Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Transformers: Dark of the Moon In Theatres Today

Today is the day many have been waiting for. The first day that Transformers: Dark of the Moon is in theaters, nearly worldwide. As a way to get you excited, below are two playlists of videos. The first is all the trailers and TV spots for the film. Also have them in none playlist form here. The second is nearly 200 videos that were posted when the movie was being filmed in Chicago, LA, Florida, Washington, DC, and more. Also note that the movie does have a scene during the credits involving ex-Agent Seymour Simmons.

And before the box office results start, going to make a guess that DOTM will make $1.1 billion worldwide with 60% of that coming from international sales. Opening week? $310 million worldwide total, $165 from US through July 4th. When do you plan on seeing the movie? What is your estimate? Those closest get...well nothing except knowledge you estimate as well as those that get paid megabucks to read the tea leaves.

DOTM Trailers and TV Spots Playlist

DOTM Set Videos Playlist


  1. That's an ambitious boxoffice estimate. I think this will be the strongest film yet, but I don't think it will crack the billion mark. probably in the $900 million range, but you never know.

  2. I'm in the Philippines, so our IMAX 3D midnight screening starts in 3 hours and 39 minutes. I'm counting the milliseconds. I know repeat-viewings will be required to take every bit of Bayhem in. I just can't believe that IT'S. HERE. After following this movie for approximately 396 days on this blog, I can't believe IT'S. HERE. Thanks for keeping me up to date on anything and everything TF3. Till TF4. ;-D

  3. currently have tickets for the Navy Pier IMAX in chicago @ midnight tonight. very lucky to be so close to all of the destruction cuz i'll get to go and look to make sure the city is still there after the movie. I think this will be the biggest 5 day opener ever.

  4. My theatre here has a 21.00 showing in 6.20 hours.. Sadly not in Imax, that's tomorrow, I'm going ot TF3 6 times this week! Probably even more the coming weeks.. :P Bring IT ON..!!!

  5. The Netherlands here... tonight at 09:15 p.m. local time I'll watching this movie with my friends!!
    Can't wait!! :-D

  6. Looking forward to 9:00PM CST here in TN USA. Going to see it in 2D. I think you miss too much detail in 3D. It tends to blur the action; to everyone their own I guess. Thanks for all the updates. This blog has been my source. Till all are one in HIM. God Bless. Shaeboy

  7. I bought my tickets last week but for tomorrow nights showing. My theater is doing a 3D only showing tonight and because of my wife's vision issues, 3D can and has given her migraines. However, I am going back to see the 3D version at a later date. Think this will be the best of the 3.....

  8. gonna watch it in less than 3 hours. live all the way from malaysia. although no imax, 3d is enough. hoping for the best despite all the negative feeling inside me. LOL!

  9. go..go..go transformers..less than 3 hours to go to start counting to break the all the time box office record ever..
    expect record breaking 5 days in u.s
    expect all the time record breaking..
    what the hell!!!!

  10. Transformers3 is going to underperform.
    It will end up around $550-$650million worldide. In that range. Higher price 3D gimmick tickets won't help much.
    Expecting a huge drop in a few days even if it would open huge.
    Final results:
    US Domestic: $220-$300million
    Rest Of The World: $230-$350million

  11. Going to watch it tomorrow night in Amsterdam @ Pathe Arena Imax 3D. I have invited my family and some friends so it will be a group of 33 transfans :-) it is going to be so much fun.
    Still one more long long day to go....

  12. 3d only blurs the action because the 3d in the film is shit,

    it doesnt blur anything if its done well like in Beowulf or How to train your dragon

    however if youve watched Thor, or other movies where the 3d is shit you will complain

  13. its gonna crack the billion mark for sure with the 3D sales added in..don't see how people don't see this happening the 3D makes it like a amusement park ride so there will be repeat viewings (that's why Avatar made so much).I will see it twice in the theater in 3D. I'm going to see it tomorrow with my ladyfriend and sometime later on I will take my mom she loves Transformers..

  14. I just wanted to say to whoever writes and posts on this blog, I have been following this and checking your blog almost everyday since the first movie. Its awesome, please keep it alive even after this movie with transformers news.

  15. im going to drive 2 hours to see it in imax at a a later date but tonight...3d!

