Sunday, April 03, 2011

Transformers: DOTM Novel Cover Revealed

Amazon has updated its entry for the Transformers: Dark of the Moon novel adaptation with a cover. The paperback novel is written by Peter David and set for May 24 release. If the cover look familiar, it is the same promotional poster that has been seen here and there when Paramount was participating in some promotional event. (via Seibertron)


  1. Gonna be a definite read!!! Now that we wont get a trailer till the mid month of april its raginroninreview and actual phone shots of filming of dotm by fans who were there during filming of dotm by bay on youtube till the next trailer comes out!!!!

  2. This is good news.

    A follower of this blog.

  3. Kup this book explains the story of the whole movie. It will spoil the movie for you. My advice stay away from the novel, but buy it after you have seen the movie.

    A follower of this blog.

  4. So the cover is the poster image that some months ago were officially claiming that it was a fake,uh?
    They didn't even spent some time making a new cover... another bad sign for Transformers3..

  5. Thanks for sharing such a interesting blog,According to me there are two ways to review this movie.The right way is to look at it objectively,examining how the film is put together and picking apart the script by pointing out the gaping logical gaps present in it.

  6. yaaaaawwwwnnnnnn....

  7. To anon @ 1:12 am...good advise!!!!

  8. @ Anonymous 4/04/2011 6:14 AM...Have you seen the cover art for the adaptations of Transformers or ROTF? It's not like they invested a whole lot in either of those covers. Was that a bad sign for those movies?

    I spoiled ROTF for myself by reading the novel before the film's release...I plan not to read DOTM but I probably won't be able to resist.

  9. You have to resist! That book has evil powers!!
    No seriously dont spoil DOTM.

    A follower of this blog.

  10. i tell of yours the trailer is coming in 15 of april is true i dont tell where i found it but is 100% confirmed

  11. "confirmed by anonymous" - sure...

  12. Anonymous 11:47 dont you dare to lie! If your lying your gonna make alot of people angry. There's some people that believe everything they hear, and when it turns out to be fake information they get angry and dissapointed.
    Im gonna search on Google if I dont find it then your lying!

    BTW does anybody know how many days are left for the premiere?

    A follower of this blog.

  13. look up the cybersweeps...i think it will tell there...

  14. I actually like reading the book first. I did it for the first movie and was not completely disappointed. I mean the movies suck when it comes to story, so its good to have the story from the book going into it. Action wise the movies are good though. Story wise.... movies are nothing compared to the books, which makes me believe that its not the screenplays that suck.

  15. And with the book both sides of the Megan/Rosie battle can be happy because they can put any actress or random girl in the Carly spot and be happy.

  16. @Anonymous 4/04/2011 6:53 PM: are you on crack or what? Can you read? Obviously not. You must be using some sort of translator to write, maybe a dictation software.
    The whole plot is messed up, main characters continuity and consistency gone, it can't be considered a trilogy anymore and you write like a 3 years old telling that you could put any female character in because nothing changed,what?

  17. dude ^^ if he can't write(as you say)... then you can't read!!! All he meant was that with the book you can use your imagination and put who ever you like in as carly in your mind. Its not rocket science there buddy :S ...maybe you are the one on crack :D !!! lol

  18. ^^ Correct. Thank you. I do the same thing for Sam because I'm not a fan of Shia.

    and to Anonymous 7:54
    You are correct in that this is no longer a continuous trilogy as in one movie moves the story of the next. It is more of a episodical (episodes) trilogy. I have my problems with this as well but it can't be changed now. We'll have to wait till a better director gets a shot in the future.
    As for me writing like a 3 year old, I guess you can't read at a 3 year old's level of writing, or understand that one uses his or her imagination while reading. And im not even going to point out your grammatical errors, as I am have me share. But maybe you should read a comment more than once before you go on a long-winded rant for no reason only making yourself look stupid.

  19. I might read the first page if there's a prewiew.

    A follower of this blog.

  20. Carly touching me in my story.

  21. hey i seey it sorry is to be error of my part but i belive wis a trailer in the day

  22. i not to be oright,but i belive in 15 of april

  23. sorry guy is my error but i sure with it shr=e not fake i think this it true

  24. ^^ English?

    Anyway....where the he!! is the new TRAILERRRRR !!!
    I'm so bored I find myself here picking on poor non-English speaking folk!! ...and thats not cool!!

    Please Bay for the love of GAWD give us this point even a movie still of shockwaves ass is better than this!!!!! :D !!
