Thursday, May 26, 2011

Transformers: Dark of the Moon Novelization Spoilers

If you managed to avoid the Transformers: Dark of the Moon spoilers revealed in the comic book adaptation, you can take another stab at it with the official release of the novelization by Peter David. If you don't mind having the entire story spoiled for you (and there are some major twists that are best to not know in advance), then head over to to read the full story summary from the novel. Thanks to Rumah for the link.

Comments Spoiler Warning: Avoid comments on this post if don't want to be spoiled as discussing the spoilers on this post ONLY are not off topic. Attempts to post spoilers elsewhere will be deleted.


  1. I bought and read the novel on Tuesday, damn it. Wasn't going to spoil DOTM the way I spoiled ROTF but I'm weak.
    WOW. This movie could be epic.

  2. I have mixed Feelings about the plot. There is a ton of Fan boy goodies, but could of really been something more.

  3. Man! ti stareted reading and WOW! spoiled about... you know who, this is really outstaanding, then i left the page instantly.

  4. Just read it and honestly.... It sounds pretty lame... I'll give it a chance but im thinking ROTF all over again

  5. I actually like the way this whole story goes down....regardless of what people say, this movie should be EPIC!!

  6. It was pretty decent until the last two or three paragraphs. Still could be much better than it is portrayed in a summary.

  7. I'm confused. we get official confirmation saying Twins aren't in it and yet we see here

    but Sentinel turns out to be a traitor, and kills Ironhide and the Twins with this corosive acid gun with turns them into slag, and runs off with the pillars.

    that says they are in the movie.

    Thankfully blog writer warned about spoilers in this topic so I don't have to add spoiler at the top :)

  8. plot sounds like crap,the guy was lying,I know the movie isn't gonna be shit

  9. Read the novel and then judge DOTM's plot. This summary over simplifies the story's events. It doesn't do the story justice.

  10. Already past halfway and im kicking myself for doing so. Its incredibly awesome but...the spoilers are major. I just can help but read on. There's one in particular that I am completely puzzled about and I have mixed feelings about it.

  11. Except for character and minor plot changes, it's nothing you didn't see in G1 (minus Sentinel)

  12. Sounds great. Plot is just the same as the generation 1 cartoon 'The ultimate doom' (Bringing Cyberton to Earth)

    The twins won't be in the final cut of the movie, and I'm glad for that. Time to make the film a little darker for adult audiences who grew up with the robots in disguise!

    Loving the fact Megatron has a change of heart in the end too...

  13. I've never read the novelization of ant before each movie, just wanted to know are they exactly the same from novel to movie plot/story wise?

  14. is Barricade in the story?

  15. I always had a feeling that Megatron would make an alliance with Optimus.

    BTW if someone has the the novel can you tell who fights who example Ironhide vs Dreads. Please reply!


  16. Twins appearance in novel doesn't mean them being in movie. We also don't know if all Dreads in movie are like Crankcase or if some of them has robot modes like Hatchet and Crowbar. But it looks like there's only three Dreads.

  17. Just saw a new Chevy Camaro commercial with DOTM footage...Bee in stealth mode attacking what looked like a millitary road block-I think this is the scene described in the novel.

  18. is Barricade in the story?

  19. Maybe I'll make it like Harry Potter. You read the book first, and then see the movie later and compare the two.

  20. That doesn't make sense at all,if ironhide is dead and the commercial shows him taking on the dreads in Chicago with the other autobots,wtf.

  21. All i can say is HAHAHHA...waiting for the reboot already

  22. Anon at 1:05 you are a fucking retard

    Ironhide is NOWHERE in chicago in any of the trailers, he isnt in that big convoy of autobots that were driving down chicago,

    He fights the dreads first, so the audience see what a badass he is and reliable autobot, so when he dies its a big deal

    he is not in chicago stop takling out of your ass

  23. Some of the stuff they shot in Chicago will portray DC in the movie...such as the old Chicago post office exterior will be Dept of Health and Human srvcs in DC. Im guessing the fight between Ironhide and the Dreads takes place in DC(though the vfx plate was filmed in Chicago). This fight doesnt happen in the novel.

  24. I like the plot and story...just a little hung up on the senseless `thing`that happens to mirage. I mean, its really too bad to use him for that...ìt could have easily been one of the twins instead. Not digging that part...jus sayin

  25. man.... this guys writing sucks

  26. THR has an article about Bay, Cameron and 3D which lists DOTM's budget at 195 mil. Previously Bay and the producers have said DOTM would cost about the same to make as ROTF. Bay has also said 3D added 30 mil onto the budget...does that make DOTM's total production budget 225 mil?

  27. no Barricade.. sorry

    There are bits filmed Chicago that don't take place in Chicago in the story (and likely the movie).

  28. Some of the stuff they shot in Chicago will portray DC in the movie...such as the old Chicago post office exterior will be Dept of Health and Human srvcs in DC. Im guessing the fight between Ironhide and the Dreads takes place in DC(though the vfx plate was filmed in Chicago). This fight doesnt happen in the novel.


    Yes it does.

  29. you can tell from the book that the wreckers are a Bay creation to generate Nascar revenue . Good thinking just don't turn them into the twins now

  30. The writing is pretty boring and honestly the story is quite flimsy as well...however still cant wait to see the epic fight at the end

  31. I don't wanna sound like a retard but isnt there a scene in the movie where Ironhide takes on a decepticon bank truck in chicago supposedly that was filmed in Detroit but in the movie they say it happens in Chicago inless they cut it out of the film..

  32. I thought this guy does damned good TF3 updates...can`t wait for his next one. Very interesting...

  33. @ Anonymous 5/27/2011 4:07 PM
    On page 198 there is a scene where Ironhide steps in front of the Dreads who crash into him and shatter...there's no "fight", at least not anything like what is suggested by the shot from the Superbowl teaser.

  34. I can't believe they kill off Ironhide. I would actually rather they killed off Ratchet since he doesn't seem to do anything in fights and is sort of a forgettable character when compared to the other initial Autobots from the first movie.

  35. i honestly dnt care about this tho... ima watch the movie to cast final judgment... not read some poorly written synopsis... (although it was informative).

  36. Sucks there is no Silverbolt, Bay has some explaining to do!

  37. ^

    "i honestly dnt care about this tho... ima watch the movie to cast final judgment... not read some poorly written synopsis... (although it was informative)."

    Do you see the irony in your poorly written post complaining about a "poorly written synopsis"?

  38. ^^^^^^^ lawl

  39. >> Do you see the irony in your poorly written post complaining about a "poorly written synopsis"?

    ^^ I see a mistake in your entry as well poindexter !

    Listen...This is not script writing...nor is it a term paper...this is a blog where we can write how ever we like dooooffusss !!!!!!!!!

    see I made tonnes of written and grammatical ERRORS all over my entry...sue me :D !!

  40. LOL @ u all that are taking this so serious its a movie not real life quote spoilers bay is a waste of life already isn't following any of the original comic before the cartoon storyline so who cares what fantasy he makes up