  16. there's a bunch of mid-night showing here in the philippines. . . .but i'll be watching it tomorrow on 3D hehe got my ticket already then on july 2 gonna watch it on imax!

    Anxious much!

  17. I'm a trucker so I have to wait til friday...but to tflamb,its been a good last 5 years so til the next one gets rebooted ill drop in from time to time.keep it 100

  18. Just saw it in Auckland New Zealand, honestly guys best of the whole trilogy, well worth the wait, enjoy the awesomeness :)

  19. Just wanted to say thanks for all the coverage during the last 3 years. This blog has been really helpful in keeping me up to date on all the news. It's time to Roll Out!

  20. looks like dotm is going to make millions, the critics hate it but they love thor, so much for those positive reviews we got a few days ago, out the window, these people truly dispise michael bay and bay knows it, so he wont give them anything they want, i love that about bay, he's truly doing this movie for the fans, i'm more pumped for this movie than ever, once again you will see the total disconnect from the fans and the critics, 100% opposites, and bay wins again

  21. I am actually driving 5 hours to the nearest city that shows TF3 in the proper 3D so I can get the full affect, and make a weekend out of it!! lol !! Can't wait!! Oh...and happy Canada Day long weekend coming up...to all those Canadians on this site !!

  22. Saw it last night (7-27-11) with free sneak preview passes. IMHO the best of the MB Transformers series. Lots of good plot twists that had me shocked. Good concentration on the human side of the war. 3D effects ok. One scene was put in for the 3D purpose, but a waste of time in the movie. Nothing after the credits, so don't worry about staying for anything.

  23. Next week. Was originally planned to go tonight but very unfortunate events happened so hoping to get to go then

  24. I think DOTM will earn 150-175 thru the 4th...end up at about 350 mil domestic and 550 international.

  25. Our plan is to see it this Saturday. but, before heading to the theater, we have a question...
    Should we watch it in Real3D or IMAX 3D?

  26. I have been waiting for awhile to see this one..I have been following this blog as well since the first movie on 07. I really hope it doesn't disappoint..i mean its transformers on the big screen how can it?. My wife is "taking" me tonight at 12:01 here in NC. I took her to a midnight showing of twilight once so she is redeeming that gesture. Thanks so much for all hard-work over the years and the info on this blog.

  27. What's going on with the Score - wasn't it supposed to be out today as well? I can't find it at stores or on itunes.

  28. In less than one hour, the movie will premiere here in Saida, Lebanon, middle east. I really can't wait, and I'm so hyped!

    Bring the rain!

  29. good afternoon friends transformers that can happen is that no one paid attention to my comment but would like to ask dealers paramount when Transformers opens in dark of the moon Venezuela, officially opens worldwide on June 29, but no cinema in my country there is a poster or even a trailer for Transformers, we have no date, no uncertainty and no one knows about and would like to direct this message to Michael Bay, if necessary, in Venezuela we are a very loyal audience to the series Transformers, and do not want to be the only country in the world without seeing the third part, please help us

  30. just watched DOTM 3D premiere show. all i can say is, from start to finish, its TOTALLY FREAKING AWESOME!!! and Im gonna see it again TWICE in 3D ;)

    Thanks TFLive for all these years and BIG thanks to Michael Bay for making TF films.

    Transformers Fan from Brunei.

  31. I'm so hyped right now! I cant wait till tomorrow! I'm gonna go see this movie with my brother. to bad I can't go see it tonight at the midnight showing. :( but, ah well I did the same exact thing with revenge of the fallen when it came out two years ago. so many people were there. and it wasn't even the midnight showing! maybe the same for dark of the moon.

  32. I've already Fandango'd my tickets for Wednesday night right after work. And then more for Thursday night. :)

    I can't waaiiitt!!!

  33. my friend just saw the movie, we won't be disappointed in character names, and the movie is INSANE. twins aren't in it though.

  34. Its all about the fans and hands down the fans love this movie. The critics dont know what to do because they dont understand what we like, they cant understand how this bay character is dam near critic proof, it drives them out of their fucking minds and I love every bit of it. I'll be at the 9pm showing tonight...siked!!!

