Friday, May 06, 2011

DOTM The Game Exclusives Announced

Activision has revealed the pre-order exclusives for Transformers: Dark of the Moon The Video Game that consist of skins and a few additional characters. If War for Cybertron is any indication, these exclusives and more will be available in a DLC pack at some future point so at least that makes choosing which exclusive to order. The list of exclusives with images below.

Amazon - Ratchet for 360 and PS3
GameStop - Sideswipe for 360 and PS3
Best Buy - Free ticket upgrade to 3-D
Toys R Us - Inverted Bumblebee skin for 3DS
Target - Different Bumblebee skin for DS Autobots and Wii; Lockdown skin for DS Decepticons
Sears/K-Mart - Limited edition DOTM comic book
Everyone else - free Bumblebee toy with Wii and DS Autobot game; free Lockdown toy with DS Decepticons


  1. oooooh, i think i want the comic, even if it does ruin the whole movie for me

  2. If the ticket info is on the outside of the game, then all you do is buy the game, peel the sticker and take it back a few days later

  3. @ ghjkjbnm,

    Although the graphic novel does give you a number of plot points, there are a number of things that either are changed in the final movie or left out completely. the GN leaves out Bay's teenage humor and makes it better than the final film.

  4. I hate pre-order bonuses, they always make the game i'm playing feel incomplete.

  5. Guys the videoclip of Iridescent is ready to be seen in the Transformers website. It doesn't show nothing aside for the Autobots logo:

    Frederico Slva

  6. wait... does that mean Lockdown is in the movie?

  7. -stomps through the floor and screams-
    I... WANT... A... PS3!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    STUPID HACKER!!! >.<

  8. SideSwipe as a pre-order bonus? Please. That is just lame. Everyone knows he is just going to be killed by ShockWave for simply being stupid.

  9. @ Sideways 10:31am

    I didn't know that and I would appreciate no spoilers. I try not to find out too much

  10. New International Poster

  11. Everyone`s already seen that Scott C the owner of the blog is just too lazy to say it ¬_¬

  12. hey Tflamb a new iridescent motion picture music video was release check out

  13. Rosie Huntington-Whiteley is going to be on the Ellen Degeneres Show tomorrow (5-10-11)

    -MV of

  14. Does anybody know when the toys are getting a international release?


  15. No idea really. I just know here in the states they are being released the week of 5/16/2011
