Monday, February 07, 2011

Transformers 3 Ultimate Prime with Trailer Toy

Thanks to images from, we already know where Optimus Prime gets his jet pack as seen in the recent Super Bowl TV Spot. As the images of Ultimate Optimus Prime show, it is part of his trailer. I can't decide if I am a fan of "Butterfly Mode" (combined Prime with Trailer) but I am definitely intrigued by this toy. The figure is expected to hit toy shelves in August with a price of $79.99. The toy description from Hasbro:
Transformers Mechtech Ultimate Optimus Prime Action Figure
With the upcoming Transformers: Dark of the Moon movie, one of the most iconic characters in the Transformers lore will capture the spotlight as his heroic story becomes the focus of the first-ever 3D Transformers movie. Now, an action figure befitting such an icon will be available with the new Transformers Mechtech Ultimate Optimus Prime action figure. The figure includes the Autobot leader's classic trailer that doubles as a weapons arsenal and is an integral part of the figure's converting play pattern. The Mechtech Ultimate Optimus Prime figure features three modes of conversion – vehicle, robot, and robot with "mech suit." The trailer, which serves as a weapons depot and command center, also converts into a "mech suit" that Optimus Prime shows off when it's time to rumble. Featuring lights, launching projectiles, electronic battle sounds and Optimus Prime phrases, this is the must-have item for kids and fans alike.


  1. Well, I'll definitely be getting this version of OP. I do believe we saw a concept of this a long time ago.

    It's just weird seeing it in toy form I suppose.

  2. lol what the fuck, ill be sticking with leaderclass

  3. Looks terrible...Not buying

  4. This better be a joke, looks like shit


  6. Doesn't look to bad to me. Arms kinda bug me though but it looks good otherwise. I'll wait for a review of it before I do anything. But damn that price...idk, seems a bit high.

  7. worst prime ever :(

  8. Mmm, he looks like a fairy.

  9. ouh my...thats bad! fairy god MF prime :(

  10. its a two in one toy. the cab is the Prime you see with the big hands and the trailer has a Prime inside that transforms with the trailer. You dont combine them at all.


    you've gotta be kidding me, there are so many things wrong with this figure that i don't even know where to start.

    The trailer is twice the size it should be for one, it looks so stupid with the small prime pulling this huge trailer.

    And then prime himself just looks bad...

    but i find it really sad that the prime thats inside the trailer looks better than the cab one.

    honestly what they should do is make a leader class prime with the trailer that actually attaches on like leader prime/jetfire.

  12. WOWWW

    You're right

    2 different primes, aaaaaaaaahahahaha

    what a joke

  13. I usually don't post on these discussions but I think this merits a comment. This is a toy that everyone has been waiting for. This is just plain laziness. I think the Power Master Optimus Prime form the 80's is better than this thing. I'm sure what we see on the screen will be better. I just can't bring myself to support these toys. They have really missed the opportunity to do some great things with all three movie toy lines.

  14. It doesnt look anything like the jetpack in the trailer. so my guess is he still doesnt merge with the trailer in the movie but uses jetfire's (or someones) parts and keeps them in trailer. I personally find this to be a horrible looking toy from the pictures.

    Part of me feels like Bay and Hasbro are just ripping us off because they know we will pay to see the movie or buy the toys. Kinda sad. But at least we get character development through the toys and video games because we sure as hell dont get it in the movies. Why do we know Sideways's name? Because of the toy. Truth is Sideways isn't a character when it comes to the movie. Hes just an unnamed drone as far as the movie goes. Same with Brawl/devestator, Blackout/grinder, constructicons, and most decepticons. They may name a few of them but they might as well not have.

  15. Your dumb

    he merges with the trailer, relax, its just a bad toy

  16. JUST? DAMN? IMMENSLY DISSAPOINTED ! but on the other hand my bank account thanks you for this!

  17. Primes physique looks like a pussified version of Popeye with those massive forearms and scrawny everything else. the previous leader class from ROTF got prime right IMO. Stick with what works, but give us a trailer separately to go with a leader class Prime. That will hopefully give us justice.

  18. Here is what Hasbro have done!

    Transformers Movie = Mixture of detailed and dodgy TF.
    Transformers ROTF = Collectors line! extremley detailed apart from a few paint apps.
    Transformers DOTM = about 5 steps back and made easier for younger kids as ROTF were too hard to transform.

    Chin up people! Takara may bail Hasbro out and make their own version of the DOTM line as they did with Buster Prime!