  35. Me, my brother, dad and sister are going June 29th at 3:50 Oaks 10 Theater seeing it in 3D

  36. WHOOHOOOO!!!! I'm so excited! I have to make do with a regular 3D tonight, but I'm going to make the 2.5 hour drive down to a IMAX 3D this weekend to see it. My record for ROTF was 10 in theater. I'm going to see if I can't break that record and help DOTM reach that billion mark, haha. Got my transformers shirt and my transformers decorated car all ready to go. I've been at this site since '07, I'm hoping they'll do a reboot.

  37. Just watched it in the UK. It's awesome!
    It was a dream come true. Bay finally recreated the G1 spirit. Ok there is some dumb humour and strange character designs, but it doesn't matter. I say again this film AWESOME!

    I am going to see it again tomorrow!

    Without giving too much away - certain G1 episodes have been heavily used for inspiration. Dr Arkeville/Shawn Berger anyone?

  38. saw this just there. Liked it but was just a wee bit disappointing, i was hoping to see more action from the characters but you see very little of any of the auto-bots other than big optimus. still the best of the three but i thought it was missing a little something


    and the way that you don't really know what happens to wheelie and his friend until they dont show up again and you assume they are dead at the end :(

  39. To....
    Anonymous said...
    6/28/2011 9:46 AM

    you have made a grave mistake!!!

  40. Just coming from seeing it here in madrid! SO FREAKING AWESOME!!! tomorrow i iwll se it againa, excellent 3D work,insane escenes! and the history was pretty straighforward and well executed! THX Michael Bay! that movie was so G1!!! and have the best mexican standoff of all movies! that tension between the dreads,ironhide y sideswipe was insane!

  41. I'm seeing it in imax 3D at the palisades center in west nyack new york, I see dark of the moon making $225 million in the first 5 days

  42. OK...just been reading the so called "reviews" posted by so called "professional movie critics." And all I have to say is wtf? I don't believe in movie critics as an occupation anyway...in fact, my rule of thumb is... if the critics hate it, then it's probably a half descent movie :/

    The concept of criticizing a movie is and always will be based on the persons own SUBJECTIVE point of view...and bases itself on a tonne of things including their own personality...in other words CROCK OF SH!T !!
    Especially Roger Ebert's half ass'd review! I'm Really pissed with you right now Roger :D!! lol

    Something tells me if this movie were a french foreign movie based on dutch "face-crapping" it would get 5 stars and rave reviews!

    pfft...so here is my personal "subjective" conclusion:

    This movie may not be liked by adult movie critics who are not transformers fans..(boo 'effing hoo !!)

    My reply to that:

    Who the hell cares!!

    We ARE transformers fans, and no one will tell me what I like and what I do not like...hell...you wouldn't let someone tell you what food to eat would you?...so why the hell listen to these asshats tell you what movie you should watch?!

    OH...and TFLAMB ...it has been a very real pleasure listening to your input, and following this blog all these years!! Been a great run !
    Best of luck to you!!...and to all of you guys who follow this blog...trolls an all!! :D!!...and yes...even the dreaded paramount Troll :D !! Take care, and see you at the movies!! :D !!

    Anonymous / burner :D !

  43. You have to see this movie in 3D. You HAVE to see this movie in 3D. It's just that freaking awesome.

  44. uhggg it seems like tformers site owner is a hater, he says he absolutly hated it...it seems the tformers site is filled with geewuners

  45. Watching it in 1 hr... Woot woot

  46. The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few!! True Spock style!!!

  47. I loved it.

  48. Just saw it and it was amazing

  49. Just finished watching it and all I have to say is there is so much death in this one :-(....BTW Barricade is back!

  50. oooo waiting until july 9....

  51. Just got back from seeing transfomers dotm, and in one word EPIC!!!, i dont give a fuck what anyone says you must see this movie in 3d, to me it was a beutiful masterpiece, did i get everything i wanted ofcourse not but i dam sure got enough,there was some of that goofy humor but it wasn't that bad, i could go on and on but lets just stop with EPIC!!!

  52. Just got back from watching Dark Of The Moon ... OH. MY. GOD!!!!

    This is the best of the trilogy, no way to deny that. The first movie was a great introduction to the Transformers, the second we can maybe just ignore (?), and the third is everything I ever wanted this movie to be.

