Thursday, April 14, 2011

Linkin Park DOTM Single Confirmed

Linkin Park's Mike Shinoda has officially confirmed the report that a "slightly shorter version" of Iridescent will be their single for the Transformers: Dark of the Moon soundtrack. He even confirmed that the video is being shot today. From his blog:
A few months ago, I got on the phone with Michael Bay, who wanted to discuss the possibility of our band continuing our run with songs paired with the Transformers films. We (he, his team, and our band) all have enjoyed working together on the past two, and he wanted to discuss the ideas we might have for Transformers 3: Dark Of The Moon. In particular, one song came up immediately. Ever since we started playing Iridescent live, the song has been a fan favorite at the show.

For the film, there’s a new, slightly shorter version of the song, which is floating around the internet now. We’ll be shooting a video for the song tomorrow, directed by Joe Hahn.
Apparently the chosen version of the song can be heard here. I assume the video will likely involve the band on the moon or something near or on the Ark or some variation of that with scenes from the movie playing everywhere much like their two previous Transformers music videos. Thanks to NHLfan and Sahara for the heads-up.


  1. possible trailer tommorw.

  2. after listening to that remix i could picture about the last minute of that song in the ending credits

  3. tommorw trailer possivel fala serio eu acho que vai sair com velozes 5

  4. i concorded with you but shes have more 2 options APOLLO 18 or SCREAM 4

  5. hope we get that trailer tommorw full lenth

  6. @ 10:57
    Apollo 18 has been moved to next year

    And I don't think the trailer will be out tomorrow, maybe with Fast Five. I can wait until June if I had to with no problem.

  7. What i've done was good, New divide was great, but this song Iridescent songs kinda bad and boring. Linkin Park lately has dropped the ball with good songs. They need to reconsider the song with another song. Make a new song don't take the easy way out by using a song already made and decide to use it for the movie. Other wise maybe its time for a new band.

  8. I REEEAALLY like this song! To be honest, the ROTF one wasn't as great as the first movie... but this one really kicks it back to the epic theme it's supposed to be.

  9. I don't like the song.

  10. Amazing. What graphics its looks real. All the best to the team.
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  11. they should make a score out of it

  12. this song sucks, theres nothing about it that you want to listen to. if there gonna reuse a song then edit catalyst down. but why bother reusing a song when a new divide was such a success and was created just for the movie. garbage decision on Bay and Linkin Parks part

  13. omgggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg

    these slow ass transformers updates r killing !!!

    i hate how everything is so underwraps this time

    i friggen check this blog 3 times a day hoping for new transformers newwwwsssssss

    july 1st cant waittttttttttttttt

  14. TF3 trailer coming out next week!

    Bay posted this in S4TE:
    "Our trailer comes out next week on Fast and a bunch of other stuff. 3D trailer comes out on the next 3D movie out which is Pirates."

  15. I still think this remix that is playable is BS. If you compare the voices on the original album version and this version, all they did was slow it down slightly (the voices are deeper) and add the techno beat to it. It's nothing that a kid with a beatbox program couldn't do. Even Linkin Park's concert stuff takes more effort than this.

  16. The trailer is confirmed for Fast Five!! Told you guys..

    And the 3D trailer as well. Yay!

  17. Michael Bay officiallly announce trailer comes out next week its on his website

  18. The is an ending credits song. The trailers we have seen so far have a darker, much more sinister tone to them. This song contradicts that... Great song, not great for the main theme.

  19. Well if we were to get a trailer,it would have showed up by now!!!

  20. Watching alittle Sportscenter on ESPN and i've noticed alot of Josh Duhamel & Transformers references and I don't mean commercials, it's the anchors dropping names????

  21. hey guys! new blog!-

  22. Song really sucks, make a new song don't use a song that you already made a while back and stamp the TF logo. Lazy punks. Do the job of creating another hit song like What i've done and New divide.
