Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Linkin Park and Transformers: Dark of the Moon

Yesterday MTV posted their video on some behind the scenes footage from the music video for Iridescent which is part of the Transformers: Dark of the Moon Soundtrack. Now the Linkin Park Youtube channel provides yet more. As Feris Othman reports:
1) No NEW movie footage. Just trailer footages.
2) In studio preparation. I think.
3) Interview with Mike Shinoda which gives MORE in depth into why the song is appropriate.
4) Finally, my FAVOURITE (drum roll please) - Interview with composer Steve Jablonsky!!! Probably the longest I've seen him being interviewed on camera. I know there is a 45 second interview with him on YouTube about Desperate Housewives score but that's just it. Good interview. Explains chemistry between him & LP.

Thanks to Feris and Brendan for the link.


  1. "This one, everyone on the planet is sort of in danger" as apose to the 2nd one where the Sun was about to get blown up...it's not like we were in danger then ;)

  2. "1) No NEW movie footage. Just trailer footages."---That spells a lot of quality to you people,does it?
    Paramount doesn't even spend money to make a proper high quality videoclip for the movie! No new footage... no new song.. just a remixed old Linkin Park song that Paramount is getting at a discount price and cheap like home-made chroma keying of Linkin Park band on a chair made for Aliens movies that has nothing to do with Transformers franchise floating above some trailer footage?
    Oh geez! And they are going to sell it as an excellent product to be proud of and maybe they will tell that it's very '70s retro style,uh?
    Really.. it's pathetic.
    Being disappointed by all of this is not enough to tell how one should feel,really.

  3. ^ as the above shows, the person is either an idiot (because why would a behind the scenes commercial have new footage before a new trailer hits) or he likes ticking you off and wants attention.

    They are called trolls for a reason should not be fed. Please ignore this stuff. You don't feed them they tend to go elsewhere to get attention. So just make it a mental mantra, don't feed the trolls. Let em say whatever, and just skip their silly posts as if they don't exist.

  4. @tflamb 4/19/2011 5:19 PM: are you following an agenda? You get so emotional and you insult people. Is that your job to protect the production from anyone pointing out flaws?
    So you nitpicking Transformers2 movie pointing out its flaws was just a smoke screen two years ago. Now you are not allowing anyone to point out the obvious flaws on Transformers3.

  5. @anonymous: i hate formula 1 racing, but do i really have to go into a forum specially created for formula 1 and talk shit about their favourite hobby? no i don´t, and neither should you talk that way on this forum! so go away and annoy your 5th grade teacher or some shit...

  6. I'm looking forward to how the music will fit with all the recent and upcoming trailer footage, can't wait it'll just make me even more excited for the film :)

  7. @Anonymous 4/19/2011 5:36 PM: I liked the first two movies and who are you to tell me that I am not allowed to point out production flaws on this upcoming 3rd movie,uh?
    Unless you work for the production and you want to shut people up preventing them from pointing out production issues... why would you so interested in not allowing me or anyone else to say anything about what is wrong with production?
    If it looks cheap and it does look cheap it's people right to complain and point it out.
    If this blog is not owned by Paramount nor affiliated with it in any possible way then the owner should not ever censor anyone pointing out production flaws, civil discussion should be promoted and discussed, that is the basis of forums and blogs, otherwise what's the whole point?

  8. I like the song...just saying. Can't wait to hear the DOTM score.

  9. At 3:45, isn't that an unseen scene?

  10. you know what im sorry but what damn flaws? there are NONE you just keep on coming here and make shit up, like ILM hating bay, thats just bullshit my god, and this crap about how he knows the film will fail, thats just so stupid. what is your purpose here? really i can see you are NOT a real TF fan. you never said anything about how cool is optimus, or sentinal prime, no you just say the damn bullshit over and over again and the damn film NEVER CAME OUT YET. please just please tell me HOW you know the film will fail.

  11. his purpose is too annoy people and he's getting the job done. Like was said if we just ignore him he'll go away.