    The storyline was so much better than the first, and made the storyline of the second movie seem as though it were written by a 5 year old. The Autobots and Decepticons had more lines, and the jokes were much better.

    Soundwave, Shockwave, Lazerbeak .... oh wow they were awesome! And yes, that is Barricade.


  53. I was out of breath by the end of the movie and then i cheered my head off. I was riveted. It was every transformers fan who has been there from the start's dream come true. It was a fan boy wet dream. Haters can take their whining to the grave.

  54. It felt more like a starcraft battle than transformers, yesss it was G1 but i left feeling dissapointed, I still think the battle at the end of the first movie tops all the movies combined why cant bay just make a transformers movie witht he style and transforming from the first one, and wtf shockwave

  55. Woohoo! I am thrilled to inform you: Transformers 3 . . . . DOES NOT SUCK!!!

    A slightly more in depth synopsis: (NO SPOILERS)
    --The actors learned how to act. They wont be bringing home any awards, but its still a far cry from their stilted origins.
    --Sam Witwicky (LeBeouf's character) is still a dork, but he gets to try and be a little bad ass. Tho, still kind of whiny.
    --The underwear model who replaced swim suit will also not be winning awards, but could have been worse.
    --There are actual plot twists that didn't get revealed in all the stuff on the net. There are a few plot holes as well, but not the gaping ruptures left in the space-time continuum left by the second movie.
    --Near complete dismissal of the second movie. Never happened.
    --Now with a 100% more script writers! Remember, the second movie was a casualty of the writers strike.
    --The entire TF Movie line gets a bit truer to the G1 spirit, and a bit darker at the same time. It's a good touch.

    To sum up: If your not a fan of Transformers, or a fan of alien invasion and/or giant robot movies, this movie will do nothing for you.

    Spend the extra money to see it in 3D. IMAX 3D however might be a bit overwhelming. Get the uber-sized popcorn, because you're going to be there a while. (2.5 hours)

    Fun summer action flick. Best CGI in a movie to date.

  56. I'm seeing it Wedesday at 12pm in Hemet, CA, hopefully the crowd will be suitable, probably be some children/dumb teenagers there, but I'm tired of waiting!

    Also, I hope TFLAMB continues to delete spoiler comments, there might have been one on here than I let my eyes de-focus over... just to be sure. This is an exciting "thread" and I hope we can read each other's thoughts for a few days without getting spoiled.

    Major kudos to TFAMB for posting such detailed reports on here in the last 6 years! (and for the Twitter updates too, LOVED your commentary on your "mini marathon last night"!!!)

  57. I know ill get attacked for this but......I was pretty disappointed with this film.

    80% of the best action scenes are in the teasers and trailers. Alot of the action in the last hour is with the humans and not a lot with the bots.

    If you are looking for character developement with the bots you will be disappoined as usual. Both Primes are developed a little but thats it.

    Plot wasn't bad. G1 influence with the space bridge. The physics of what was transported may detract from seriousness that was supposably going to be the mood of the film.

    This movie doesn't know what kind of film it's trying to be. One moment its a darker serious movie and the next its comedy is worse than RotF. The mood changed so offen that it ruined good scenes. For example having a dramatic moment with a character dieing in an awesome action scene and then cutting to the parents and completely killing the mood and momentum of the film. 30% Serious 70% Comedy

    Just like RotF every human character and most of the bots are comedians. Ruins any attempt at being a serious movie.

    Why are the parents even in the movie. they serve no purpose toward the story. None. Waste of possible character/story developement.

    Que and Dino. Thank god because at least Wheeljack and Mirage's name are safe from the franchise. Both character along with the Wreckers are underused.

    No character developement for the Autobots really. Except OP who was a badass as usual. Sentinal was good as well.

    Shockwave is not the main bad guy. That was a lie. Was kinda just a strongman character. Shockwave was badass but kinda just thrown in there.

    I was right when I said Rosie would get more lines than all the bots combined. Her character was not needed at all in this film and actually pulled the story away from what should have been its focus.... Sam and the Autobots saving the world.

    Wasn't really impressed with 3D. Wasn't as impressed as i was with Avatars.

