Monday, April 25, 2011

Countdown To Trailer Shockwave Images

The trailer is set to premiere this Thursday at 7:00PM EST. As a kind of countdown to the date, Apple Trailers is premiering an image from the movie each day according to Paramount’s Marketing director Tamar Teifeld. The first one is Shockwave with a great look at his Cyclops head.

As a bonus, I have added 2 other Shockwave images being used to promote a DOTM Facebook page. The first image is the same as the one on DOTM kids books but shows more of the body while the second one is a promotional image from DOTM: The Game. I don't think it is the official FB page for the movie mostly because it is using fan provided images including bootleg Hasbro toy pics, posters created by fans (including images created for this site) along with cast and crew notes that seem incorrect. Mostly posting them because cool images. Thanks to Karimpie and Winston for Apple link and LordBerti for FB stuff.


  1. Dude your awesome!!!!! I like the top one

  2. I'm really liking the top image! looks bad ass

  3. They surely are way behind schedule... that must be far from final rendering stage on trailer picture of Shockwave.. the textures are quite low detail, the model looks more 2D than 3D, the lights are quite wrong, the whole rendering looks like drawn instead of photorealistic.
    I hope they are not going to release the movie with any CGI at this stage BUT due to 3D gimmick it's highly likely that this time they won't be able to complete everything as it should be which means the overall result is going to be full of flaws like on that picture.

  4. Hey troll
    Everyone on this blog BUT you is excited. Go complain elsewhere. 3 days bro. I can't wait to see Carly in action

  5. anon 4/25/2011 8:19 dude you think anybody cares what u say? that again prove u are NOT a TF fan. everybody else is excited here...but YOU. dude why cant u just voice your complaints 2 micheal bay himself, do u know he has a website? go there. theres even a paramount website, go voice your complaining there. y are u always here? no 1 listions 2 u. its practicly agravating everyone. (and i just know it u r gunna reply back 2 me saying i insulted u, an saying everyone has there own opinion)

  6. Needs more purple - right now it looks more like Megatron with a different head.

  7. this tralier is gonna clean who agrees?

  8. You all do realize that this shot is most likely early CGI? Haven't you noticed the early trailers from Revenge of the Fallen and how it looked so much different from the final cut? Also I f**king love the top shot. I really hope he speaks in the trailer.

  9. The reasoning the troll keeps posting here is because people are paying attention to him/her/it. It doesn't truly know what it's talking about but people give attention to it so it keeps coming back

  10. i hope he speaks to man

  11. trolls suck who agrees?

  12. i do agree he should have more purple and they do have the same style but if you look at the detail closly they are quite different shock's tourso is more v shaped and his hand's are more thick and not as long and he has an evil tail and diffrent patterns in the detail and im not shore how big he is yet but he looks sick!!!

  13. Shockwave looks like is going to be a bad ass motherfucker !!!!! What a great this movie is going to be !!!!! I cant wait for that trailer!!!!

  14. someone take a guess who the next picture will be.

  15. I'm guessing the next pic will be Megatron.

  16. @10:04
    Probably Starscream. (That's just me. I love Starscream)

  17. who thinks shockwave kills sentinel?

  18. the Facebook page say's that Michael Bay is the site Owner

  19. I really hope Shockwave doesn't die.. We need a BAD ASS that KICKS ass for once. If Shockwave AND Soundwave die I'm going to be pissed.... I want to see autobots die this time around

  20. btw.
    according to Nelson, we get an image every day until the trailer arrives.


  21. Anonymous said...

    this tralier is gonna clean who agrees?
    4/25/2011 9:32 PM

    is going to clean? I should hope the trailer isn't dirty! after all kids are going to see it too! :)

  22. SOOOOO BADASS!!!!!

  23. Anonymous 11:27 alot of Autobots are going to die. Im pretty sure the Twins will die first.


  24. I.Can't. WAIT!!!!! fan squeal

  25. i bet the top pic is a part of the new trailer

  26. I think Shockwave looks great! Only one thing everytime I see him, he reminds me of Lord Zedd from the Power Rangers? Still cool tho!!

  27. I can't wait for he movie. Shockwave is awesome! I want some autobots to die for once! Shockwave and Soundwave better kill atleast one autobot each.
