Monday, February 21, 2011

Nelson Update on Twins (Updated)

Twins parked in DCNelson, the admin of and general inside man on all things Michael Bay has posted a new update on the forums that says the Twins are not in Transformers: Dark of the Moon. I am guessing the post is a response to an IO9 article that inexplicably brought them up when posting about the Daytona 500 TV spot. Nelson wrote:
Just a little update:

1.- Michael is NOT directing a movie starring Taylor Lautner. It's a project Platinum Dunes might produce.

2.- And for the final time the Twins are not in this movie period - end of story.

PS. I will have the DOTM 1080p Daytona ad tomorrow night.
Then later to the question "...thanks for the confirmation on the twins but why on set?" he replied "Different characters."

Not really sure what to make of this. Could be part of Bay's "misinformation campaign" except Nelson has not really participated in that. To my knowledge Nelson has not lied to fans but does not have a problem in making careful word choices in the information he conveys.

To review the history, on May 11th, 2010 Bay posted "The Twins are not back in T3." However, that same day the vehicles for Skids and Mudflap were spotted with a modified paint scheme. After that they were seen in Washington, DC, Chicago and Detroit. One thing to note is too my knowledge there has not been documented proof that the Twin vehicles where part of anything filmed out in the public in the various locations across the country even though did travel with the equipment caravan. Also Hasbro has created new toys the characters that seem to use new molds which is expensive compared with simply repainting the existing Revenge of the Fallen molds.

This leaves us with several theories. 1) The Twins are not in the film but the script did use them so the cars were brought along just in case Bay decided to keep their scenes, 2) The Twins were filmed but their scenes were left on the cutting room floor, 3) The Twins are in the film but not "as" the Twins but in some other capacity (say a disguise) making the statement above technically correct 4) The Twins do not appear in robot form and so the statement again remains technically true and 5) they die off screen. As always we will probably not learn until the film comes out in July.

As for the Taylor Lautner thing (one of the Twilight cast members), much like Steven Spielberg gets an executive producer credit for anything DreamWorks is involved with, Michael Bay gets the same credit for anything from Platinum Dunes regardless of how much or how little he is involved in the film. It is one of the benefits of being head honcho of a production company. Any site making more of it than that is simply trying to up their site hit count. Thanks to Chris for the link.

Update: Nelson has further elaborated on his Twin comments saying that theory 2 was the accurate one, with post that says, "I never said those cars weren't filmed. I just said they're not in the final film. Period." After that he wrote, "There are 2 new buddy characters in the film, how hard is that to understand? One of them is Wheelie and the other is.... You can speculate all you want on their alt modes." Yet another comment then says "Most of what is or is not in the film has been decided. There was a final cut [if I recall correctly] before the Holiday season last year." This means the film is deep into getting the CGI, sound mixing, color correction and so forth done as will need all the lead time they can get with the additional complication of 3D effects. Shortly after all that one more post on the subject as a summary of sorts:
Once upon a time the twins were in the script and they got cut.

There are now 2 new buddy characters who's alt modes I will not reveal.

Is that clear enough?
DarkWish in the comments posted to a video that shows the Twin vehicles being part of a scene in Chicago. I remember seeing that video and could have sworn I linked to it at the time but unable to find in previous posts. Any case while looking found another video that showed a near sequence with Prime, Sentinel, the Ferrari along with some NEST action. The street being shown is Van Buren, the building is the Old Post Office. Basically the various videos collaborate what Nelson posted. The Twins were going to be in the film but at some point Bay decided they were not necessary. Since Wheelie is almost a pure CGI creation, it isn't a stretch to assume his buddy is the same.


  1. Option 6) Nelson is paid to lie when Bay tells him to lie.

  2. Hm, say this Nelson guy is the real deal, and it's true that the twins are not in it. Then who are the two Chevrolet Sparks supposed to be? We know they're autobots because we have seen photos of the autobot insignia on their wheels.
    Could it be that these cars have originally been intended to be in the movie as the twins, but have later been cut from the script? Although the color schemes now are more black, they do include Skids and Mudflaps distinctive green and orange colors. But have we really seen any scenes being filmed with these cars in them? Maybe they are just some kind of Twin clones that are just meant to be cannon fodder?

  3. ^^ Sorry for repeating things. You updated while I was writing and posting this.:)

  4. Re: Update
    Originally Posted by Shadow
    You first said they (the Twins) were not in period... then you say they (the Sparks) are new characters... now youre saying just because we seen them being filmed, does not mean they made the cut. So now the so called NEW Spark characters you just said were in, have not made the cut? And those Sparks were filmed in a lot of scenes with other character cars in close quarters to just be cut out completely... that would be a lot of extra work and money to cgi them right out of the film reels.

    There are 2 new buddy characters in the film, how hard is that to understand? One of them is Wheelie and the other is.... You can speculate all you want on their alt modes.

    Here is the Sorce from Nelson!!!

  5. Nelson also hinted that the drillbot thing was soundwave, so who knows, Nelson just stated that the chevy spark was a new character, also that Wheelie is one of two buddy transformers, the other I think is a combined form of Skids of Mudflap, if you remember they both had one big arm on each side, almost like they would combine

  6. WOW all kinds of info poping up on the Bay Boards. Talks of Megan in the movie, talks that Wheelie and the Enistine are buddies. Etc. Talks that the twins were in but got cut. Mod needs to get that info out here!

  7. My head hurts from thinking about this...

  8. You mentioned that there was no proof of them being filmed, but I did find some:

    That shows a scene filmed with Skids, Mudflap, Optimus Prime, and Bumblebee. Yes, they could cut them out and they did do many takes of that scene with other characters as well (Sentinel Prime, Sideswipe, the ferrari, etc.) that didn't include the Twins.