    People said the first movie was going to fail also when they found out Prime had lips. Same thing here. Just have to wait and see the movie to see what happens until then none of what this troll is saying matters a bit

  12. I really liked the bit about Steve Jablonsky. I like to know that they are also Transformers fans, that certainly helps. I got only a tad confused because Steve Jalonsky looks a bit like Linkin Park Shinoda guy... hahaha

  13. ya know, I never ever truly thought I would ever see any version of optimus prime with peter cullen's voice actually make it on the big screen. Nit picking the movie is one thing, but I have to say, hearing the old autobot and decepticon names tossed around again is pure nostalgia :D ! I grew up in the 80's G1 era...always a big fan, and though I put childish things away years ago, these movies (mistakes an all) are something I never thought I would get to see on the big screen! Getting excited for the 3rd movie now...not too much longer and we will be at our local theaters all over the world, watching giant robots kick the shit out of each other once again for old times sake....how can ya not love that ?? For me, hearing peter cullen voicing prime in a summer blockbuster is as good as it gets for a true transformer fan ! Everyone has their opinion of how this movie will turn out, and rightfully so...but good or bad... it sure is cool to even have a chance to talk about it again, 'cause without the movies...all these discussions, the highs...the lows...the nit picking, the trolls, and an occasional super funny post...wouldn't even exist. You guys all rock, even the haters...YAY TRANSFORMERS!!! Come on with the trailer !! :D
    ! See you all at the movies! :D !

  14. Dweller!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  15. What I'm most excited about is to hear how Jablonsky merges it with epic classical/electronic for pivitol scenes. To me the best use of a Linkin Park song in this way in the movies was in ROTF with Ironhide's entrance in Shanghai when he transformed for the first time. Simply bad ass...

  16. Still don't like the song but it's not bad. Both Mikes seem passionate and into it so I can't wait to see how it works out.

  17. I would like to give my two cents worth (as author of report):

    For person (2nd box) who commented no new footages and was pissed off, if you have listened to the song in full (available on links from this blog), the chorus lyrics FITS you well:

    Do you feel cold and lost in desperation? You build hope but failure's all you know? Remember all the sadness and frustration. Let it go. Let it go.

    Smile always. No harm done. Doesn't cost you a penny.

  18. Hey TFLamb, I gotta say I am sick and tired of these trolls too. I have an idea. It seems to me that you are lacking in administration. I am happy to be a human filter for the site and these trolls can be stopped before they appear. You would be amazed how quickly things can be sorted out. Imagine a TFlamb site without unintelligent posts. A good example of this in action is www.eternalidol.com where you won't find a single retarded reply on any of the posts. All u need to do is ask.

  19. Fan favorite? Thats it? WTF? You should put a song that can relate to the theme which in this case be Transformers. The previous songs, What i've done and New divide mixed perfect with the theme of transformers and its because they took the time to make new songs that gives that perfect music to blend with Transformers movies. But when you are lazy enough to scrap a song already created and use it on Transformers and does not mix well and you choose the song because its a fan favorite. You pretty much took a S**t on Transformers music. Are you in a hurry? Don't have time to make a new song thats perfect or close to it? Linkin Park should be taken out since they don't seem to be taking it seriously. This may be the last Transformers movie. The bots look great, the actors look good, hopefully story and action looks amazing, but don't make the music cheap recycled junk. Sorry but Linkin Park should try again, or the music should be cut out and replaced by someone who can do the job of creating a good, unique song for this movie.

  20. ^ Mr/Ms Anonymous above: What I've Done was a song ALREADY in the album Minutes to Midnight and NOT written specifically for the movie. You condemned Iridescent for being recycled yet you PRAISED What I've Done for mixing perfectly with Transformers. Kindly research your facts before commenting or are you LAZY ENOUGH not to.

    You DON'T event know how this song is going to blend with visuals of the movie.

    My point is, you are just another troll. Respond if you may, I shall read & ignore (taking advice from blog owner). You have done enough damage to yourself. You (and the earlier troll in 2nd comment box) don't even have the guts to put your real name (even though a fake one).

  21. I pity trolls :(

    can you imagine how pathetic their lives are?

    poor guys :(


    where are all the leaks and rumors?? Is it me or are there a lot less of both this time around, compared to the first two movies :/

  22. ^
    Search in archive and labels.


