Sunday, April 24, 2011

Three New DOTM Sentinel Prime Images

This week should be interesting as Paramount is likely to start a little mini-blitz in the run-up to the release of the first theatrical trailer of Transformers: Dark of the Moon (the "first" one was a teaser trailer). Below are three new images (one is repeat) of Sentinel Prime in various poses making use of his armory from Lyricis Interactive who scored the previous Sentinel picture. (via TFW2005, thanks to Sahara for the link)


  1. what yall think of this son.

  2. I think it looks really cool. Hopefully Sentinel Prime turns out to be a good character and I really hope they announce what all robots are in this movie soon

  3. me too man.and the trailer will be out on thursday night around 7pm.

  4. the model itself, I find insanely cool, everything about him, he just looks like a badass terrible warlord-patriarch, like a british victorian god of war, the fact that Leonard Nemoy´s voice will be coming out of his mouth is awesome
    the poses/picture composition is pathetic, they shouldn´t leave this to the 3D people, someone with a greater degree of competence (I m not even talking about talent) should supervise the creation of this kind of renders...No one with a functional brain can claim Bay´s pictures aren´t impressive, so I think it´s sad everything around a movie has to look like shit nowadays (dvd cover, posters etc etc)

  5. well, the first picture is kind of ok-ish

  6. looks really awesome, but i think it would be much more better if Sentinel Prime comes in 2 main colors such as Red & Black based on his truck mode, just like Optimus Prime which is colored in Red & Blue based on his alternate mode.

  7. This is a Gundam ripoff. Bandai and Sunrise should sue ILM, Paramount and Hasbro.

  8. Phwoar! Poses aside, any high-res renders are welcome, as far as I'm concerned. Love the damaged paint textures.

  9. yep the shape structure of the legs and torso is a proper copy of the typical gundam design structure

  10. I don't know, Bay's robots are looking more and more cartoon-like in each movie, and to me that's not a good thing. I think these kind of movies work best when you try to incorporate some realism into them, instead of just making them live movie cartoons. I think they pulled this off fairly good in the first one. But when you get transformers with human features like beards, mustaches, glasses and who knows what, it just make the movies look more silly than necessary. I think Starscream and Blackout are good examples of robots that are more realistic looking. In fact most of the robots from the first movie except Megatron looked OK to me.

  11. What the hell are all these people talking about?? LOL


  12. these are niceeeeee!!

  13. 4/24/2011 9:15 PM ^^^
    He's not yellow like in the trailer, 'cus he's reformated now, duh.

  14. No more Gundam BULLSHIT! Fuckin' whiners! Can't be happy with what they get they always complain about something. And where's that troll that always have something bad to say! We all miss our FAVORITE TROLL! Transformers is going to fail big time because Bay and Paramount fired Megan Fox and it goes on and on and on.

    Is there any positive people left in here? Are you guys TF fans or Gundam fans? This blog is called Transformers Live Action Blog NOT Gundam Blog! Thanks for showing how much of a TF fan you guys are! Congratulations!


  15. Anonymous at 1:54 Silverbolt. did read all the comments even? I see several the top saying how much like the design. I know because I myself posted one of the approving comments. second comment actually. Granted there the usual trolls and disapproving people but in my opinion shouldn't flame everyone. thank you

  16. im sick of noobs complaining about megan fox too.go wacth some porn

  17. "We all miss our FAVORITE TROLL! (...) Transformers is going to fail big time because Bay and Paramount fired Megan Fox and it goes on and on and on."

    i think one "meganfox-troll" already got here under the name "Silverbolt" :)

    I have to agree with Anon that bayformers shouldnt be this "conservative". This one really looks like a big toy.

