Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Linkin Park's DOTM Single is Iridescent? (Updated)

A few months ago a source revealed to this blog that Linkin Park was once again tapped by Michael Bay to provide a song for the Transformers: Dark of the Moon soundtrack. At the time, it was said the single would be Burning in the Skies from their A Thousand Suns album. That was never officially confirmed but band member Chester Bennington did hint that a third collaboration was a strong possibility.

An update to the official Linkin Park website confirms the they are providing a single for the movie with a moon icon that when clicked brings you to a larger moon image that turns into a multi-colored Autobot logo while a few chords of a song plays. The song has been identified as Iridescent, also from A Thousand Suns. It could be a feint but probably not a reach to assume that the song is the chosen single for Dark of the Moon.

In addition LP's Joe Hahn has tweeted that they might be working on the music video for the movie when he posted "weather is good. Might be a good week to shoot a music video" followed a day later by "Do robots and leather look good together?" Amazon has a sample from the song. (via TFW2005, thanks to Sahara for link)

Update: A source has indicated that Iridescent will be remixed for the movie, mostly to make it more attractive for radio. In general most radio stations play a certain "type" of music (rap, alternative, top 40, adult contempoary, oldies, etc) and these types can often overlap. It is in the best interest of sales to make a song overlap as many types as possible to maximize the number of stations that will play it helping in it gaining traction and popularity which in turn feeds album sales. It also has the not incidental side effect of helping to promote the movie. Sabi in the comments posted a link to site claiming to have that remixed version. I don't own A Thousand Suns album so don't have way to compare songs to hazard a guess on this being true.


  1. Well, I hope that they write a new song dedicated to the transformers franchise and that they not use a already existing song.

  2. I think it's gonna be a remix.

  3. i think vipers is right. Though it is that song, the short clip on the site has an extra drum track that is not in the original song.

    So most likely it will be a remix of iridescent.

    also, after reading the lyrics the song fits considering we know that part of the movie is a deception army starting to destroy the world.

  4. the first two songs fit their respective movies...catchy song with catchy hooks,I just hope they continue the trend!!!

  5. Here's hoping that they use the song very randomly/towards the end credits like the first movie, not like the second where it was used mostly throughout the movie with a few twists. It's a good song, but I don't want to hear it every now and then in the movie...

  6. well atleast it sounds good with a score cant wait to see what it sounds like

  7. - The first single from TF3 OST - Iridescent Remix

  8. Was just about to post what Sabi posted. I like it, definitely a good fit for the movie.

  9. Slow and sucky, the two former songs were better.

  10. Martinus Prime4/13/2011 5:07 PM

    I can't watch the clip ont he site, bc my browser doesn't support the player.
    But I agree with anon 4:36 PM, the song itself is slow and sucky, doesn't fit Transformers at all. I don't believe this is the actual soundtrack for DOTM.
    I'm expecting a lot rougher song/version/remix.

  11. I would rather hear Burning In The Skies instead, but until I hear the remix that is the only song from LP's new album that would be better for a music video.

  12. Shit music from a shit band for a movie that probably is going be really good.

  13. This "remix" really seems to be nothing more than the song with a fake techno beat added to it. If this is real, I'm surprised Linkin Park is this lazy considering their remixes tend to be rather different.

  14. Linkin Parks new album is a disappointment. There is not a single track that would fit Transformers. Iredescent is SO SLOW it can't fit. And Burning in the skies is crap. I hope they make a new song for DOTM.


  15. After reading this blog, I decided to go listen to the whole album( A Thousand Suns) and when it got to iredecent, I didn't feel like it gave me the emotional response I was looking for to send us on our way. Now I have to say that people are overlooking one really great song that I was able to imagine at the end of the movie with the credits rolling. That song is Robot Boy... I mean, it's in the title ladies and gentlemen.

    In the song you have the line "you say, your not gonna fight, cause no one will fight for you" but really it could be saying that "yeah you say this but look, Sam and the Autobots have been fighting the tyranny of the Decepticons". You have a fighter, and it should inspire you to go forward. Also another line that stands out for me is," you say, the weight of the world has kept you from letting go" Sam had the weight of the world on his shoulders throughout the 3 films and was not able to continue with a normal existence, but it never stopped him from fulfilling his destiny no matter the cost.

    What I really like about the song is that it's not really a rock song like the last two, it sounds like a good closer and send off. It swings and kind of fades into tue night. It makes me remember the entire journey
    We've seen. I don't know, it's just me though.

  16. This shows that Transfomers3 production is in big trouble, it's a mess. Bay,Spielberg and Paramount just don't care anymore. Spielberg moved to other projects already. Bay didn't want to direct the movie at all. Paramount just wants a quick big buck before losing rights because Hasbro is going to renegotiate.
    Everything about Transformers3 looks cheaper than the two previous movies. The claimed $200million budget on this movie is absolutely fake, they spent half that amount or less.
    They don't even want to spend money paying Linkin Park to do a new song for the movie... that spells death for a production like this.

  17. @ Ano 3:12 AM
    I've never heard that much bullshit.

    the song does not show that the production is in "big trouble", you just fantasize your own conspiracy theories again, or in other words: you're a big mess.

  18. It seems to be official now, at least they blogged about it:

    If I read correct, they are "working together" (with bay and his team), which would mean, they probably make more songs.

  19. You guys are so dumb. Anyway, to me the sound sounds like it's meant for the last scene of the movie leading into the credits. It fits because this movie will be the closure of the trilogy and sounds somewhat victorious and I can picture Sam and Carly hugging and Prime giving his ending speech while listening to this.

  20. ^
    Well then your gay just like the song.


  21. I'm telling you... shoulda used robot boy. I MEAN CMON, ROBOT BOY SAYS IT ALL. lol
