Monday, April 18, 2011

Behind Scenes of DOTM's Iridescent

MTV has posted an article and video that goes a little behind the scenes of the filming of Linkin Park's music video for the Transformers: Dark of the Moon remix of Iridescent.

According to video director Joe Hahn, "I came up the story of us living on the edge of the cosmos where Cybertron and the Transformers might exist. Its kind of like the end of our days. What that would look like. This is a very stylistic approach that has a post-apocalyptic feel to it."


  1. Sorry but.. what the heck is that?
    Is that a cheap video for an Aliens movie,perhaps?
    What has that chair anything to do with Transformers?
    Geez! Not even the Linkin Park videoclip they can take it right... and it looks really cheap and simplistic... Paramount doesn't want to spend money at all.

  2. CRAP, just saying...

  3. ^
    Go home and cry then mommy's boy.


  4. All we've seen of the video is a couple of scenes and right off hand to me it has the look of how the videos look when they are still editing. Could be wrong. Who cares though I mean it's not like the video is going to be in the movie or anything

  5. @Anonymous 4/19/2011 10:23 AM: it shows that Paramount and Bay just don't care. They are not spending money properly like on the first two movies, they are trying to make a fool of people selling a worse product overall that is cheaper to make.

  6. I am constantly amazed at how some people can judge the quality of something, in this case a music video after seeing only a few seconds of unfinished footage shot by a set visiting camera crew. And from that your able to tell that the video will be crap and that the people producing the film don't care. Wow.
    I will wait to see the finished version of the video before judging it's quality.

  7. @Winton Ray: maybe you enjoy being fooled, maybe you loved Avatar too then. The finished video is going to be cheap. There isn't going to be any unique CGI done for the video interacting with Linkin Park band.. if Bay and Paramount wanted to deliver quality then they would have done videoclips like that. They aren't even paying Linkin Park for some original songs, just a dumb remix. If that's quality to you...

  8. @Anonymous 4/19/2011 12:26 PM...So...what exactly does Avatar have to do with this topic?

    Have you seen the script for this video? Based on a few seconds of raw media footage how do you know anything about the production values of this video? How can you be so sure of what they have planned? If you have any experience or insight into the production of music videos beyond the negative lens thru which you view all DOTM info please share it us amatuers.

    "What I've Done" was written for Minutes to Midnight and chosen for Transformers over the other tracks on that disc. A lot of movie soundtracks contain previously released songs...are they all being cheap as well.

    You make a lot of bold statements and predictions, it's a pity you won't identify yourself in any way so you can be held to those statements if they don't hold water.

  9. I think you all are jumping to conclusions simply based off opinions (not facts) and hearsay. If you think the movie is going to bomb don't go see it. don't watch the video. Wait till you hear or see reviews of the movie. if your only interest in this movie is to bag on it then why bother coming to these boards? are your lives that bland. not interested in it then go find something that does instead of being a nuisance to the rest of us

  10. I wish there was a filter to get rid of the small margin of naysayers who don't like how this movie is going. Nothing ever pleases them. You could warm their toilet seats and give them fluffy fresh pillows and blankets and they'd still find something to gripe about.

    Emo kids do that a lot. I dunno maybe their parents didn't pay enough attention to them or something.

    Anyway, I'm excited for this movie! :) And the song is reaalllly so much better than the lat two!

  11. @lionboogy 4/19/2011 4:06 PM: what are you a studio plant wanting to play nazi not allowing anyone to point out production flaws?

  12. @Anonymous 4/19/2011 5:03PM...How do we know your not a studio plant. Maybe your here on the dime of Warner Brothers or Universal...trying to break up the transformer film fanbase.

  13. @Winton Ray 4/19/2011 6:04 PM: so all those of you that were telling that Transformers2 was awful and nitpicking every single scene were all working for Universal and WarnerBros,uh?

  14. @Anonymous 4/19/2011 6:23 PM...sounds ridiculous huh?

  15. ^
    Winton Ray ignore the motherfucker! He's been hating on these movie's since the first movie was in production. It's not worth fighting with a no lifer!

    I wish there was a filter to get rid of the small margin of naysayers who don't like how this movie is going. Nothing ever pleases them. You could warm their toilet seats and give them fluffy fresh pillows and blankets and they'd still find something to gripe about.



  16. Fan favorite? Thats it? WTF? You should put a song that can relate to the theme which in this case be Transformers. The previous songs, What i've done and New divide mixed perfect with the theme of transformers and its because they took the time to make new songs that gives that perfect music to blend with Transformers movies. But when you are lazy enough to scrap a song already created and use it on Transformers and does not mix well and you choose the song because its a fan favorite. You pretty much took a S**t on Transformers music. Are you in a hurry? Don't have time to make a new song thats perfect or close to it? Linkin Park should be taken out since they don't seem to be taking it seriously. This may be the last Transformers movie. The bots look great, the actors look good, hopefully story and action looks amazing, but don't make the music cheap recycled junk. Sorry but Linkin Park should try again, or the music should be cut out and replaced by someone who can do the job of creating a good, unique song for this movie.

  17. @Anonymous 4/20/2011 2:03 AM: being rude and insulting those complaining and pointing out huge production issues and flaws on Transformers3 is not going to help the movie look any better,you know? If you are an employee or affiliated with Paramount/Hasbro/Bay/Dreamworks in any way your actions are not going to help the movie. You are just pissing potential viewers more.
    Production staff should work harder and listen to people complaints or they will face the result of their lazy work. It's just as simple as that. They don't use the available time windows to improve their work and they prefer insulting people on forums.. so be it.. then let's see how many will judge their work on the movie.. I doubt it's going to be anything that pleases investors...



  19. @Siverbolt...Can you get me a Paramount T-shirt?