  19. Optimus with Jetfire's parts has toy version to DOTM too.

  20. Yeah, this is downright terrible. I agree with what a lot of people have been saying: they should re-release the ROTF leader Prime with a new trailer that actually, you know, transforms into something other than a leaf or butterfly wings.

  21. Did you notice how they did not even attempt to detail the faux cab face at the back of the wing assembly? They even put the Autobot symbol upside down.

  22. Perhaps you could salvage something by bending back the high wings into a more delta wing configuration.

  23. Prime is so beautiful with his Butterfly wings !

    Com'on Hasbro that looks terrible...:/
    But I'm fine with my ROTF Prime. And it looks like the other toys in the line are much better, Ironhide, the dreads ? even if I really don't dig at all the mechtech weapons

  24. What is the source for everyone saying that there is a prime inside the trailer? Is it the picture? cuz that looks like 2 pics put side by side. I agree this fig looks like crap compared to the rotf leader prime and the trailer is way to big but i have a hard time believing that hasbro would put a 2nd prime inside the trailer, if thats the case then this would be a deffinate no buy, but if they do combine with some customization and kit bashing this could be made into something realy bad ass. Check out my custom g1 trailer with rotf leader prime

  25. Wheels on his Arms? C'Mon!!!! Hasbro you lazy lazy people! has the staff that designed the ROTF line gone on strike! there is no way I am purchasing this unless what we see here is what he looks like in the 3rd movie! and a good source of mine in the film industry has told me that optimus has only slight changes to his appearance , his flame pin stripes are now blue instead of white and the obvious Trailer, which by the way is too small on this figure! look at all the real pics! the trailer is twice the size in the movie! and this looks way to small, probably to allow for its gimmick otherwise he will have BIGGER butterfly wings!
    SPOILER!!!! The boosters he has in the new trailer are from jetfire as he salvaged them from previous movie and made them part of him that now forms the trailer! you heard it here first!!!!!!!

  26. I presume the weapons depot mode is just attaching a bunch of mech tech to it.

    The comand center is probably just opening it out.

    I wonder the actual size of this monstrosity. If its unicron sized Optimus Prime then just think how large this dude will be :/

    Shelfwarmer that takes up the entire shelf...

    They`ll probably sell it in Robot form to save money on packaging, but seriously, looks like hasbro just joined a butterfly and optimus together.

  27. Optimus Prime looks gay on this toy version!!
    butterfly wings? come on...that is so "Cybertron"
    if those wings were turned into extra exo-skeletal armor and either blades and extra weaponry to buff-en up Prime, it would've looked awesome...something to help Prime defeat a whole army of Decepticons...

    this is totally not the "Ultimate Prime" that I have in mind:(
    I face-palmed seeing this pathetic piece of crap...his figure is awesome, but abs and inaccurate body parts (like for the wheels at hands for example)?,I'm am so not digging this, makes me prefer to buy ROTF versions and GUNDAMS instead.
    Also, seeing those newer released dotm transformer toys lessen my dire anticipation for the movie, Sure the space race stuff was rather interesting but the movie is losing its appeal and some of their character designs are getting retardedly mixed with anime(Megatron w/ the scarf for example) ...totally different for the first movie(which was the best) and the second(which was alienly brute and creative).

  28. I'm really stoked with the new head sculpt and the vehicle mode, but I think im just gonna stick with my battle blades optimus prime.

  29. i don't think it's expensive cus the tf2 optimaus prime toy was 80 on it's own

  30. Now on the premise that they make these toys primarily for kids, we as older folk really shouldn't complain...BUT most of you commentators so , so...yeah.

    Anyway, I bought my younger cousin this toy and asked him if he wanted it for his birthday and his response was priceless. He said "that looks like crap. why doesn't he look like he does on the movie?".(exact words) mind you that he's six years old. If kids aren't even satisfied with these then what has Hasbro accomplished?

    I'm almost positive that Hasbro can produce Transformers that are identical to the CGI models used in the movie. I'm not sure if there is a merchandise shortage, manufacturing discrepancies or if the designers are just shitting these things out.

    sigh...Oh Hasbro...WHY?????????????

  31. This version of OP would just be alright if the chest and the arms on the figure were identical to the ones on the ROTF leader Prime. I can paint jetfire's wing assembly and attach it so no problems there.

    aaagh!!! Hasbro mocks us and laughs at our pain!!!!!!

  32. I'm the anonymous from the comment posted at around 12:57 P.M. 6/12/11 and I have one question: can the sun visors fold upward like on the rotf Prime?
