Friday, April 15, 2011

Bay: New Trailer with Fast Five

Michael Bay dropped a lovely little Friday note for Transformers fans when he commented on post production progress by informing us that the trailer for Transformers: Dark of the Moon will be attached to Fast Five. The news should not be too surprising considering the info that the trailer was coming sometime in April. With only two big movies coming out this month, Scream 4 and Fast Five, but no trailer for Scream that only left on other movie.
The post process is going very well - way better then ROTF. We have massive shots but we got going 6 months earlier on this film then the last. We jump very hard and fast on post in this film.

It really is looking special. The 3D will the best 3D of any movie this year.


Our trailer comes out next week on Fast and a bunch of other stuff. 3D trailer comes out on the next 3D movie out which is Pirates.

There is some confusion though on that last sentence. Bay says "next week" but Fast Five doesn't come out for two weeks on April 29th. The next major 3D movie coming out is Thor on May 6th, not Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides which is out on May 20th. With all the movies coming out, the various premiere parties he is probably invited too and more, getting the details on what movie is coming out when is probably not high on his list of things to keep track of. The core piece of takeaway is the next trailer is hitting theaters on April 29th and more than likely the 3D version of the trailer will be with Thor on May 6th. Thanks to Chris, Sahara and FinalWars for the heads-up.

From the comments it seems UK is getting the movie next week so not sure if that means the trailer is hitting there first then coming here the following week or what. Either way it will be online probably a day or two before it hits theaters.


  1. I can't wait!!!!

  2. Fast Five is released on April 21st here in the UK. I've already been discussing with American friends online if we will get the trailer or if it will just be with US showings of Fast Five. Maybe that's what Bay meant by next week.....I hope!

  3. YEEESS!!! I'm so excited! Oh god, I'm really busting my ass on getting Bumblebee rebuilt for Bot-con now! @_@

  4. this blog suck nothing original every news are from another webs...

  5. ^^^ English motherfucker, do you speak it?

  6. is the trailer coming out on the 21th??

  7. @anon 9:14...good reference from xm comedy,lmao!!

  8. @Kup: Pulp Fiction actually ;)

    Anyway, TRAILER! YAY!!!

  9. Trailer 21-22 April!

  10. well im in the uk and fast five comes out on friday so we are probably guna have the trailer by then :D

  11. man look the mega fail on this poster

    look the glasses on optimus in middle, you see a mountain indoor...a mountain in the city ???

    fail toshop

  12. that may not be a mountain, but dirt residue from battle, you never know.

  13. I think this final (presumed) trailer will carry us into July when the movie actually opens. Hopefully they show more of Sentinel Prime and the Wreckers - but really, how much can they show?!

  14. a residue of battle you joking me

  15. LOL...i was joking about the dirt residue...I was just curious as to how far someone would go to prove their point.... :)

  16. i got a ????????? is the trailer coming out on the 21st? yes or no

    1. This wasn't Bay's best effort. Now that Transformers Age of Extinction has come out in 2014 and there still isn't much of a story or plot, I'm beginning to think Bay doesn't have any effort to give. Next.

  17. i really admire the guys who runs this blog, but at times he does STUPID ass stuff

    why wudnt you post the high quality version of sentinel prime instead of this crappy low quality?

  18. @hey!!! (4:43PM) ;

    Why don't you stay away from this blog instead and do some research on your own, you lazy ass inconsiderate typical free-loader.


  19. Carly, I'm cuming

  20. be sure to check out

  21. ^
    Dont post commercial.

    Benn, I hope they show the trailer in UK first. The US premiere is on 29th april and thats 2 weeks long wait. While the 21th april is 5 days to go.


  22. sorry about the post, just tryin to get some views on my new blog.

  23. thanks for the reviews !