  18. I love it! :) It's too bad I don't have enough time to make a costume outta this one. :(

  19. I love transformers and i love Gundam! so what? hate those winny trolls complaining about everything,wh cares if the desing is similar ot a gundam? gundams are awesome,trasnformers too and i liked them both so if i see a design of a trasnformers that lokks kinda similar to a gundam i loved it! die trolls die trolls! or go play this game: LOL

  20. Many Paramount and ILM employees writing here it seems. And they get so emotional when someone points out that they stole CGI design from Gundam models. That is just the obvious truth.
    And Sunrise along with Bandai have all the rights to sue them for this ripoff.

  21. I`m not aparamount write TROLL my names is carlos ramirez from spain! i`m just a fan like u minus the noobest and stoopid minds of u little trolls,bandai or sunrise don`t need to sue anybody,os the designs if not a thievery of actual gundams,if u can prove itt do it,cos u can`t i know all the gundam designs and n one is like sentinel,just some similarities in leg design,cape wing,shoulders. TROLLS

  22. Just some similarities,uh?

    Gundam Wing Heavyarms pictures:

    Gundam Wing Epyon:

  23. I only WISH I was a Paramount and ILM employee. :(

    ILM would be a DREAM JOB for me. ;_;

    I used to build model kits from Gundam and I still collect Transformers. But here I am, working at NVIDIA which happens to provide the GPUs that power the rendering workstations for the film.

    What's so wrong about being a fan of these movies?

    And what's so wrong about being a fan of Gundam?

    I like them both. So screw the haters!

    But I still would LOVVVVEEE to work at ILM.

    MY DREAM JOB. ;_;

  24. It's funny how some folks are complaining about how Sentinel Prime having facial hair is, "silly and cartoonish". Did you guys not watch the CARTOONS on which this IS BASED????? I recall characters such as Alpha Trion, Scourge, Wreck-Gar, and some others having facial hair, especially some in the Japanese cartoons (the whole concept of transformers comes from a Japanese Company called Takara-look it up). That's like complaining about Batman having a cape resembling bat wings or Spiderman having a web pattern on his suit. Even though I admit I'm skeptical about DOTM, and even though I hate SOME of the designs, Sentinel looks fine to me. As far as the Gundam "ripoff", maybe it's an
    HOMAGE of some sorts???


  25. ITUNES movie trailers has posted a badass image of Shockwave in an ad for Thursdays trailer release...can't link it bc I'm on my phone.

  26. Super cool pic of Shockwave online at apple trailers..!!

    Check it out..!!

  27. Martinus Prime4/25/2011 7:26 PM

    So Lionboogy, that's cool, but do you also work with or produce stupid 3D screens? Bc that's what NVIDIA also produces.

    Anyway, it's a shame to see this blog is going to hell with all these trolls and Transformers haters.
    I don't even get why they are on this site, don't they have anything better to do. Isn't there anythng they love to do movies they do like???

    It's fun to read the news, but it's not fun anymore to read the comments here and that for me is a big downer for this blog. There's no fun discussion anymore about the movie, plotwise and stuff.

  28. as the above have posted about the shockwave pic, apple will apparently be releasing an image a day until the trailer arrives.

  29. So Nvidia employees are on this blog... and Nvidia sold hardware to ILM for rendering Transformers3 movie on their servers.. One can only wonder how many ILM and Paramount employees are here too and get so emotional anytime anyone dares to point out obvious production flaws they don't want people to look at...

  30. To be fair, some NVIDIA employees don't actually like the Michael Bay version of Transformers. :P They're pretty clear on that. What can I say. G1-ners. :P haha

  31. @Martinus Prime 4/25/2011 7:26 PM...I agree. I'm all for a lively debate but we so rarely get that on here anymore. We get people who seem to want to criticize everything, people who seem to want DOTM to fail to validate their own opinions.

  32. @Winton Ray 4/25/2011 10:19 PM: you are both funny and silly.. you and others here clearly sound like Paramount employees with your whining and insults against whoever dares to point out production flaws. It's like on Thor movie related boards and blogs where Paramount employees (being a Paramount production too) immediately attack anyone that dares to point out that that movie just sucks. Thor is a big disappointment, they did a big mess there. Transformers3 is going to be not much better.