    There are good parts to the movie. Fights scenes only really but there are a few of them in there.


  58. Just got back from the 8:30PM XD showing here in California.

    OH MY GOD.

    I'm gonna cry. Guys guys guys... it's really sad. Really really sad.

    I'm definitely, most definitely watching it again. Oh my god. I loved it.

  59. OMG! "Transform and rollout!!" i hope Optimus says that!!

  60. sad to say movie is really sad bay did a hella of a job but defantly no part 4 aafter this one.

  61. OK just saw this and I have to say the action scenes are brilliant...the rest of it is pure rubbish...one of the worst movies severing terms of acting,characters,storylines etc....its a 3d gimmick and that's all...

  62. does megatron die??

  63. WTF is all I have to say... In the best of ways :) and in the worst of ways :(

  64. @ Anonymous @ 6/29/2011 2:01 AM

    I agree with a lot of what you said.

    I left the movie feeling... dumbfounded and sort of lost emotionally.

    I'm a Decepticon fan and really, that was just depressing. *spoiler sorta* Not because I didn't expect people to die, I knew that going in.. I expected it. But not in that way.

    They really just didn't do most of the characters justice and all of the deaths in this movie were more about the shock factor, than dieing honorably.

    It was a cool movie. I did enjoy the visuals but the magic of the first movie just went down hill from RotF and kept rolling nonstop until it hit the wall.

    But I can say this: I really liked Rosie. She was beautiful and interesting and played her part well.

  65. Feris Othman6/29/2011 3:59 AM

    It was an excellent movie! Sadly Optimus saying 'Transform & Roll Out' isn't in it.

  66. Just got out of the Midnight Showing here in Wisconsin. Didn't spring for the 3D but the movie was still very well done. Rockin Awesome Movie.

    And as for a 4th.... still a lot of characters left....lol

  67. Just got back from two showings back-to-back in 3D and 2D. Must say 3D is WAYYYYY better and is really good. Like many are saying it is very sad. Lots of emotion. Very different than the other two. Half the time, it felt like a different movie on its own. Screw critics, each time I watched this the crowd cheered and clapped once the end credits started to roll.

  68. @RandomJPG 6/29/2011 4:19 AM: what are you Paraoumt random bot marketing marchine? People cheered and clapped... geez... it doesn't. That's marketing bull.

  69. oh btw..the twins are in the hangar scene

  70. I`m no paramount bot but here in Madrid Spain,the 2 screnings that i attended people cheer and clap in some scenes and at the end,was a lot of clapping,it was pure emotion,not a paramount bs stuff like u say. I was one that clapped furiusly and some tears cos i fullfill my dream to see all the live transformrs movie,if there`s a reboot i`m out,this trilogy was not perfeky but WATEVER be grateful that a chilhood dream was acomplished.

  71. Final scene was disappointing. Everyone seemed exhausted in the packed theater I was in. I did hear some cheers at certain points of the movie. Action was great. Lot of good G1 elements. First movie was by far the best. I got chills when Blackout transformed in the first movie. Neither of the last 2 movies did that at all for me. Soundwave, Shockwave, Laserbeak, Megatron, and Starscream interaction was great. Robots were killed way to easily by the humans. Sam and the merry band should have been hurt or killed many times (a few were, only a few). 2D would have been better. 3D glasses make the movie way to dark. Blurs the action. Am of the opinion now that another director could have done much better with plot and action combined. Action is all Bay is good for.

  72. I saw the midnight screening in 3D here in Gatineau (Canada). It was not a large audience for a midnight screening. The movie was amazing, the 3D effects were excellent and the tone generally more serious. Major plot twists that surprised me. The only disappointment for me was that there was still too much comedy, too many stupid jokes, though not as worse as the other movies. Very sad movie overall, but very very good. Too much going on for me to notice everything. I'll have to see it again --of course! Many times! I might try to see it more times in the theatre than the first movie, which I saw 12 times (my current record). I don't know when our IMAX theatre is going to show it. I hope I get to see the movie in IMAX.

  73. good luck writing a sequel

  74. @Anonymous 6/29/2011 4:37 AM No I am not a bot. That's what happened. If you didn't like it, good for you. I don't care about you or your opinions.

