Tuesday, June 28, 2011

The Sound of Transformers: Dark of the Moon

A behind the scenes video at how the sound effects for Transformers: Dark of the Moon. It includes interviews with the members of the sound team that created what will likely be an awesome experience when the movie official comes out later today. I wish more movies did a look into sound effects, at least I find it interesting how simple every day objects are used to become something more like the engines of a starship.


  1. 4 hours and 35 mins yil premiere in australia

  2. AWESOME VID!! Thanks for sharing!

  3. That's really cool. These guys have worked really hard on these three Transformers movies. Well done guys, I appreciate your hard work.

  4. just came back from watchin the imax 3D version...excellent f@#$in work guys. Movie wss loud and proud!!! everybody stood up and clapped at the end!!!!
