.


  1. I read this about two weeks ago. I thought you posted. Should have given you the heads up.

  2. About a day or two after the Peter Cullen spoiler I also saw an article that said that "shamed" Megatron was hiding out in the jungles of Africa plotting his next move...I found it by clicking on one of your Transformers Links.

  3. ^^That was an older toy bio.

  4. Transformers: Dark Of The Moon Sentinel Prime Toy Revealed
    Bay said Megatron would start the movie in Heart of Darkness mode, hiding in the jungles of Africa, nursing his wounds, and vainly hiding his pulverized visage while plotting — what else — revenge."

  5. This would be a big deal if Neil Armstrong is actually in the movie in some capacity. He has been the most shy and reluctant of all of the Apollo era astronauts to do any kind of interviews etc., so any involvement by him is amazing.

  6. I wonder if Cullen on set means cameo?

  7. Does he not simply mean in the beginning on board the Ark it's 'Armstrong' who brushes the dust from Optimus' inactive head as seen in the intro 'Ark' trailer...

  8. From Optimus' head? Did I miss something? I thought the bot in the trailer, in the Ark, was Sentinel's human-like face. Help a brother out, here...

  9. " I’ve had a chance to work with him on set, and with some of the actors and actresses. And for me that was a real change, because normally I work in a little room."

    I don't know about you guys, but his comment makes it sound like he had some kind of cameo in this movie! I hope he doesn't get cut from the final like the last movie! :o)

  10. I read this about 5 weeks ago...this is kinda old news. I should have given you the heads up.