    Regardless, Nelson is confusing me. First, the twins aren't back and those cars are different characters... but the toys say they are Skids and Mudflap. Then he says they may not be in the movie. So I'm totally confused about all of this.


  10. Shadow from the Bay Boards.2/21/2011 9:37 PM

    Just want to say... the twins were also on set and filmed in DC. In the scenes were BB hit the DC cop, just behind the red Ferrari, the twins followed. There was also a video of that crash from behind and you can see the twins there.

  11. also... Mudflap was shown at the toy fair in his legends toy form to be the black/orange Sparks

  12. according to Nelson the scenes with the twins were filmed but were cut out. And were in the original script.
    But he did not say if the Cars were cut out of the movie, and also hinted that both the Sparks were Different characters and that Wheelie and The Enistine bot were the new buddies. I cant tell if all 4 are in the movie or not or of the new twins are Different bots. Hes got everyone bonkers over on the Bay forums.

  13. umm, so they're in?
    i dont know what to make of it, but if theyre not in DOTM, its ok for me

  14. Wheelie has a smaller buddy guys. This new buddy of Wheelie's comes to Earth with Einstein.

  15. This does not make any sence

    We saw legends figures at the toy fair as well as deluxe Skids and Human Alliance Skids

    What the hell is going on?!?!?!

  16. I rather have them be Cliffjumper, Gears, Windcharger or any other of the mini-bots. Maybe they are. Having released toys of Skids & Mudflap does not mean they are in the movie. Remember Barricade?

  17. Wheelie's buddy is Rollbar! Remember, Rollbar, the red truck, was the bigger version of Wheelie that was seen being filmed during early production.

  18. That sucks!!!!!!! I really loved the twins!!!!!

  19. They want us confused on all this and keep us guessing. Misinformation campaign i think

  20. That Rollbar was a fan custom that did not make it into the movie

  21. Who hasn't wanted to kick Nelson's ass since the message board from the 1st Transformers film?

  22. the einstein bot

    is the MERCEDES

    is it not?

  23. ^
    Well I think the Mercedes is the Einstein bot. His head was spotted on Chicago(I think)and the color matches perfect.

  24. Nelson is an asshat, full of himself.

  25. what about Barricade?

  26. So Wheelie got upgraded to a real big car now? I dont get it...

  27. I think Nelson is contradicting himself. First he says the Sparks are different characters from the twins. Then he goes on to imply that the Sparks are omitted from the film altogether, and that the "buddy"- characters of the twins have been replaced by Wheelie and the Einstein-bot. And then he says he won't reveal their alt-modes, but he himself has earlier confirmed that the Einstein-bot is the blue Mercedes.

  28. I have seen many vidoes of Michael Bay and Co filming dark of the moon, I have not seen 1 with the twins driving around

    Yes there are pictures, but they are never shown moving

  29. This is BS.. They were in Washington DC.
    They were part of the autobot motorcade.

    They may only be in it briefly, but it's safe to say they are in it.
    There's a toy with Skids in the mostly black paint with green stripes. It's his head in robot mode. WTF?

  30. oh wait i found one, never mind

    they still might not be in the movie, thier scene could have been cut out

  31. It would make no sense to spend the money to make the Twins' revised cars, film them....then just toss the footage like it's nothing. To cut a scene here & there is one thing, but to eliminate any character altogether once implemented in to that extent? I call Nelson's bluff on the misinformation campaign!

    BTW, I had a dream last night that Bay and Rosie were making out on the beach. Not sure why, but thought I'd mention that lol

  32. -EP-
    Maybe they get killed off in the first couple of minutes by shockwave

  33. Wheelie is a RC TRUCK....not a big Chevy Spark. I do not buy that its Wheelie.... thats just bullcrap. I still think misinformation. Two cars identical to each other on set and their toy versions are the Twins.

  34. Times like this I miss the "hey Roberto" threads. Nelson has some large shoes to fill as the trusted insider.

    Maybe Mudflap is renemed Screech, and that makes them different?

  35. One thing is for sure, "if" the Twins gets screentime on DOTM and gets killed by the Cons I know I won't shed a tear ala when Jazz died.

  36. Hey Nelson & Mmmmbay your lil misinformation campain seems to be working

  37. When do we get a two minute trailor?

  38. Seriously i dont think there scene in dotm would have been big anyway, after revenge of the fallen, theyre screen time would probably just be a minute or so, they could easily cut that out

  39. Im just going to say... I love that that Shadow guy and Nelson are always calling each other out on things. Did anyone ever think that they are both in on the mis-information thing and working together? Nelson would have to know some things as he is the guy running a site dedicated to Bay and Shadow seems to know quite a bit himself and seems to be very sure about what he does know or believes to always be questioning Nelson. Also if it is mis-information... sorry Nelson, but Shadow at least seems to be better at the whole misleading thing and backs his statements up just a bit better.

  40. It's highly likely that other than Nelson there are more Bay employees on the forum claiming to be just normal guys.. and many accounts could be managed by Nelson.. probably those employees write under different nicknames on the forum, it's a marketing tactic to generate hype and noise on movies/products.

  41. oh...:o that makes sense

  42. According to imdb, Tom Kinney is shown to be voicing Skids and Wheelie in DOTM.

    I liked the Twins personally. I Thought they were hilarious!

  43. Thanks for giving me advice on how to avoid falling into debt. We really need to be wise in budgeting our money so that we'll always have savings in the bank.

  44. ^^^ Now we are getting spam on this site???

  45. mercedes is ultra magnus
