Monday, April 04, 2011

Blitzwing Rumor Explained

Remember that rumor from last month that was supposedly a picture of Blitzwing as if he was in Transformers: Dark of the Moon? The consensus that formed very quickly was it was a fake but a pretty good one. Thanks to Adam and Oni we now know the video (mirror) was from, which breaks down how the video (below( was created at the link. Just because it is fake and not related to the movie doesn't it make it any less cool. Kind of wild that creating sophisticated Transformers has jumped so quickly into something you can learn to do at home in such a short amount of time.


  1. It's a long way from being photo-real and movie ready but it is pretty sweet.

  2. trailer!!!!!!!!!

  3. what program do they use to make such videos? i wonder..

  4. "creating sophisticated Transformers has jumped so quickly into something you can learn to do at home in such a short amount of time."---Are you serious? Please!
    This is called viral marketing! No one would be spending the needed time to do such a complex work for free even if he/she had the knowledge. Creating CGI is very a well paid job, it's not something done by little kids in their home.

  5. Actually, it is something you can do at home. With programs like Blender, you can make animations in a shorter amount of time. Now QUALITY animation, that's a high paid job.

  6. i already saw that on youtube.and spoiler the red ferrari is said to be mir...and guess the rest.

  7. everyone who thought it was real is a fucking retard honestly it looks terrible (for a movie standard design)

    go on youtube and type in home made transformers, there are hundreds of student made videos

    it does not cost a lot of money you are seriously delusional, or very stupid, or are really old and cant use a computer

  8. Anonymous said...

    (everyone who thought it was real is a fucking retard honestly it looks terrible (for a movie standard design)
    Are You Crazy?
    You're the retarded
    looks awesome!!! amazing job... congratulations :D

  9. @Anonymous 4/05/2011 8:05 AM: you are the ignorant that doesn't have a clue on how much effort is needed to create 3D models and animate them. Using Blender you think it's that easy just because it's a free program? Geez! Being productive and creating complex things like these it's no easy task and no one would do that for free.
    Companies do thousands of tests on CGI models, this is just one out of many maybe done just by a single CGI animator/designer but surely no one that would have spent his/her time achieving these results for free.

  10. Martinus Prime4/05/2011 5:47 PM

    Like Winton said, it still looks pretty sweet.
    It would be ff-ing awesome if there is a triple changer in DOTM!!!

  11. amazing !!!! :):)
    realistic render

  12. @ Anon. 12:47
    I never said it was easy! I was using blender as an EXAMPLE. I was just saying you CAN do things like this at home.
