Monday, June 20, 2011

New 15s Spot Featuring Megatron (Updated)

A new fifteen second TV spot for Transformers: Dark of the Moon aired on MTV today. The spot shows a good look at Megatron in robot mode with his battle scarred face. No HD version currently available. Update: From the comments, a higher quality version.


  1. No more TV spots!!!

  2. wow thats was cool

  3. epic!!! was megatron in the destert?

  4. you whoooooooo

    better quality

  5. It's funny how some people say bay is putting out too many tv spots and should calm down, but as soon as a spot hits the net the tran's sites light up like a christmas tree, people just get more excited for the movie, you can't stop the train now with only 8 days left, i can smell the popcorn now

  6. Que on that mission with Dino, BB, and Sideswipe. Shockwave is still getting a beating.

    I like to think I hate seeing new clips but I love it at the same time.
    This week is going to suck.

  7. who is ptime punching in the head or is it ironhide punching?

  8. lol i think i saw a TV spot just now watching Teen Wolf it showed Optimus Prime pulling out his (classic) G1 Energon Battle Ax! I S*** you none!
    i might have missed one of them on here... srry if it already showed up on here

  9. I don't think those are U.S soldiers that Mirage/Dino attacks. Their in the desert so it may be another country.

    WAIT! I thought Bay said that it would be no sand. Hopefully it's not a long scene in the desert.

  10. looks like Optimus is knocking the crap out of... wat appears to be... Shockwave. I cant tell for sure maybe its Megatron (classic fight)

  11. bay doesn't put the spots out, it's paramount

  12. Guys guys guys... the movie is over 2.5 HOURS long! I think we have enough footage to play around with that doesn't tell us much but merely whets the appetite for more. :)

    That said, I'm thrilled to see more action from Dino, Sideswipe, and Ironhide! :D

  13. ^^^ the autobots are doing a mission in the middle east in the beginning of the movie

  14. I've only seen about 1/3 of the TV spots. Most of them are too fast to pick things up. I dont want to see the movie in pieces before the whole thing shows up. Whats the point?

  15. why is bumblebee still a goddamn mute

  16. I had this in the back of my head, I really dont know what Bumble Bee's personality would be like if he spoke. In the G1 cartoon he was kind of nondescript. In the movies he has this sort of pet thing going on. If he talks, it would change that. If he did talk I would like to see his personality be similar to the Bumble Bee in Transformers Animated. I would prefer if he doesnt talk, that there is no radio and just the beeps and buzzes etc.

  17. @Anonymous 6/21/2011 1:52 AM: what the heck are you talking about? Bumblebee always talked since G1.
    It's Michael Bay that turned him into an handicapped robot.

  18. According to the novel, Bumblebee can speak but the damaged circuits make it strnuous at best (think of it like you trying to talk with a sore throat) so he continues to use the radio sounds and his skeaks (i actually like that :P) There is one scene however (at least in the novel) where he does speak to Sam.

  19. What is MEGS thinking with the cape? Is he trying to hide or keep the sun off his face? He looks creepy, but silly at the same time.

    As for Bee speaking...I agree...talking would ruin his character. R2-D2 would sound like a jackass if he spoke.

  20. @anonymous 521am....if its bays fault, whos to blame for bumblebee not talking in "transformers:prime" ??? whats that ? i cant hear u, omg, its the writers that wrote the first 2 movies and established they write "prime" can u just stfu ??

  21. Megatron looks like such a badass! Damn this movie is going to kick ass!!!

  22. @6/21/2011 1:52 AM

    dude??? Bumblebee always

    The "mute" Bumblebee is a new twist put on his character from these movies only!!

    Obviously you have not seen G1 if you think he was "nondescript" lol

    Only a few days left PPL !!!

  23. he's not handicapped. in the first movie Ratchet said that his voice was injured in battle.

  24. well apparently Ratchet has the know-how to repair his legs from the first movie, but vocal processors are MUCH harder to repair.

  25. i thought they said no more sand
