Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Two More 15s TV Spots for Dark of the Moon

Two new 15 second TV spots join the one that premiered yesterday. The first one is to promote Transformers 3 in 3D while the other will be loved simply for battle-axe Prime. All of them can be found here.

TV Spot #16

TV Spot #17


  1. I'm glad to see that each individual Autobot will get their own screen time/ battles. Except for maybe Ratchet. Poor guy has just kind of been in the background. Haven't seen much at all involving him yet.

  2. my brain just assploded at the start of spot #16...soundwave is gna be one badass decepticon

  3. Paramount managed to spoil the whole movie. There is nothing worth watching in theaters anymore. And getting some serious eye strain thanks to 3D for a movie that spots, trailers and novel revealed completely already it's just like committing suicide. Not worth hurting your eyes for Paramount heavy pockets.

  4. If some people are so upset over the tv spots why do you keep comming back for more, you keep comming to this site and this is a tranformers site, what do you expect? you know theyr'e going to post everything possible about the movie, its their job, i haven't see 1 tv spot on tv for 3 days now because i avoid the channels their on, i'm not going to die if i dont watch these channels for a little bit, so you can avoid these tv spots if you really want to, i like watching some tv spots, but its a choice, and for most people the movie is far from being spoiled ,if anything theyr'e more excited, but their are always complainers, no doubt about that, ooh!!, my eyes hurt wa, wa, wa

  5. Oh shit, opts got his ax and sword, some one is going to get an asswoopin, i think their is going to be alot of scrappin this time around,...This time we take the fight to them!!!

  6. This is kinda ironic, we're complaining that paramound is showing too much (I do too) but in the same time we keep watching them. I mean, average people who are not that much into Transformers may have seen 2 or 3 maybe more but doesn't really know how much spoil it is, and the people who would like to not get spoiled ( us ), we're watching them, all of them.

    Anyway, I love these TV spots, the music in #16 is so awesome ! I hope we're going to get some of them in the actual movie ( but I doubt... )
    Can't wait for 29th June !

  7. G1 BATTLE AXE BABY !!!! HAHAHA love it !!!

    This is gonna be awesome!!!

    So Pumped !!! :D !!

  8. Anonymous 4:26 am

    Soundwave or Shockwave?

  9. Energon Axe at about the 9 second mark in TV Spot 17, cool little nod to G1 Prime

  10. I'm actually really pissed off about the way this movie is being released...I won't be able to see it in IMAX because of STUPID cars coming out the week before. All the IMAX theaters are showing that instead. I live in NH and the only place to see it is in Boston. $18 a ticket, plus parking, gas, food...it would cost $150 for me to see this movie in IMAX. Seeing on a regular screen just won't cut it.

  11. u kno it would be very cool if when optimus figth shockwave and take out his energon axe ..shockwave say"hmm upgrades" hahahaha that would be funny ass hell..wat do u guys think ..

  12. Hahahah.....I haven't watched a single commercial, only the trailers.

    Sucks you're all spoiled! But seriously, don't friggen complain about the whole movie being spoiled in commercials when it was your choice to watch them in the first place.

    Glad this time around I could exercise self control when it came to spoilers and commercial. I'll finally get to see a Transformers movie fresh.

  13. @6/21/2011 5:24 AM

    Hey its the frank grimes Troll ^^

    where have you been??

    ...welcome back "grimey" :)

  14. ^^^^^^^^^^^oh. so you saw every battle in the movie??

  15. I predict Prime will take many heads with his axes in this movie.

  16. I agree, prime will take many a head, he already took half of megatrons head, looks like his long time buddy bumble bee takes a head also....SOME HEADS ARE GONNA ROLL YEAH!!!

  17. lets be honest, with as little as the trailers and tv spots have shown, i find it hard to believe its enuf to ruin a 2.5 hr long movie. thats a lil dramatic.....but someone help me out here, in the first spot where it shows shockwave...it looks a lot like hes being reassembled by the driller...it looked alot like energon healing too.....maybe even after prime kicks his ass he just heals himself thanks to the driller...any thoughts ?

  18. This is the way Transformers should be... So much aggression and carnage.... The way Shockwave rises up is purely epic.

    So now we've seen Optimus doing serious damage, Bumblebee doing serious damage, Ironhide doing serious damage, and Mirage and Sideswipe just looking bad ass. SO EXCITED!!!

  19. "We've come up with a poor and embarrassing death."

    "Give it to Starscream."