  23. Don Jeanes plays Neil Armstrong, info taken from Transformers World 2005!


  24. OMFG a guy at the TFW2005 boards just wrote Sentimental Prime instead of Sentinel.


  25. You must be Paramount employees for not wanting anyone to be disappointed by the mess Transformers3 looks on too many aspects. And on this site you were attacking Bay for Transformers2 flaws.. geez.. now that Transformers3 looks tons of times more flawed than the previous two movies you come here insulting anyone that dares pointing out production flaws?
    It's a shame that Paramount is not paying Linkin Park enough money to create a new unique song just for the movie like they did on the first two movies. It looks cheap because it's cheap. It looks lazy work because it's lazy work.
    Anyone not involved with the production wouldn't have any need nor will to get so emotional and insult people being potential viewers and fans of the first two movies that are just pointing out the mess that is disappointing them.

  26. ^
    You deserve an Oscar for being so lame.


  27. ^^ he deserves 2 Oscars, one for each hemisphere of his brain :D !!

    maybe this kid was bullied and badly beaten with a transformer toy when he was in school :/
    ...maybe that's why he goes all schizophrenic on here when ppl start talking transformers :Z

    poor kid..

    so sad, I actually feel bad for this kids mental state.

    Anyway.... 8 days left until the trailer !! :D !!

  28. @Anonymous 4/20/2011 1:06 PM

    http://www.paramountstudios.com/contact-us.html...With this link you can voice your complaints to directly Paramount.

    http://www.shootfortheedit.com/forum/forum.php...With this link you can join Michael Bay's forum and voice your complaints directly to the man.

    http://www.facebook.com/pages/Boycott-Transformers-3-without-Megan-Fox/105306912849256...This link leads to a group of 49 people who plan to boycott Transformers 3 dou to the departure of the previous lead actress.

    http://boxofficemojo.com/schedule/?view=&release=&date=2011-07-01&showweeks=5&p=.htm...This is a link to the movie release schedule for July 1st, 2011. Now you can find a movie to see since you won't be seeing DOTM with the rest of us.

    I hope this helps, I really do.

  29. Bay said that Brains is a small robot. So he isn't the Mercedes Benz. And why would a guy that looks like Einstein be cute? If so, Bay would be gay. Not that it's a bad thing. No offense to homes out there...

  30. I meant no offense to homosexual out there. And if you Transformers Fans want a better blog source, go to www.transformers-mtmte.blogspot.com and www.transformersdotmnews.blogspot.com

  31. http://www.albertafilmratings.ca/recentclasstrailers.aspx
    Transformers 3: Dark Of The Moon (trailer #2) PG 04/19/2011 2:24 Paramount Pictures

    What? PG rating instead of PG-13 ? Is the movie going to be lame PG ?

  32. At 3:45, isn't that an unseen scene?

  33. new banner...pretty much the same but with bumblebee

  34. Wow!!An unbelievable crossover!!The king of rock music plus this legend movie should be amazing!!

  35. ^^ "The king of rock ..."

    who wha?? Elvis is in this movie?? lol

  36. @ anonymous 8:15pm
    No the trailer is going to be rated PG
    The movie will definitely be PG-13!

  37. @ anonymous 8:15pm
    No the trailer is rated PG
    The movie will definitely be PG-13!

  38. I personally dont like irredecent as the song for TF3, but I do like the song. In my own opinion, they should have used Robot Boy as the song, I mean, it's in the title people!!! And the lyrics are relevant! But hey, I don't make movies and my opinion doesn't matter, so I'll leave it to King Bay and company to make the best damn robot fighting movie ever!! Lol

    Im gonna see it 20 times!

  39. P.S, that moron who thinks Linkin Park used original songs for the other movie, needs a kick in the junk. Hey retard What I've Done is from minutes to midnight! I think someone let you out of your padded white room a wee tad early.

    Btw, let these fine people praise their childhood heroes ( still my heroes) in peace, no more nonsense about production flaws and mismanagement. Cause I'll come over there and bitch slap you back to whichever rotten womb you came from.

    This msg was for anonymous 4/20/2011 1:06 pm
