Friday, July 01, 2011

Every Michael Bay Movie In Under A Minute

An amusing video from College Humor that provides the Michael Bay formula to successful box office films.


  1. just sounds like more bay bashing by people who hate him and hate his movies, nothing new here, just more insults, reminds me of rotten tomatoes critics, total assholes who think they speak for the whole world mean while 90% of the fans like this movie. the total disconnect continues

  2. Let's wait for the final numbers before harry potter comes out, in 2 weeks, to see what people really think of it; the numbers will tell.

  3. shut the fuck up!!! Michael Bay is great!!!

  4. :)...hilarious and true....cant deny anything on it

  5. This video is awesome...too many Michael Bay fan boys on here who don't get it. His movies are the same, formulaic, poorly conceived, poorly shot, dumbed-down-for-the masses summer popcorn fare. But hey, he blows stuff up! OMG, let's go see it again.

  6. Whoever asks "Why dont the robots look like the cartoon" are mother effin' idiots, period. This is obviously not the cartoon because realism is better and man do I need to explain myself?

  7. bullshit, that video was meant to insult period, and by calling people dumb because millions of people all over the world enjoy these movies is also an insult, who the fuck are you!!, you dont speak for everyone, matter of fact your in the minority and i dont care if you like the movie or not, like your so above everyone... makes me sick
