Thursday, June 30, 2011

Transformers 3 First Day Total of $79.4 Million

Transformers: Dark of the Moon's first day haul, with Tuesday's pre-screening numbers, is an impressive total of $79.4 million. The North America box office account for $42.8M with the remaining $36.6M coming from International box office sales. By Friday the movie will be out worldwide except for China and Japan. The total is impressive but falls short of Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen first day US total $62 million. On the bright side it is exceeding Transformers 2 in the International market.

It is possible that savage critic reviews have hurt sales with Rotten Tomatoes showing an average of 36%. However, that low number is more than offset by an audience rating of 90%. At this point it is just to early to know if DOTM will send any records tumbling but the International box office totals will be key to any final results.


  1. This movie is EPIC
    i have seen it, and i´ll go and watch it again in cinema (3D)

  2. And it's about to reach into my wallet and make even more... I'm going to see it tonight, but I have a question to those of you who've already seen it. Should I fork out the extra money to see it in 3D or just go for the regular?

  3. So, those of you who've already seen it, should I fork out the extra money and see it in 3D or stick with the regular?

  4. I personally loved it in 3d its very powerful, and the special effects are off the charts, this movie is supposed to be seen in 3d, so i would recomend 3d, and dont let the nasty ass critics phase you, judge for yourself.

  5. 3D is well worth the extra cash

  6. Trailers and tv spots still announce the release as 7-1-11 so its a good chance the general movie audience might not know its out yet. I predict the numbers are going to sky rocket this weekend

  7. Yes, do so.
    I've seen it twice (imax), Wednesday and today. Gonna go for a third time! I liked it.

  8. watch it in 3d, if u liked avatar in 3d then youll like this one. If you never watched 3d, its not a huge difference in my opinion but id still say go for it.

  9. I'll be adding to it's BO total excited. I know what I'm walking into so I doubt I'll be disappointed.
    I wish we could have films the quality of Sam Raimi's Spiderman movies or Christopher Nolan's Batman movies but still Bay's transformer movies are better than just about all of the other comic inspired films that have been made in the last decade.

    I admit seeing Optimus Prime on the big screen still gives me long ago when I was a kid who idolized him I never could have imagined I'd see him on a movie screen like this.

    Maybe people like me, who find a bit of childlike escapism and fantasy in Bay's movies and see them multiple times and buy the DVD's are the reason he hasn't changed what he's doing with the movies. In reality, the success of these films ensures there will be more transformers movies, hopefully they will be even better and not worse.

    The sad thing is that with a few changes I really think Bay's movies could have been so much better. Better to the point of being considered in the same category as Terminator 2:Judgment Day.

  10. I`ve seen it.

    I wont put any major spoilers. But here`s a few suggestive bits to help you make up your mind;

    There`s an akward bathroom scene with two guys (One of whom pulls down his trousers)

    If you have a dirty mind then half the human lines can be viewed as sexual

    There is way too much acknowledgement that Leonard nimoy is playing Sentinel (Cool at first, but a lot of lines from Star Trek)

    Shockwave doesnt do anything - His driller thing is more important and that is defeated much too easily

    Soundwave doesnt do anything - and seems less evil that he was in ROTF

    One of the Decepticon leaders dies when blinded by a human

    Another decepticon leader is killed while trying to make a truce with the Autobots

    The "Big bad" of the film is killed pleading for his life.

    -Overall view-
    Although a few visuals are good, it isnt worth seeing it in 3D. i saw it in 3D and puked about 30 minutes in due to how shaky the camera angles were with Bay`s style of shooting the film.

    I saw the next showing in 2D and it was much better in 2D. Cause its shot in 3D things seem more clearer for some reason, or they did to me.

    I recommend seeing it in 2D if you must, or wait for it to be online, i really dont think its worth spending money on.

  11. I didnt like it, megs should have survived. Optimus was too evil :(

  12. couldn't agree with you more winton, your absolutely right with just a few changes bays movies could be so much better, he clearly has the talent and resources and no doubt the special effects down, but for some reason he always goes a little off course but even with the faults this movie was pretty fucking cool, and your right bay did help bring transformers to the big screen and i will always be greatful for that so it will be interesting to see who will man the ship from hear

  13. in my country venezuela we havent seen transformers, is not been realeased yet

  14. Damn you Michael Bay....

  15. Loved the 3d, loved the sound, loved the special effects, loved the action, loved rosies ass, didnt like the goofy humor, bay just wont stop that no matter how many times people tell him to calm down with that shit, acting sucked in the first half of the movie but slowly got better towards the 2nd half but certainly no acadamy awards, plot was goofy but easy to understand for me, not enough character development with humans or bots and that about sums it for me ,a typical popcorn eating, eye popping orgasim of the senses michael bay movie, and whats truly amazing is bay gets negative reviews on all his movies except for the rock, and he always does great at the box office, no matter what, people flock to his movies like flies on shit, the mother fucker is critic proof

  16. IF Michael Bay's films were in the theatre and not the cinema he wouldn't be a Director. He would be a Stage Manager that thinks he is a director. Great special effects but crap film!