  33. Hello troll!


  34. Unfortunatly the little dicked never been laid haters seem to inhabit all of sci fi forumdom. Do you haters know how many awsom prodjects that you murder just because of your uninformed oppinions? You see dumb shit movie exects come on places like this to check out everything want to do, or have been told to do, because most have no real idea of what this shit is! The haters keep hating and hating and the exects keep reading and what we end up with is twelve fucking teenaged vampire movies in one craps awlful year! Try suporting something for once in your life without stabbing somebody else in the back! Its sci fi, its wonderful, its what helps humanity reach its full potentual. If we don't start living up to the ideals presented to us by the wonder that is SCI-FI then we end up with SYFY channel reality tv, and nobodies gunna pay for that shit in a theater in 3D or any kinda D! By the way I'm a Timelord by the name of Magnus and I quite enjoy the odd Jammy dodger and think Fezez are cool with a silent (L) and I have a son who I'm starting to believe when he says that he is STARSCREAM! OH AND IF YOU SEE A GIRL NAMED MARILYN YOU TELL HER THAT WAS SO NOT A REAL CHAPLE!

  35. @Anonymous 4/26/2011 1:04 PM: what are you a production employee afraid of losing his/her job or what?
    What do you want people to stop complaining when a product is flawed and anyone can see the huge flaws?
    With all the money involved into these productions it's a shame to see flaws you would expect on some amateurish low budget product.
    And unless the marketing machine doesn't use a lot of bribes like 20th Fox did with Avatar there is no way to sell scam as pure gold. Avatar is pure scam, an awful void pointless spurious movie with bad cartoonish CGI but they managed to sell a lot thanks to bribes that brainwashed tons of people.
    Paramount is trying to do the same pushing Thor movie but they aren't putting as much effort, they are not master of the dirty business as Rupert Murdoch and 20th Fox proved to be with Avatar. And Thor is a bad movie even more than Transformers3. But both are going to fail rather badly.

  36. This is Magnus again. To anser your question, no. I'm just saying it seems we live in an age of absolute wonder and absolute dickishness. For the real fans that have been waiting since they we're kids, in my case I've been a tranformers nerd since I first heard Peter Cullens voice as Optimus some 26 years ago. This will sound corny... it changed me and my life forever. It has made me a much better father to my son than I ever would have been otherwise because in a few ways Optimus was my father and molded my sence of honor and loyalty (because my father was gone 4 months at a time and wasn't and is still not a good man), and showed me that all it takes to leed is to put others above yourself. Hell I've even been told on many occasions I sound just like Optimus and funny enouff I ended up looking just like optimus does when turned human in that Transformers Animated episode (gray hair at the sides and all, thank the matrix for just for men HAHAHA)... the thing is that my inner voice... the one that has always been the brave one, the honest one, the one that told me not to let that bully push the handicapted kid around or to help the elderly person out... that voice was Peter Cullens Optimus. So I guess what I'm trying to say is that wen I read some video game blogger nubz never having anything good to ever say about the only new venuew that my son has to witness Peter Cullens Prime in (well other than Mr. Cullens work on the wonderful Transformers Prime) then I guess I start hearing that voice in my head and it says "AUTOBOTS TRANSFORM AND ROLL OUT!" And then it doesn't matter that Bay is a tool or that he puts WAY to slutty (and might I say greasy, I mean realy what was in her contract... that bay got to rub salad oil all over her himself every time he filmed her!?!?) Girls in his films, or that he thinks that racist depictions of robots are cool. In short I wish bloggers had that voice in their head as well so that that warm feeling of a safe place as a child might thaw their sinicizum a little.

  37. Martinus Prime4/27/2011 7:56 AM


    Don't feed the trolls!! You'll never win.

  38. put transformers new trailer please

  39. i hope ders an other transformers and loks an gundum
