Thursday, May 26, 2011

Two New TV Spots for Transformers: Dark of the Moon

The admin Nelson has posted the two TV spots that aired during the finale of American Idol. Most of the footage is from the previous trailers but each has a little bit of new. Thanks to AK-47 for heads-up.

TV Spot #3 - "Secret"

TV Spot #4 - "Everything"


  1. Mirage looks badass!

  2. So I guess its true Autobots fight Al-Quada and the Taliban now.....well at least we know now their scared of a 6 feet long foot up their ass XD. But man Mirage looks awsome, hes kinda a mix of Bumblebees Body, and Sideswipes Blades(accept their shorter).

  3. Mirage looks bad ass!

  4. As badass as Mirage looks, I can't help thinking they missed a trick by not having Hot Rod in this mmovie. Given the changes they made to the likes of Ironhide, a red Ferrari would be perfect for that mofo! Imho, obv.

  5. In robot mode, Mirage reminds me of how Cliffjumper might look

  6. Now he looks badass....looks like he is protecting Bumbleebee and SideSwipe so they can get away....maybe they took something important from that guarded base they are at? Hmmmm, gotta love all the speculation, can't wait to see what actually happens!

  7. Looks like Sideswipe and Bee are behind Mirage in alt modes.

  8. someone bought the movie adaptation?post if you bought something,please

  9. So the Autobots kill humans now? First we see Bumblebee in stealth mode aiming at soldiers and now Mirage looks like he's going to attack those soldiers. Would the Autobots sink to the Decepticons level? Im so confused right now that I can't come up with a solution.


  10. Corvette- (in G1 Track) called Sideswipe even though it looks, acts, and sounds like Tracks.

    Ferrari- (in G1 Sideswipe)called Mirage even though it should be called Sideswipe. Looks more like Cliffjumper than Mirage.

    Blue racecar- (in G1 mirage) called Topspin even though Topspin is a futuristic boatplane.

    Green and white racecar- (in G1 Wheeljack) called Roadbuster. While Wheeljack is in the film as a Mercedes... hmmm.

    Im not a purest when it comes to these movies or anything but why would you mix and match characters and cars like this. I could understand Sideswipe being the corvette if you didnt then introduce a red ferrari (sorry if i spelled that wrong) and call it Mirage.

  11. Mirage looks great. I also think Soundwave is going to be really cool in this movie.

    However, do you think there will be any more decepticon characters other than Shockwave, Megatron, Starscream, Soundwave and Lazerbeak? (With characters I mean robots that are named in the movie, says something and/or have some kind of personality/special purpose. Not drones or repaints that are just cannon fodder).
    A lot of you will probably mention Driller and Crankcase. I don't think Crankcase will be named in the movie, and I don't really count that Driller thing as a genuine transformer character. It's more like Shockwaves pet/weapon. I will be surprised if it actually transforms into anything.

    And I wonder how much we're going to see of the wreckers in robot form. My guess is very little. Hope I'm wrong and that their personalities isn't TOO stupid.

  12. Mirage lokks like a real badass ! Just hope this is not his only scene ( like Sideswipe )

  13. @Anonymous 5/26/11 2:33am

    So just because someone's wearing a turban, they're automatically in "Al-Quada" and/or "The Taliban"??????? Wow. There are plenty of people in the "Middle East" (what the hell??? so where is the 'middle south', 'middle north', and 'middle west'????) who wear turbans and they have nothing to do with "Al-Quada" or "The Taliban" (parentheses around those terms because they are highly dubious at best, especially if you know what THE MEANING of the word Al-Quada is - it means TOILET in Arabic).

  14. Lets not jump the gun and say these ppl are Taliban or Al-Quada i say lets wait until there is a longer trailer on this part BEFORE we make conclusions. ok? relax everyone :)

  15. merge looks sweet i cant wait to buy him in toy form !!!!!
    but were is SILVERBOL, AND SOUNDWAVET???????

  16. Mirage looks awesome.
    So glad they didn't make him Hot Rod. That would have been lame.

  17. Mirage def looks badass! The scene with Mirage was in the movie novelization...yeah, I freakin' did it again. I swore after ROTF that I wouldn't spoil DOTM for myself but I couldn't help it. I won't give anything away but I will say I an totally stoked to see this movie.

  18. Martinus Prime5/26/2011 4:17 PM


    I think that's maybe early in the film, where the humans want the Autobots to go home! As part of the "Autobots go home!" sentence spraypainted on the walls as we've seen last year on photo's. Or maybe there will be a human alliance with Decepticons through the whole movie.

    Anyway, Mirage looks awesome!!! If that is indeed his name, bc that's never confirmed, we only had a cheap red Ferrari looking toy called Mirage.
    But it'll probably be Mirage, bc his head does resembles the head on the toy package.

  19. Guys new photo of Optimus Prime rollin' out of NASA, oh man, that's one hell of a view : D

    Frederico Silva

  20. I wish Ironhide was the one to go up against shockwave call me crazy but a cannon vs cannon calls for an epic battle to me since Ironhide is op second in command he should get just as much screen time as op but thats my opinion..

  21. C'mon people who, like me, have read the novel. NO SPOILERS.

  22. U are a genius, really, thanks for the spoiler. How about you don't announce anything. wtf!

  23. Anonymous at 5/26/2011 12:00 PM

    Dude....WDF...The guy who saw the whole movie said the AUTOBOTS ARE NOW PART OF THE U.S. MILITARY TOTALLY. and litterally said "THEY WOULD'VE KILLED OSAMA WHEN THEY COULD. and WDF about turbans? I didn't see any turbans in the trailer.

  24. man the first time i heard there was a red ferrari in these movie i would have bet it would be hot rod i mean wtf where the hell is everybody for one the dinobots sunstreaker unicron was a really big part and we dont even get a mention of his name and if i dont fucking see cup i swear ill go down there and get michael to understand its not always about everything blowing up also a ferrari would be perfect for that mofo

  25. ^^ dude relax, everyone cannot have what they want in this movie as there are millions of fans !! :/

    And whats so big about cup anyways?

    ... did'nt optimus re-name him ..."shit-piece?"