  75. Why is Megatron such a PUSSY in this movie? Sitting in an alley in the final scene feeling sorry for himself...are you kidding?

  76. Awesome movie! Makes ROTF look like absoulute garbage

  77. Soundwave is as tall as Bumblebee...WTF?!?!??

  78. Terrible movie overall..doesn't matter the highway scene and the Chicago scenes ( bar some truly awful acting and comedy) were brilliant ..absolutely top stuff.

    I know some of you will have questions about the plot ..dont bother ...and am sure millions will pan the acting /script/direction/story telling etc and you will ALL be right ...but at the end of the day it doesn't matter . with Bay at the helm you knew what you're getting ...just enjoy the action scenes and hope the reboot will have someone who knows who the transformers and their legends is all about

  79. @6/29/2011 4:01 PM

    hmmm maybe it was because he has Half his brain blown away in rotf !! And for those who haven't seen the movie yet...it didn't play out like that.

    Megatron is no pussy...but he does (for now) have half a head...thats bound to affect his behaviour don't ya think? ;) lol !!

  80. I love how bumblebee doesent have a voice again. Also everyone's fighting then all of a sudden it all ends. Barricade the twins jolt and RC twins were never explained as to where they went like wtf? The whole series of movies as a whole was just a giant cluster fuck.

  81. Ironhide??!!Really Bay? Overall the movie was good, but I left feeling a little empty and disappointed. The action was good, but I agree with some of the other posts that the characters died to easily like Starscream and Megatron's character interpretation this time was way off. It was as if they were an afterthought and Bay was simply looking for an easy out. Wanted to see more actual characters. More Autobots and actual Decepticons, not just drones. I'm sure some will say I'm nitpicking, but for all the hype, I just didn't feel it delivered.

  82. Just saw DOTM and thought it was action packed and good but I do have one issue... Why are the Autobots pretty much invincible except for cheap shots yet the Decepticons die like bitches... Out of Megatron, Starscream, Soundwave (who was way too tiny) and Shockwave not one Autobot lost their life to the big 4 in battle. Aren't they supposed to be some of the strongest and meanest Transformers in the galaxy? Just my two cents... But my son loved it and that's most important to me.

  83. just like all the other trans sites and movie sites, the majority of people liked the movie, hands down, I must say i cant believe some people cant figure out the plot, bay made it so easy to figure out a 2 year old could figure it out, maybe thats why some people cant figure it out , its just too easy, this movie was an absolute blast, defenitly a bay movie on steroids, ha ha ha ha , fucking bay, that mother fucker cracks me up, i'm convinced he goes the extra mile just to piss the cry baby critics off and some of us to, i didnt get every thing i wanted but i enjoyed the fuck out of this movie, awesome summer block buster...gonna go see it again

  84. Honestly I thought it was the best of the trilogy, but what was interesting was how I had a different reaction to this movie than the previous ones. For the first two, I remember stepping out the doors of the theater all psyched up by the immense action and visuals. When I saw Dark of the Moon, it was a different feeling, I knew what to expect aesthetically, so my excitement was not as intense this time around.

    This time, I was watching a Transformers film for the plot, what mattered most was not how much action scenes they could squeeze in, but how further they could go into the character of both the Aubotbots and Decepticons. Although I always had expected a good plot for all the films, it seems like this movie has shown my maturity in my tastes. Granted I am still a loyal fanboy to the franchise, but it's interesting to see how you change over such a course of time.

    I know that there are a lot of mixed reactions to the film and I agree with some and disagree with others, but I stand by my comment that Dark of the Moon is the best of the Transformers series. It's Not because it had enough eye popping explosions or robot brawling madness, but because it reminded me of just how much you grow up with these characters and remember them for their personality and influence they have on you, which I felt was given more attention to in this film.

    If a reboot does happen in the future, which I'm certain it will, I'll definitely be there with my Transformers fanboy pride! I only hope that the next series will try to explore more into the origin of what makes the Transformers so great and not just all out war machine mayhem. Regardless, I might be attacked for my comment, but thanks a lot Bay for the great films!


  85. P.S...I don't know why I put myself as anonymous if I placed my name down...smooth...anyways..awesome movie again!

  86. $42.8 mill in first 1.5 days