  17. Americans where you are? tf3 as an epic film can not do less than 2° .. go to the movies
    must reach the 370$$ GO GO

  18. The film was terrible. The CGI was good but thats it. Bay shouldnt have directed it. He should have let someone else direct. Even his style of shooting the film ruined it for me. Such a crap film.

  19. why won't anyone give Micheal Bay a break. my God C'mon people.

  20. why won't anyone give the man a break.

  21. Such a terrible film. Robots were cool. The visual stuff was totally amazing. But the plot was worse than ROTF and i hated the humour, even though it was toned down. Fucking bay, he killed Megatron off like a pussy

  22. the movie was great, some of the greatest action seens i ever seen in 3d so blow it rotten tomatoes

  23. How about a fourth film where unicron comes and has resurrected megatron as galvatron

  24. contrary to what some have said...optimus uses megatrons gun to finish off (you know who) was'nt sentinels acid was meg's

    you will see when you get to watch it a few times

    ...jus sayin'

  25. There were scenes where he stayed to close to the action and characters were half way off screen during their action. I thought it would have been cool if we got to be in first person perspective of an AUTOBOT in a fight, not a GI.

  26. I'm so sick and tired of people(especially men) asking about Megan Fox whereas complaining why she is not in trasformers 3. my god cmon people. the movie is about the robots fighting and the action that goes with's not about her.

  27. Just came back from seeing it for the 3rd time. Frankly, I loved it. There were definitly a couple of scenes that brought tears to my eyes. There was a lot more autobot scenes in this movie, and this is probably the most lines Ironhide and Ratchet have ever had, even if it was still on the short side. At least they had more screen time. Liked Dino and Sideswipe too. I'm very pleased with this film, the special effects, the 3D, the music; basically everything. I don't care what the critics think, or what anyone else thinks. I love the movie, and can't wait until it comes out on dvd. Pity I don't have a 3D tv. I'm hoping for a reboot at some point, but if they did, would they still have our legendary voice actors? What about the Autobots' designs? I can't visualize the Autobots looking any different. Maybe they could unkill our favorite bot too. For a warrior of his caliber, I'm disgusted he was executed in a cowardly fasion, and not going out in a blaze of glory taking out as many 'Cons with him as possible. I feel betrayed for him, which I guess Bay was going for, for maximum impact. Will be seeing it for 4th time tomorrow at Imax.

  28. Having grown up with the original Transformers... I watched but was not at all impresssed with this movie. To me prime became a psychopath "I'll kill em all". *some spoilers* Megatron is suppose to be the bad ass..WTF is this with him as a Rusted hunk of crap truck that looks like its been in the junkyard for 40 years or more? and supposely its been 2 years since the last movie and he can't repair his face? and he's carrying a goddam robotic shotgun in his back... And from what my friend said...why are some of the new autobots have faces of einstein, etc...COME ON NOW>>>>and you can't even really hear or tell what the hell are they saying since the robot voices are so jumbled....(why can't we stick with classic faces like what you saw in the 80s cartoon...I am sure its more than doable...they did prime in the closest approximation to the classic face). Another thing someone said to me that stuck in my mind...Other than a few decepticons...the others looked like a cross of a mechanized version of (aliens and predator) and they don't talk they just snarl, hiss, druel and spit.... come on folks these are robots not aliens or predators..... Lastly Michael Bay's SHOCKWAVE was just pathetic...he was megatron's right hand man and guardian of cybertron and I was expecting much more than him standing in the middle of chicago getting ambushed by humans...RIDICULUS...... Well Bay and his crew should feel proud too (*SPOILER*)..........CYBERTRON IS DESTROYED or at least a good 25% of it is....WTF IS THAT MAN....................................????RIDICULUS>>>>SHAMEFUL....which means no TF4 since he killed well...u'll have to see... I wouldn't pay more than 6 bucks to watch this movie...

  29. TF; DOTM sucked worse than ROTF.

  30. Dotm was the greatest movie in the history of man kind period.

  31. "Dotm was the worstest movie in the history of man kind period."


  32. Didn't like it. Pacing was awful; and some scenes just keep dragging on and on like the part where Starscream just won't stop screaming about his eye. Optimus was so bloodthirsty, he didn't even give a second's thought on killing his arch nemesis (He was at least sympathetic in the 1st movie). One of the greatest autobots died and no one even bothers to mention his name?! There were good parts however like the Mexican stand off and although Shockwave didn't do much, his presence was somewhat menacing. 4/10 stars.
